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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. Wish someone could explain to me why they are supposed to be exciting - they're not particularly comfortable to wear!
  2. I'm sorry I'll be missing all the excitement (?) this evening. I do still have some fishnet stockings - perhaps I'll wear them this evening as I think of you all? Or maybe not....
  3. What memories do you have of your parents? Being a Romany sounds interesting...
  4. Welcome Oldie. You must be about the same age as me but I didn't go to that school. Interesting to hear your memories, though
  5. Brilliant idea to donate your hair, Melissa. After my first child was born, I had my nearly waist length hair cut because all I ever did with it was put it in a pony tail - seemed a bit pointless. I had a hairpiece made with it, which I've still got. Never use it now, even though my present hair colour would sometimes match it. (I change my hair colour quite often - have done since I was 16!!). On the subject of hair cutting, I've only ever been to a hairdresser about 10 - 15 times in my whole life. I always cut my own hair, I cut my sons' hair till they were mid teens and still do m
  6. Jill, your Raffles is the spitting image of our Button - how old is he?
  7. When I was young I remember going to see a flea circus in one of the sideshows but you couldn't actually see them from where we were. You could see a tiny little trike moving, supposedly being ridden by a flea, but perhaps it was all a con?
  8. As long as it was a clean sock, that would be OK,
  9. What kind of cheese is it, anyway? Never had any. Is it hard or soft? What's the nearest to it in cheeses I might know?
  10. MargieH


    I actually LIKE reading about family trivia but I suppose we are all different .... Not trivia, but our lovely neighbour died last week in her early eighties after having 2 years of cancer treatment then dialysis at the hospital 3 days every week. We'll really miss her as she was so positive despite being very uncomfortable especially over the last 4 weeks. Her husband who is older than her was her official carer although he has considerable short term memory problems. She retained her sharp mind and wit up to the last few days and sometimes it seemed that SHE was caring for HIM - sh
  11. MargieH


    Mary, I feel so sad reading of your friend's situation. As Jill said, there is a lot of pressure today for many of the younger generation to have a certain lifestyle, which may not be achievable. All you can do is keep supporting your friend, so she in turn can be strong for her daughter and grandchildren. 50 years ago, my best friend's partner killed himself leaving 2 very young children, so I can really feel for you in this situation.
  12. Bowl - cricket or cooking Bill - money or beak Trump - embarrassing noise or the man ..... Same description really, yes, that's political
  13. I remember the SKID but it was called the WHIP in my day. Did someone decide that was an inappropriate name, I wonder?
  14. I hope all will go well for you today, Catfan. Will be thinking of you....
  15. At least you chose a thrush to be part of the food chain and not a tit. That would have caused the class to erupt!
  16. Fly, if you can have 'bow' then I'll choose 'row' - that's got 3 meanings.... a blazing row a row of peas row, row, row the boat....
  17. Plane - last night our grandson was reading a book about a workshop and fell about laughing when he read about a man using a plane to smooth wood
  18. Col, I remember going on the Meteorite in the very early sixties. I thought it was OK and not very scary at the time - probably wouldn't go on it now. I remember going on the Rotor as well - very strange feeling, especially when you started sliding slowly down the wall at the end - luckily I was wearing jeans and not a skirt, as some of the girls were!
  19. When I've read a topic, it disappears from 'unread content' (of course!) so if I want to go back to it I go to 'all activity' to find it again.
  20. Our cats just sit and watch our squirrel - they used to chase them and on the flat would probably catch them, but we have lots of trees and the squirrels can just keep running while climbing. The cats have to stop momentarily before they jump up
  21. Col, I feel worn out just reading about your exercise routine! Also I now feel hungry with all this talk of food - healthy or otherwise..... and we've had our main meal today so we've got a long time to wait for tea.
  22. FLY, we are having more trouble than usual with our squirrel this year. He/she is burying cob nuts from our tree in the lawn rather than in the flower borders. Like your lawn, we now have lots of holes which need filling in. We collect the fallen nuts off the ground regularly but the squirrel still finds plenty to bury
  23. Cliff Ton. How many members on average regularly use the site now? I've just written a list of names off the top of my head and got to 30. There must be more than that though...
  24. I think that the elephant god is called Ganesh. Despite having so many 'gods' a Hindu would still say that all Hindu gods and goddesses are the same god or divine energy, nameless and without form. I think they just choose a god which suits their particular circumstances