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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. Someone got lost somewhere along the line.......... Snottingham ??? I was talking about ''Dolly Blues''
  2. Anyone remember their real name in Nottingham ?
  3. G7 leaders.......unbelievable bunch of not wearing a Tie scared the crap out of Putin..........
  4. All the best Col.............
  5. Keep going Dave......I'm sure Cliff Ton wasn't having a go......... You are a lovely refreshing ''Newbie''........need more like you......
  6. Chinese Chippy circa 1990........True story witnessed by my ten year old school lunch time... Cheeky school kid...............gorr any fish bits Mrs ?......(said pulling his eyes into a squint) Chinese Lady reply's...........(pushing her eyes 'Wide Open'').........NO F... Off
  7. If Gerry liked it........i do too..... Hev you?.........LOL
  8. David...up to finishing work in 2018.......i mixed with many ''Philipinoes (sp)''........knowing a little bit of History thought they would have spoken some 'Spanish' but found only the older ones did...........
  9. Just added a Lady to my favourites list........and she looks good next to all the fella's..... ''''Joan Bakewell'''............The thinking mans ''Crumpet''
  10. Since work ended 4 years ago ive struggled for 'Hobbies and interests''...........don't even read as much as i once did...I have in the region of 300 books....mostly Autobiographies and sporting themed.............along with many of the History of Nottingham and anything ''Spanish''........... Anyway being bored the other day decided to move them all in their cases into the 'Hallway''........what a job...i do enjoy re planning the furniture etc in the Bungalow...even though its quite small.......i was best part of 3 hours getting everything cleaned and re-sited........going throug
  11. Apart from the news programmes of which ''Aljazeera'' is my favourite........there's not a lot of Programmes i like.........But i am addicted to ''Rumpole of the Bailey'' now...(talking pictures Wednesday nights 8pm)........can't recall watching it back in the 70s.........Leo Mckern is brilliant in it...... Lots of old famous faces are regulars...and i enjoy looking them up on Wiki....sadly most now no longer with us...........including the nearly Bulwell lad 'Peter Bowles.......... Rumpoles Shakespearian monologues are fabulous and very funny.........
  12. Beat me to it
  13. Is it Val ? Yes its it........ Blimey...must be 50 years since i seen ya More like 60....we were only just outa school.......... You were 'Courtin' Robbo off Teviot wern't ya? Yes...finished up Marrying him...worse luck......... Only lasted a year......caught him cheating on me...... You married Ben? Yea a few times........... You could hev bin one of em.....but you kept turning me down Think i did were too cheeky...... Anyway youre still a good looking i'll ask you again...any chance ? Where you taking
  14. Thanks Cliff ton.........thats the shop.....different name in the 60s Double barrelled...i seem to recall........
  15. Great photo of those shops on Long row........Had dates with girls in all of them...when i was a ''Van Lad' and delivering Parcels' from British rail at Midland station...when i left school in 1960 from March to November....before embarking on my great adventures with Marsdens.....brilliant days...........
  16. was on Long Row........Trina also worked in some other shops on Long a Posh Fur shop'' round the corner on 'King street'' or was it Queen st? corner of 'Greyhound st''......can't recall the name of the 'Fur shop'' right posh it was........
  17. Lovely memories of ''Lyons Tea shops'' Dave........was engaged to 'Trina'' who worked in the one in Town........ Remember the day i passed my driving test 63/64 and running down Friar lane from 'East Yorkshire' driving school waving my 'Pass Paper'' all the way to 'Lyons' to show 'Trina'' and i kissed her up the 'Alley'' (no pun intended) that ran up the side........Her Mother was also a 'Waitress there...........celebrated that night in the ''Bodega''..........was given a 'Farrands' company van the following week........obviously not to be used for 'Private use........loved that weekend
  18. Breakfast in Bulwell this morning...........quite chilly walking down main street...but i was still in the minority of blokes who were not wearing shorts.......
  19. Sounds as if youre in Bulwell David...........
  20. Tek no notice David..........the site needs shaking many 'Bores and Hypocrites''.......i find you refreshing.... As Katy says keep coming on........ Irrelevant chit chat ......only boring to Boring folk...... Newby to advanced double quick......nowt up wi that....... Ignore the circling Sharks.(or Shark)....just a bunch(or Pair) of sad people.......... ...............
  21. Just a lovely song.............wish i still had my 'Pencil case;........
  22. Things must be getting better.............Rang Doctors this morning at 8.45 Appointment given for 10am..........
  23. I know Col.........just can't help ya think my condition is serious ?.......