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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. I have a 5 ton(ish) load most years for my allotment. cost £25 last year.
  2. Same here David but this was a class a year older than us. Taking the size of the class there must have been about 720 kids at Gedling school at that time(30 pupils a class x 6 forms a year x 4 school years) What year was Gedling School opened?
  3. Hello tombarber, There is a short article it "Transactions of the Thoroton Society" volume LXXXII(82) Pub 1978 Entitled: Robert Harrison & the Barber Walker Company a study in colliery Management 1850-1890 by Colin P Griffin Also of Interest "The Miners of Nottinghamshire(2 volumes) By Alan R Griffin(Colin's father) Coal Mines Remembered (2 volumes) booklets featuring mines in Nottingham & Derbyshire. Produced by AD Newspapers Ltd PO Box 7196 Kirkby-In-Ashfield Nottingham NG17 9AA Hope this information is of use
  4. Job...........................ME?...no thanks been on pension credits for four years Best thing I had done for decades.,,,
  5. One of my favourite Nottingham buildings.
  6. Been taking my time with this over the last three weeks The Skilled Labourer 1760 - 1832(1919) By J.L. & Barbara Hammond.
  7. There is a thread "What are you listening to............................" Thought it would be interesting to see what members were reading at the moment. Britain's lost breweries & beers (pub 2012) by Chris Arnot.
  8. Stokes & Sewell were still at 115 Wilford Road in 1941 & were listed as Lace Dressers (Telephone 84955)Kelly's directory 1941 My next directory is 1967 & they are not featured in that.
  9. This is a much later map though as there is a new street(Eccles Way) where the quarry was. Although part of the quarry still appears "undeveloped" Numbers 59 & 61 appear to be new builds.
  10. On the 1920s map number 57 appears to be a greenhouse?
  11. If I wanted to pour my own pint I would stay at home. Pint in my local £2.70 - £3 60 a pint three bottles of much the same from Sainsbury's £5............... I only go to the pub about once a fortnight & then only have two (maybe three) pints
  12. Hot Chocolate? We only ever got milk (third of a pint) and sometimes in winter it was frozen solid
  13. Looking further it seems that the "Old Quarry" was at one time a brick works closed around 1900. Information "The East Midland Geographer" Vol 7 part 5 (June 1980)
  14. I have a map dated April 1962 & the gardens of the houses on the north side of Colborn Street back on to an old quarry Number 57 is set well back off the road and the house it's self backs on to the quarry There are two empty plots going towards the Wells Road Map ref SK 5841SE 1;1250 or 50.688 inches to 1 mile
  15. Very good radfordred was this work done over last week end I'm sure the Lenton bridge wasn't in situ when I cane to Nottingham by train last Friday
  16. Christian....................Me????......................... When it involves Margaret Hilda Thatcher! I did try the wax doll & pins once.
  17. If you fitted the "cows" with Reebocks the agents wouldn't be able to catch them.
  18. Free to me then as my electric & gas are supplied by EDF
  19. Get off yes/maybe but they make it more "sporting" Jump off? fish can't jump as they don't have legs :)
  20. The point of a barbless hook is it doesn't hurt the fish as much when removing it & the damage to the(poor) fishes mouth is less.
  21. A "Cockney in real terms was born within hearing distance of Bow bells(East End)