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Everything posted by Mess

  1. The game against Derby this Saturday is make or break for Chris Hughton. If Forest lose the fans will be reaching for their pitchforks. If they win, it will buy him a bit of time to try and get some points under their belt. I don't think Forest will lose. Past history shows that Forest always manage to raise their game against Derby who aren't exactly tearing up the league at the moment. I predict a very dull 0-0 draw which will give CH a couple more games to get a win. If he doesn't then I fear he'll be gone. Who will come in? On the NP site I've seen suggestions that N
  2. I grew up in Beechdale in the 50s and my dad had a phone installed late in the decade. Back then Beechdale had its own exchange and our number was Beechdale 363. It was a shared ie party line which meant you couldn't use the phone at the same time as the other party. The phone had a silver button in the middle which you had to press to check if the phone was in use by the other party. Anyone else familiar with this set up?
  3. Looks like Forest might be in for a difficult season again. The Stags could have turned the corner with Clough Jnr. at the helm and Notts too might be on the up with their new manager. I don't think Rooney is the right man for Derby however. Isn't it mad? Forest, Notts, Mansfield and Derby all appointed new managers last season.
  4. Paul, I went to Beechdale Primary 1955-61 so knew a lot of kids who lived in the prefabs. A lad called Terence Lane lived on Plungar Close. I think he went on to either Glaisdale or Peveril.
  5. My recollection of the listening booths in the Co-op basement was the music being played through a speaker in the booth not using headphones. The ones in Boots on Pelham St used to work the same way I think. I think my first 45 was The Beatles “I Want to Hold Your Hand” from a record store on Radford Rd near St Paul’s Avenue, Hyson Green. A relative bought me a record voucher for Christmas 1963 which I used in Jan 1964. I've still got it along with many other great Beatles vinyl from the 60s.
  6. I agree her voice is sublime. Georgy Girl is one of my favourites too. The film has some great shots of London in the Swinging 60s. My other favourite female singers include Karen Carpenter, Cass Elliot, Dusty Springfield, Sandie Shaw and dear old Cilla.
  7. Love The Big O. My sister brought home “It's Over” in the early 60s and I was very impressed. She also bought “In Dreams” another classic. I love his falsetto parts in “In Dreams” and “Only the Lonely “. Who can forget “Oh, Pretty Woman” another of his many superb performances. I very much enjoyed his time with The Travelling Wilburys. It seems unreal that he, George Harrison and Tom Petty are no longer with us. Wiki describes The Wilburys as a super group and of that there is no doubt.
  8. Mess

    Forest v Notts

    Found this on a Notts County forum today. Couldn’t resist posting it here because I found it so funny. I'm sure Forest fans could easily modify it for their own amusement. Here we go. A few years back before a Notts County- Nottingham Forest derby, Ian McParland goes into the Magpies changing room to find the team looking a bit glum. 'What’s up?” he asks. “Well, we’re having trouble getting motivated for this game. We know it’s important but it’s only Forest and we can’t be bothered, we always beat them”. Charlie looks at them and says, “I reckon I can beat
  9. Isn't it about time they changed their name? I shopped there yesterday and bought four items and only one of them was a pound. The phone charger leads nearly all cost £1.50 now and there's quite a bit of stuff priced at £2 or more. They removed the “Everything's a pound” statement off their frontage a few years back. Still a good place for batteries and the liquorice rock and torpedoes are good value. Just need to check the price labels. Sometimes they're missing all together and I wonder if that's done on purpose.
  10. I'm a big fan of mushy peas too but have never tried them with egg and chips. Fish (cod or haddock), chips, mushy peas and tartare sauce are a regular Friday or Saturday night favourite in our house. When I moved from Elstree Drive to Russell Rd in the summer of 1961 I was well chuffed to discover a choice of chippies on Berridge Road. In Elstree Drive the nearest chippie was on Radford Bridge Rd and with no car in the family we rarely had fish and chips and when we did they were usually cold. My mum would warm them up in the oven (no microwaves in the 1950s) but they never tasted as go
  11. I've always loved egg(s) and chips. I agree crinkle cut chips are the best. Sausages are a tasty addition and HP sauce is a must. The late Beatle George Harrison was a big fan of egg and chips too and used to complain that they were hard to get in the posh hotels they stayed in when the band became superstars. I don't know what it is about crinkle cut chips that make them so much more delicious than straight cut ones. In the early sixties most Saturdays when Notts were playing at home my dad would take the family for lunch in The Elizabethan restaurant on the top floor of the bi
  12. Oz, things have gone very wrong at Notts since they fired Neal Ardley. The new man has yet to get on top of things with the players showing signs they don't want to play for him. I hope the return of Michael Doyle will bring improvements. On current form Chesterfield would easily dispose of Notts.
  13. I agree Oz but think they might have gone down if they hadn't brought in Chris Hughton. Problem is CH's management style is safety first which isn't exciting to watch and is mid table at best.
  14. Ian, I was quite indifferent when Love Affair came along in the late 60s but I've since come to really like them. Steve Ellis has a wonderful voice. He had a nasty accident some years back that took him a long time to recover from.
  15. The owners gave Neal Ardley a good crack of the whip and backed him to the hilt but his tactics simply weren't bringing the results. I thought he might last until the end of the season but he ran out of road. On paper the new man is a good appointment now let’s see if he can get the underperformers to pull their fingers out. Notts look to be doing OK but for the investment that's been made they should be smashing this league. I'm excited. Watch this space.
  16. I certainly do remember the open platforms at the back of the bus. Without them I would have been late for work many times. I've jumped on a moving number 43 or 44 trolley bus many times on my way to school games in the early 60s not to mention the number 40 motor bus on my way to my first job in Wilford in 1967. I also recall the space under the stairs for pushchairs and luggage and the conductor shouting “ holdee tight” as he pressed the bell push twice to signal to the driver to move off. Best of all was pushing the bell yourself because you were stuck behind standing passengers and wanted
  17. Beekay, In the 50s when I lived on Elstree Drive off Hollington Rd my mum and used to take me to town and back on the 60, 56 and 13. I remember the Granby St terminus. I think there was an NCT clock there. I grew to love the old platform entrance motor buses but as a nipper I used to get travel sick, probably because I couldn't see out the window. I vividly remember the big polished steel dome on the floor at the front presumably covering the gears and the drive. There was usually a BSM advert in a frame above it with a map of Britain as a driver holding a steering wheel. Mad, the things you r
  18. I used to love The Topical Times Football Book it was an easier read than Charles Buchan's annual. I had them both in the late 50s and early 60s. Notts were limping on in Tier 4 back then so there were very few pictures featuring their players although I remember Stan Newsham appearing one year. IIRC one year in The Topical Times there was an article entitled “Miss of the season” and it had a series of black and white pictures of none other than Mr Brian Clough playing for England v Sweden at Wembley where he misses an absolute sitter in front of an open goal. The pictures clinically reve
  19. Great picture. Thanks for posting it Cliff.
  20. I'm inclined to agree with Phil on this. I too was a regular visitor to Nequests in the mid 60s and my recollection is that they only sold new stuff and the picture seems to show quite a lot of second hand bits and bobs. I'm similarly confused by the houses reflected in the window. The Nottingham Post Newspaper offices were opposite Nequests and the road was quite wide and a busy thoroughfare with no parking. BTW the instrument in the window is a bassoon.
  21. Beekay, I remember seeing lads jumping into the canal one hot summer in the late 50s. I think they were jumping off the Old Coach Rd bridge or maybe the lock gates. I read somewhere on here that one lad drowned one year. Wasn't you was it? Lol
  22. My mum's divi number was 9253. I think she signed up in 1946 when she and my dad moved into Elstree Drive Beechdale. A battery powered Co-op milk float used to come round too. It was a funny looking red vehicle. The wheatsheaf logo was on the front. A red Co-op bakery van also used to come round. They had some delicious looking stuff but mum always bought her bread from the Co-op on Ranmere Road. There was a Co-op chemists next door. Both flattened now I think. I used to love the shops on Ambergate Rd. the newsagents in particular. There was Mr Oliver's off license, a wonderful hardware sto
  23. DJ360, the Co-Op bakery bombed in WWII was on Meadow Lane. It's discussed on this forum if you search Co-op Bakery Bombing
  24. My Uncle William Thomas Whyley (1920-2006) worked for P P Payne for many years. I believe he joined them when he was demobbed in 1945. He was in The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers and fought at the battle of Monte Cassino in Italy. He was a lifelong Notts County supporter as was his father also William Thomas. BTW the smell of the baking bread from the old Turners (Sunblest) bakery was always delicious.