The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. My parents, rear of 264 Woodborough Road, 1955, 1 year before my arrival on the planet. I remember the dining chairs well, I sold them about 30 years ago!
  2. Yes. Probably said before, my parents rented rooms at the top of Goldswong Terrace after they had married, before my time on this planet. It would have been 1953/54, so long before these pictures. I doubt that it had altered much. I shall be going into town on Thursday so I might have a looksee what it is like now armed with camera!
  3. Is that Irish registered from new. The ZV suggests, I believe, a later import or a Dublin registration
  4. At least with my Rovers I can jump down out of 'em
  5. Here is the receipt relating to the above bodge. £140 was probably a lot of money then especially considering the size of the bodge up!
  6. Beauty mine isn't at the moment. It is waiting for an engine rebuild which it will get this year. It had a heavy bang on its o/s back wing while John Herbert had it and it was never properly repaired. Jack Hopewell at West Bridgford were responsible for the repairs and they did one god almighty bodge up! And charged him for it.
  7. Its not just your Dad that called them a poor mans Rolls-Royce. It was Rovers reputation going back to the 30's.
  8. Mention of Herberts. I am still trying to find a picture or something of my Rover when John Herbert had it. I can imagine a picture of it parked on Trinity Square somewhere. Here it is at a Wollaton Park Autokarna before I had it. I remember his shop well when it was on Trinity Square. It is now on Wheeler Gate.
  9. Sorry to hear this. I had noticed that he hadn't signed in for a few days but still something of a shock.
  10. I've done it with a Trent National 1. Only the back end went first. Only one passenger on the bus - an old dear sat on the back seat. I did what you should do. The back end went across the road so I steered into the skid (too much) so I steered into the skid (too much) so I steered into the skid. Ahhh! When the old dear got off she said "thank you very much driver". must have been the best ride she'd had in years!!
  11. £55 each way on the ferry. (DFDS Seaways). Chunnel seems to be double that. I like to float on a boat - unless the Chunnel is really that much better? Either way is convenient as I shall want to be travelling on the A26/E15 Autoroute d'Anglaise out of Calais.
  12. Russian pianos are even bigger dog piles than the bottom grade Chinese efforts, and even they are BAD!
  13. I am following this thread as I am planning something similar August/September. But I know I shall be driving a 56 year old car, ferry from Dover - Calais and I shall be staying at Cambrai, Northern France (Pas-de-Calais). Help will be appreciated on anything else.
  14. Transit Custom is made in Turkey of all places. Transit van proper are all imported from USA. But at least Ford is an American company.
  15. The Italian Job one was a Duple body. The one in the picture doesn't look like a Duple to me.
  16. All German domestic products (and other products no doubt) have built in obsolescence. They change an internal component in the design and make the old component unavailable. When it goes wrong you have to buy another appliance.
  17. The coach is a Bedford VAL. Chinese 6. Obviously Bartons. Someone will know whose body it is. This pictures are interesting to me as I really cannot remember Nottingham at all before Maid Marion Way was built.
  18. Like the bulldozer blade put there to stop people hitting it again.
  19. Me with my Mother and G. Mother c. 1965 - 67, at a guess. Certainly 97 Minver Cresc.
  20. I thought it was widened to what it is now by the Germans in 1942 or thereabouts! Didn't they demolish the left hand corner?
  21. Well I'm about to exercise my weird sense of humour and nip up to Morrisons 'cos I've almost run out of milk!
  22. They ran on 550 volts DC. Don't know about power output but judging by the way they were driven then they must have been at least as powerful as current Volvos & Scanias!
  23. If history had followed correct procedure my surname would be Cumberpatch. My great grandfather was William Jeyes Cumberpatch of 3 Colsterworth Terrace. He died 1926 aged 61. He never married but was the father of Mary Harveys offsprings. She was my Great grandmother - for what she was worth!