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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. Is anyone riding in this coming Sundays Great Nottinghamshire bike ride? Starting from the national watersports center, out to Newark on Trent (south side of the river) and returning to Nottingham via the north side of the river, 58 miles, Keep an eye open for me and come up and say Hi. I'll be one of five recumbent trike riders among seven thousand two wheeled D/F bikes Rog
  2. Hi Burrower, have you tried fitting a "airzound" 115 decibels enough to move the most stubborn pedestrians, I can't understand why people who walk these trails expect everyone else to go at the same speed as they do, the monsal trail has been opened up as a "Bridleway and Cycle track" by the way not as a "Footpath only" Don't know how I will go on with my recumbent trike at 33 inches wide!!! Rog
  3. Awful, how much did that cost the city? no thought gone into that whatsoever, what happened to the city flag with the stags and oak tree design, was it designed that way so as not to upset any minority groups? Rog
  4. youre not wrong Ian, Nottingham did/does stand on the river Leen, the Trent came along Nottinghams southern border the Leen in the old days was navigable but because of the build up of silt finally got shallower and narrower and the faster flowing Trent carried most of the silts away therefore making the Trent more navigable Rog
  5. Not sure if this belongs in General chat but here goes, A night of nostalgia:Coningsby community hall,Coningsby Lincolnshire, will be the venue for Dr David Dunn when he discusses his book "Brittannia Calls" and in particular Life in Nottingham schools during the first world war and the push for victory, the effects on staff with young male teachers being called up and who paid the supreme sacrifice, the evening starts off with a typical wartime meal of sausage and mash followed by a pudding, tickets are £7.50 each purchased in advance, 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start this Saturday Contact:Connie
  6. not sure but I think they range from about 250yrds to plus 700yrds sorry cant be more specific, have you tried Mr G Oogle? Rog Trike length is just under 6ft and 33 inches wide (made in England) !!
  7. Mark did em last week on his recumbent trike, plans to do another run with a group of recumbent trikers this coming Saturday, unfortunately I'm working Rog
  8. I know it's not Nottingham, but a cycling pal of mine informs me the Monsal trail tunnels are now open for walking/cycling through complete with lighting and the sounds of trains going through them provided by speakers along the length of the tunnels, either accessed from the A6 or from the Bakewell old rail track Rog
  9. Cleethorpes sea front one Sunday out of season, plate of chips say's I, girl behind the counter scooped one paper plateful from a plastic bag of frozen chips, put in the microwave, three minutes later plate of hot chips, bloody awful never again Rog
  10. There's quite a few of the "artic" type trailers out here in Lincs, Toyota/Mitsubishi pickup truck with fifth wheel fitted, very nice they look too Rog
  11. Would this be the rail tour thats sponsored by Greene King? !cheers! Rog
  12. 47 810 Belongs to DRS (Direct rail services) The coaches belong to Riviera Trains (partly owned by Pete Waterman) Price including full meal and first class is about £250 A bit less than your caravan Ashley!!! !cheers! Rog
  13. Could be used as a font, some of these religious types like to be fully immersed in water during their baptism, or maybe they could try to turn the water into wine!! Then again perhaps Greene King could use the baths as a giant Vat and just pipe the amber nectar straight to the Oakley lodge club Rog
  14. Very sad news, my sincerest condolences Rog
  15. A British icon, but the name lives on Rog
  16. Pete! You must be the best publicity man GK have, before you started your rants about them no one even thought about GK let alone give them a mention on this site. I should imagine all the GK fat cats are rubbing their hands together thanks to your publicity Rog
  17. Sorry to hear that Mick, Gives you a chance to use that new camera of yours plus the summers just around the corner so you should be able to get out more, get yourself a greenhouse and grow,,,,,,,,OLD IN IT Rog
  18. Thanks for the info Mick, last time I was over that neck of the woods it was the Teachers Training College, Oh how time flies Rog
  19. Hi Sutton Bonnington is between Zouch and Rempston on the Leicestershire/Nottinghamshire border, nowhere near the city, not sure about shuttle travel but there may well be one from the Clifton campus (about 10Km from the city) which would put you on the right side of the river, the only bus company I know of that could get you there from Nottingham would be the South Notts bus company (if they are still in business) sorry can't be of further help but I'm sure there is someone on here who could help Cheers Rog
  20. Ruston Bucyrus built drag line excavators, face shovels and diggers, rope operated unlike today's hydraulic operated machines, Rustons made the first military tank (WW1)and some early diesel loco's many of the old Ruston buildings are still to be found in Lincoln around the Tritton road area (now retail park)I've worked on a few of their face shovels fitted with air and water cooled engines and either four or three cylinder Ruston engines, company still producing heavy machinery but now based in the USA. If you are interested there's the "Museum of Lincolnshire Life" in Lincoln thats full of
  21. I used to get a colouring book and some cheap wax crayons from our R&G man dahn Bathley street Rog
  22. Help needed, I have a 1990's Realistic pro 39 hyperscan radio scanner that has stopped working, It scans up and down through all the frequencies, squelch works ok but it's not picking up anything, you can't put in known frequencies either because some of the number buttons don't seem to connect, any ideas? Rog
  23. Agreed, great day and great company, Oh how I miss that Notts humour, never laughed so much since our last meet up, looking forward to the next one, Not sure about "Aviation Day" should it be " Eat as much as you can Day"? Thanks to Alan at the Blue Bell for being a great host and provider of some great food Rog
  24. Ian, Give firbeck a shout, sounds right up his street this one, he will enjoy sorting out the scumbags and slime balls Rog