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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. That should keep you quiet for a bit Rog. I’m surprised you can find the time with all you’ve taken on. Good luck anyway!
  2. It can be dangerous. My father once watered his greenhouse soil with Jeyes fluid to kill the bugs. He grew his tomatoes by ring culture and they tasted of disinfectant!
  3. I rember their sports ground on Mansfield Rd. opposite the lido and watching cricket there.
  4. I would think Lynx Jaguar would be seriously interested in that. Probably worth more than the car.
  5. I was also beaten across the palms of my hands with his ruler a few times for no good reason!
  6. People with Morgans strive to find a MOG plate but It’s not that and I don’t have a Morgan at the moment. I wish I had but could I still get into one? But, yes miserable old git would fit my wife’s description of me! The Morgan in the avatar is E33UGP and still survives.
  7. At my primary, Arno Vale, Mr Turner, the top class teacher would reward by giving a shilling. That’s why I can still recite all the names of the 5 Towns and the Cinque Ports!
  8. My wife’s car ends in MAY, but not mine and my son’s three plates, one of which is on retention.
  9. That’s true. When I was in the school choir they kept having the piano retuned. Apparently after I left they discovered it wasn’t the piano after all.
  10. I’m always happy. It’s my sunny disposition.
  11. I only wish, no pray, it was Margie. I have 3 plates, two on family cars and one on retention all of which allude to my surname and none of which I bought for more than £250. I’ll leave you to guess!
  12. Yes, just buildings. We’ve got around six of them in the surrounding villages and just one vicar who lives alone in a large family house. Not much religion around here.
  13. Can we please put religion with politics and ban it from the forum?
  14. Not only does it make you look stupid but it is a good reason for being stopped when the police are not very busy. That’s when they discover the fact that you’re over the drink limit or are carrying ‘substances’ for ‘personal’ use. It’s always better to keep a low profile especially if the lady sitting next to you is not your wife! Please note I don’t speak from personal experience and have never been stopped.
  15. What about the other lot then - The Religion of Peace. Would they share it with them as well? That would be true ecumenicalism.
  16. I once bought a pickup truck as a factory run about and that came with different registrations on the front and rear!
  17. No, St. Christopher’s is still C of E. It may be evangelistic reflecting the ethnicity of the locals, although the Sneinton Dale area used to have a large Italian population so there must be a Catholic Church nearby. I’ve just checked and they now share it with the Catholics and have a Sunday Mass. Ecumenicalism is a way to fill empty seats apparently!
  18. He can, but there’s loads of misspaced around and the police have got more important things to do. They’re recognisable by speed cameras anyway. It makes him look a prat but it’s no big deal. No one gets harmed. I don’t condone it but no-one gets hurt. More important things to get excited about.
  19. I hope he’s got a spare set of ‘proper’ ones when his first MOT comes round.
  20. There's still a surplus stores just off Meadow Lane, Anchor Supplies, as you will probably know. they have a branch at Ripley also.
  21. Brownhills moved into the caravan and motor home business. They used to be on a site next to Newark Marina and then they moved onto the old army depot site at the A1/A46 roundabout junction. The sold out some years ago but still trade under the Brownhills name.