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About danny333

  • Rank
    Advanced Nottstalgian
  • Birthday 07/08/1932

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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Interests
    Messing about with my Computer, Photography, music Dancing ( Ballroom Latin &Sequence )

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  1. I only have Whitemoor school class photos as I am looking for Ellis school photos from the 50s

  2. I saw you went to Ellis school and the names of the teachers brought back memories have you any school photos from that time ?

    R Fisher

  3. Hi, my first post for ages, I didn`tsee this show but around the same time myself and my girlfriend on a relavantly new date went to see Stan Kenton, I don`t think she was impressed with his progressive jazz style , but the sequel was we have been married now 47 years. Cheers Danny
  4. One ticket for " Ineficient Handbrake " in 62 years driving .... beat that !!!! ( Maybe someone can ? )
  5. . Police Warning Watch Out For This Scam Police say that the gang usually is comprised of four members, one adult and three younger ones. While the three younger ones, all appearing sweet and innocent, divert their 'mark' (or intended target) with a show of friendliness , the fourth - the eldest -- sneaks in from behind the person's back to expertly rifle through his or her pockets and purses or bags for any valuables being carried. The picture below shows the gang in operation. https://picasaweb.google.com/115320007664733979743/NewFolder12?authkey=Gv1sRgCMS1vMKs3tGEVg
  6. A Policeman in the street !!!, Open topped paper Packet of five Woodbines, A Packet of Kensitas Cigs with a small pack of " Four for your friends" attached. KIds playing " Snobs " and Marbles, we used to stand a Haflpenny or a Penny in a crack in the Paving slabs and then from six or so Slabs away kids would try to hit the Coin and you would sit with your legs spread catching all the Marbles until it was hit. We would also play " Tin Can Alerty " , a Tin can would be kicked and whilst the fetcher went for the can the others would disperse to hide.--- Bread and Dripping Sandwiches !!!. Dad sk
  7. A very nice result through the power of the Forum !!! A short while ago I noticed a new member from Canada named Monk had signed up. In his entry he mentioned brothers in the U.K. including "Conrad Monk ". For over 10 years our family have been taking an annual holiday together and we always ask our Sister " Marian have you heard from Conrad Monk lately ? ". The answer was that she had been unable to find any trace of him. Conrad, my sister Marian Daniels,Eunice Whittle and Margaret Button and others as youngsters were founder members of the Junior Group at The Co Operative Arts Centre on
  8. Hi Brian , I was 4 in 1936 , so I may be a bit older, the Greengrocers was Ellis`s. I remember May Clarks, if you wanted something in short supply, her standard reply was ' sorry it`s all ordered ". Cheers Danny
  9. Hi Bulwell Brian and others , Does anyone remember " Little Eric " I believe its o.k to call him a Dwarf. He used to deliver Firewood, and he Chopped his wood at the back of the Oxford Pub. Also Albert Brown, the " Gay " man who wore Lipstick and always had a Flower in his Lapel.---- We had Gas when we moved to Bannerman Rd in 1936 !!! . I can remember being sent to Robinsons Shop on the Vale to get the " Mantles ", and get the Low Voltage Accumulator for the Radio Charged up for 2p, and Valves for the Radio. Mr Robinson had a square show Cabinet at the front of the shop and we would love to p
  10. One alternative would be to buy a Device, around £ 70/ £80 for some models. Whilst on to the topic of car rentals, please be aware of the damage deposit usually required and inspect the vehice thoroughly. I nearly got stung once , when I returned the Car they said there was a chip on the Windscreen and my deposit £ 50 was kept I argued that surely I had no control over this , but they still insisted. However after a couple of weeks and this event still bugging me, I suddenly remember that after the Man and I had inspected the vehicle, I remember he said O.K. sir, go into the office and I wil
  11. Anyone thats been dumped, heres a nice cheerful ditty !!!!
  12. You don`t think i was suggesting anything of the sort , my point was anyone who could spit out gum could potentialy spit out " VENOM "
  13. Quoted or misquoted the message is there !!! don`t you agree