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Everything posted by PeverilPeril

  1. Time to get the tent out then Compo? Is it snowing up there?
  2. Nice write up again Carni. Thank you. Been walking the dog on the towpath recently and last week saw a Mallard duck leading her new baby chicks along the margins. Almost newly hatched in November! Doubtful if they will survive the Winter cold and lack of food. I'll be on the canal fishing tomorrow and I'll feed the chicks if I see them.
  3. Brown envelope bearing 'HM Justice System' came through the letter box. Oh! what have I done now? I thought. Opened it to find a cheque for £286 compensation following court case against a gang who nicked my Toyota pickup over two years ago! Forgotten all about it thinking that filling the form in a year ago was a waste of time. Compensation partly covered none insured items.
  4. #83 yes they do have a couple of decent players and I wonder how THEY feel about their goon manager and the team they play for?
  5. About 30 years ago when working in Nigeria I had lunch in the Lagos Beach bar. The place was quite empty and one table was occupied by a friendly looking bloke, so I asked if I could join him. He said "yes mate, are you from Nottingham"? Turned out he was from Colwick! We shared a few yarns and drinks.
  6. A classic example of commitment. Magpies, especially the 'manager' just turned up for another day at the office, while Salford were fired up beyond belief. Although a County supporter as a lad, I enjoyed the moment for Salford. Last nights TV performance and their connection with the class of 92 will gain them huge support. I hope that they continue to win and entertain, but as has already been said, they have not faced a proper team yet.
  7. Another brilliant picture CT. The landing stage for the pleasure boats is how remember it over 10 years later. Did Turney Bros get used as a council maintenance depo prior to becoming apartments?
  8. Reminded me about when my son and his a punk rocker band 'The Victims', were bared from using the park bandstand for a gig. They then wrote song 'bollocks to the Council' which was appreciated locally.
  9. Sad to see the Spread eagle and the Alma in such a disgraceful state. My grandparents and some aunts and uncles lived next door to the Spread. The back yard entrance was on Peveril St., so spent a bit of time there as a youngster.
  10. I asked a friend to phone Ascot House on my behalf this afternoon. They said "yes he was here but left years ago"? They did not know where he went to. I could not expect my friend to press for more info, like "what does it say in your records"? or something like that. #8 thanks ian. I will be grateful for any help mate.
  11. Thank you for your responses. Yes it was Ascot House who did not reply although I pointed out that I was his cousin - our dads were brothers. Being deaf I cannot use the phone so I will make a trip over to Nottm and pay a visit. Hope I am not too late. I have seen the links posted. In the picture of the group Don was the tall one. His dad disowned him when he was a teenager and told me that "I don't have a son"! His name was Don too.
  12. Don Coging. My cousin. In the year 2000 my son tracked down a record producer in Germany who said that Don was dead from drink and drugs. In 2004, a very much alive, Don, phoned me up from Germany! Mrs PP took the call cos I'm deaf. Following a chat he said he would get in touch again, which he didn't and we had not contact number or addy, so lost contact. As a young man in the 50's and 60's he played with a folk group - think it was called 'Old ma's blueberry pickers' or something like that. Then he left for Germany where 'Folk' was picking up while it was declining in the UK. A year or so
  13. "What would the ladies of Achnamunchlly say to that"?
  14. No license or permit needed to fish Martins pond when I was a lad. Can anyone identify lock 16 on CT's brilliant picture? It was near a bridge and wide below the lock and had an overflow channel. There was a high wall on the towpath side.
  15. #69 OK ian - let me know when you are over here again and we will do a Radford walk and have a pint or three.
  16. #54 iandawson - Opposite Ortzen St on Peveril St was the store room or workshop for a shop that fronted on Alfreton Rd. I know because I set fire to the shop in 1948. Next door on Peveril St were 2 terraced house and a play pal lived in the lower one - Athalea Watton. Beales factory was opposite and as kids we woukld play in the empty basketwork crates that were stacked on the corsy (pavement). Re Beech Ave. My grandfather, Walter Whitbey lived at 137 in 1912 according to Mam's birth certificate. However Mam was born at Grandma's house on Francis St. The dates indicate a shotgun wedding. No o
  17. "If I don't know where they go I just tear em up" post man in ITMA "I go, I comeback" Chinaman in ITMA "Moi nayme's Maarleen and oim frum Bearming,gum" ?
  18. I would try to rescue people in my 15' unsinkable rowing boat.
  19. Second reply - 1st one vanished? Thanks for your replies about Gash's service - and yes it was from Huntingdon St. The bus in #772 could have been the very one I used.
  20. No it's on Saturday, but I like starting celebrations early .
  21. Today I've had the annual check up and x ray of my hip that was fitted over 10 years ago. Surgeon asked the usual question "still cycling terry"? "Not very often these days but still use the rowing machine" I replied. "Don't train for competition any more but I've started playing golf, in fact played this morning". He chuckled when I said that golf was an old man's game so 76 seemed old enough to start. I'm 77 next week and still improving. Seeing all those people on crutches, in wheel chairs and on sticks made me realise how lucky i am. Most were younger than me too!
  22. I've been trying to remember the name a bus service that I used in the 50's from Broadmarsh to Newark. The Bus's were painted grey. I used to get off at Farndon to go fishing.
  23. Just picked a bucket full of grapes from a vine that covers my barn. They are small black and sweet. Should be able to press enough juice to fill a demi john. Worth a try.
  24. #40 Chulla - I also remember the wire grilles over the fire ponds and fairly sure that they would be there until 1945.
  25. #11 ...then you voted Con and we lost Westland and became a nation of tin bashers according to Hezza..