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Everything posted by Bubblewrap

  1. Ag According to Kelly's Victoria Villas is/was between Holroyd Avenue and Finsbury Avenue Sneinton Dale
  2. Off to Nottingham to-day need something for my mother & sister. I tend to avoid the city centre on Saturday at this time of the year.
  3. According to my copy of Kelly's directory of 1928 there was a William Henry Denham(Box factory manager) living at 12 Victoria Villas. Was William your grandfather?
  4. I can remember the Tamworth Mail being steam hauled usually a Lincoln B1 It ran non stop Newark - Nottingham
  5. When I worked at "Brush" Loughborough we had some screws with a "left hand" thread. To tighten them you turned them anti-clockwise.
  6. Like this ? http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?action=printdetails&keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;NTGM013124&prevUrl= http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php?action=printdetails&keywords=Ref_No_increment;EQUALS;NTGM004308&prevUrl=
  7. Pub crawl 1868 style Starting on the corner of Carrington Street/Broad Marsh - Middle Marsh - Narrow marsh - Red lion Square. Distance less than half a mile: Pubs..............................................SIXTEEN.
  8. Mick I think D.E.R. were a T.V. rental company.
  9. I have a large scale map of the "Broad/Narrow Marsh" areas dated1881 scale 1 inch = 41 feet the map is 42" x 28" mounted on linen. The map also features Canal Street & Leenside. It has 21 public houses on it.
  10. A problem of directories of this period is that they don't generally list private citizens but do list shop keepers,businesses,lodging house keepers, etc I have "Kellys" directories dated 1916 & 1928 & there is no-one by the name of Russel listed as living on Red Lion Street in either Directory. you could check the censuses dated 1911,1921 & 1931. But by 1931 demolition of red lion street had begun.
  11. Mr(David)Wilson Music nice bloke Mr Taylor(Ex army) P.E. Evil cruel BASTARD Mrs Davenport Crafts Mr Healey Art Mr Daft Woodwork. Mr Fowler English.
  12. My form master was Mr Lesequerex(spelling) Mr Greenwood took us for R.E. I left in 1965(stayed on an extra year)
  13. My mother still has my fathers army issue shoe brushes My father was in the army 1945-47/ 48?
  14. My grandfather(Walter Clifton) born Radford Woodhouse in 1887 spent his entire working life at Radford colliery. After he married my grandmother(Elizabeth Radford born 1887 Radford Woodhouse) lived in Guthrie Stree & Middleton Street.
  15. Not Nottingham I know but there are eight alms on Mill Lane in Loughborough & were/are? owned by Mansfield Hosiery Company.
  16. I have heard it used it in the past but thought it was more Derbyshire than Nottinghamshire
  17. In summer I'm up by 6 o'clock & down the allotment by 7 o'clock(most days) This goes back to when I had to be at work at 7.30(after a two and a half mile walk)& i find it difficult to "lie in" In winter(dark mornings I gt up a little later but still generally up by 7 o'clock. I still go down the allotment in the morning this time of the year weather permitting.
  18. The ones at Canning Circus are a bit like "Gods Waiting Room" as they are at the entrance to the cemetery. At least it saved on "Transport costs"
  19. If you go to "Picture the Past" there are a few photos there. http://www.picturethepast.org.uk/frontend.php
  20. Although now gone there were alms houses on London Road , Plumptre Square & Friar Lane.
  21. I also have an allotment. My favourite potato for growing is Picasso and find them good for all kinds of cooking.(they also crop well.) When boiling some potatoes take less time to cook than others if your spuds are boiling to a mush boil them for a shorter time.
  22. A good actor who played old men whilst quite young himself. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-13411725
  23. The Notts & Derby trolley bus went to Ripley the longest trolley bus route in the country.