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Everything posted by FLY2

  1. FLY2


    You can always spot the chavs abode by the pile of scratch cards, Stella and Red Bull cans, fag packets and Take-away containers. What amazes me is, why do they need energy drinks when they lounge around doing f***all all day long.
  2. FLY2


    Some near me already live like that.
  3. Last saw him walking past Plessey towards Beeston Rylands one lunchtime about thirty years ago. We acknowledged each other and never saw him again.
  4. FLY2


    I'm afraid the Leen wouldn't flow much as it would be full of cardboard from looted Argos goods. Don't get me on litter as I would have the perpetrators teeth knocked out with a lump hammer, knee caps shattered and fingers smashed. There you go, you've done it!
  5. Sorry, I'm normally nit picky about spelling and punctuation but I was rushing as the postman was at the door.
  6. Same problem here. I retired three years ago and as well as my state pension, I get three private pensions. Everything was OK the first few months then I had notification of underpayment. Fair enough maybe they made an error. Last year I received a cheque for over £200 pounds due to overpayment. Damn me, last week I received a letter claiming I owed them over £200 pounds and also there was underpayment from two years ago. I think they are totally clueless. I blame it on comprehensive education. Clueless, incompetent, useless. If some of these Civil Servants were in private industry, they
  7. FLY2


    I used to enjoy that programme called The Survivors that was on 30 odd years ago.
  8. FLY2


    I'd have no idea what to do. Probably put on my fav CD and grab my bottle of Jamesons and wait for the hoards of chavs from the local Council Estate to come looting. Oh no leccy, then I'd arm myself and lie in wait for the first shaven headed, tattooed t**t to come over the road and oh sod it I'll just check the larder and count the tins and candles.
  9. The Sal sold some of the worst ale ever . The Whitbread Tankard was appalling.
  10. Yes, KD full of posers. Recollect one night coming out of the Belvedere, got in my mate Mick Johnson's Mini when local folk singer Dave Turner tosses a tear gas canister in through the window. Christ it stung but real funny thinking back to the days when you could get away with all sorts of escapades and no repercussions. Great days indeed.
  11. Might have been the Belvedere. There is another topic about coffee bars that mentions a guy called Sutch. Never knew him that well but his real name was Clive Lynch. The Toreador was the first I frequented with some ex High School lads who were older than me, then moved to the L Shaped room then Don Juan. Early 20's I moved on to the Kardomah, but no atmosphere.
  12. Went a few times in the early 60's, I would be in my late teens then. Some of my mates were Art School types. One thing I always think of was the hole in the roof. You could see the stars. There was another club/coffee bar on the corner of Pilcher Gate and Fletcher Gate which was also open after hours. It served mushy peas and non alcoholic cider and lager. It had lights flashing on the walls like a kaleidoscope. I can't remember the name, I think it also started with a B.
  13. Comic Cuts and Radio Fun, when I was very young.
  14. There was a small car sales / repair premises on Wollaton Rd that I had frequented many times run by a Mr O Widdowson until the 80's. His late son Jeff was an old drinking buddy of mine. I'm sure they lived at Sneinton or Gordon Rd area.
  15. Mallory carried a photo of his wife, he said that if he succeeded in reaching the summit, he would place it under some stone. No photo was present when Mallorys body was found evidently on the descent. Do you reckon he reached the top. I do.
  16. They taste better because the mainly use beef lard not poncey sunflower oil!
  17. Bestwood chippie, Oxclose lane, good, reasonable price and loads of it.
  18. No doubt there will be days of investigations and enquiries with lots of self promoted little nobodies resplendent in their Hi Viz jackets. Just get the two wagons on- track and open the route up again!!!!
  19. I think there were several at Notts County's ground. I seem to think Quo were on once. I also saw one with the great Rory Gallagher. Sure they were both at Meadow Lane.
  20. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is voluntary
  21. If I was being selfish, she would say "you wouldn't help a lame dog over a stile". Funny that, because now I'm older, I prefer animals to some people!
  22. "Stop mithering, "when I was grumpy.