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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. I don’t get bored - ever! Neither do our children but the youngest grandchildren often say they are bored usually when they don’t have access to their tablet/phone. We might celebrate the Bank Holiday by doing a bit of gardening as long as it doesn’t get too hot.
  2. @LizGericke I remember Judges pyclets in the late 40s/ early 50s. Used to toast them over the fire at home. did Mrs Beardsley sell ice cream in cornets? I remember it had bits of ice in and was lovely. If I’m thinking of the same lady, she had shortish white hair. Was she next door to Mrs Bramleys shop? Mum took one of my dolls to the dolls’ hospital where my bald pot doll was given hair - a wig was stuck on her head and I didn’t like it!!!!
  3. Dementia does seem quite a random condition, doesn’t it (unless you’ve had repeated head trauma ). Sorry for the loss of your friend. Love to Mrs PP as well x
  4. PP so have you go some ordinary bricks for the foundations of your proposed wall? It sounds very interesting and will look really unusual
  5. Watched some of the European games this morning including the walking race. Do they know how silly they look I wonder…. I reckon they’ll also probably end up with dodgy hips and ankles in later life. Why don’t they introduce skipping races, Jumping races or any of the races we did at junior sports days. They would be more entertaining than watching people unnaturally wiggling their way along the track!
  6. @benjamin1945 I can only remember fluorescent orange, lime green and pink socks. That was in 1957! I loved them.
  7. I remember the James Ray version of that last song - the Freddie version sounds strange!
  8. No more Wroxham! That’s a shame BK - I hope you’ll find somewhere else you like ….. with no stairs x
  9. @Beekay why would you turn off towards Huntingdon . That’s what we do! You haven’t still got that rubber brick have you?
  10. @Tony Whelpton I see you now live in Cheltenham. Our grandson was at University there and he got married at Cambray Baptist Church 10 days ago. I’ve only been to Cheltenham a few times but really liked it there. The wedding service was brilliant but I suspect you would probably disagree as the music was provided by guitar, piano and drums!!!! But I appreciate that we are all different and that’s fine…. I’ve read your interesting posts and am pleased you have chosen to tell us about your life so far. I’m sorry to read about your wife - I hope you have extra support to care for her
  11. @philmayfield the A1 gets a lot better further south when it becomes the A1 M, but I agree that the 2 Lane sections can be a problem
  12. Our whole village has had water tuned off fo almost 12 hours because of various weter leaks. Apparently the heat causes the ground to shrink and move which causes stress on the underground pipes. It’s on again now but very low pressure - our shower will only operate on ‘low’ now. Anglian water has huge lorries in the centre of th village and are giving out free packs of bottled water, one pack for each person in the household. Also they are delivering packs to the old and vulnerable and those with babies and young children. They are doing all the can to alleviate the problem as well as r
  13. Clever Franglais phrase …. But I don’t think it’s baloney
  14. Rob, Hope all will soon be sorted out and that cardiology will pass you as fit for the op.
  15. In that case, Phil, I guess we won’t get to see you (unless you invite us all for a posh picnic in your meadow?)
  16. @philmayfield you DO get invited to Nottstalgia meet ups and we don’t do any dancing there (yet)
  17. @DJ360 good to see your post. How far away are the shops? Hope you’ve managed to get a good night’s sleep and that your knee will have settled down this morning x
  18. David, good for your wife! I hope she confiscates the devices you use so you can’t access Nottstalgia!! I expect you were reading posts from NS when it started raining?
  19. And we need flies - but not in the house - plus all the little insects (and spiders) I believe there’s a reason for their existence and I do try not to harm any of them. I suppose the problem is that some do encroach on ‘our’ places…. but there again, we’ve encroached on their places as well!
  20. @MelissaJKelly Is it her first baby? Pleased you’ve had such a great day. we’ve had a good day too celebrating a thirteenth birthday of one of our grandchildren. All the aunts, uncles and cousins were there as well so it was a bit busy (but good). Their little dog enjoyed herself looking for any food dropped on the floor and even stealing a whole sausage from one of the toddlers who was there.! hope you are keeping well and happy xx
  21. @philmayfield I LOVED being at a Co-Ed school, especially after the second form when tne boys seemed to have magically become a lot more interesting! If you had chosen C le W we would have travelled to school together on the number 25. Who knows ….
  22. The more I read about Manning, the more I appreciate my time at C le W !! I didn’t actually dislike any of the teachers and was quite fond of a few of them. Several of my teachers were friendly with the students and interested in their lives as well as being excellent at teaching their subject. This of course is just my experience and that of my friends. I suppose it may have been because it was a brand new school (only first and second years when I started) so there were only a few teachers and no ‘traditions’ to uphold…. ?
  23. Phil, does someone come over to pitchfork it into a hay wagon as in the old days, or is it in baled. Sounds lovely - I can almost smell it from here…