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Everything posted by Karlton

  1. anyone remember bryliantine hair solution for men and brylcream? Ladies might remember 'electrozone' a white tablet for softening whater for washing clothes, i'm going back a long while I remember breaking it up into the dollytub fer me mam
  2. I seem to remember the drink was called carona
  3. good luck and best wishes from Karlton.x
  4. I remember the wife saying 'Oh dear i've got to go and see hairy hand Cochrane.
  5. Watch yer speed the old saying used to be BINGHAM WHERE THEY STINGUM. just a thought from years ago probably changed a lot now?
  6. I'm going to get me lad down to help me put garden photos on, might be too late agapanthas just starting to go over.if I don't make it there's always next year. yer know what its like being an oap trying to catch up on all this technology. see yer, going back in me corner wi me pointed hat on.
  7. Lizziem I do remember Shirley she married and went to Australia.
  8. Lizzie M we lived about six or seven houses back from Norman Villas on the left, issom's roofing firm was near you on the right hand side. we worked hard and paid it off £750 I remember the name judd living in norman villas also harry howse or howels? I worked a couple of years for Issom's roofing. Memories eh?
  9. Married in 1958 both of us 17 years old and still together happy as owt' we had a small wedding cake I think it was from the co-op a few friends and some cobs, we was in bed on the first morning as you do, 8 45am mother on law tapping on stairs and shouting 'some people e'll stop in bed all day' we moved to a terraced house at bottom of Dunston st Netherfield. and now live in Lincs.. happy as larry.
  10. When it was good it was good but when it was bad it was-sorry i'll have to dash off
  11. well done benjamin 1945 this country of ours needs hard workers, it sounds as though youv'e over done it. as I did myself , so take care. I realise work's hard to get to-day, but there's many as don't want it. loose yer pride and yer loose everything. I'd have shoveled shxx if had to.
  12. I was paid two and seven pence halfpenny an hour in 1957 how things have changed, and yet wouldn't swop them times for the world
  13. wishing you all the best catfan take good care of yourself life's very precious. good luck for the future.
  14. my first car was a ford pop paid 25quid for it, took it for an mot at the garage just round the corner from the first railway crossing in netherfield can't remember the name, same street as the constitutional club. it failed on an orange reflector back light instead of red. I believe in those days they were called midwive cars. I don't know why.
  15. Anyone remember Harry Lambert? he had a small jazz band played the pubs I worked with him at co-op bakery meadow lane 1955
  16. Owners really should keep their cats in, there's too many cats eyes in the middle of the roads lately
  17. I recall The Grovener in Arnold it was said you needed the lonsdale belt to walk in there, a bit of a rough house.
  18. I remember Trumans near slab square I seem to recall someone saying it had the longest bar in Nottingham, true or false?
  19. My wife began her very first job at Ascot works which was then Robert Shaws as a sewing machinist in 1955. i remember there was a factory on the opposite side, iv'e no idea what it was though. I seem to remember the road being called Ascot drive.
  20. I must nominate Grimesby, sorry Grimsby.
  21. I was mistaken for donald duck, they must think i'm quackers
  22. Or is it bill haily rocking round the rock?
  23. I'm on me third dictionary still looking fer flippin bidmas or bodmas Why was I taught fractions. I think i'll stay simple take life easy carry on while I leave the classroom.