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Everything posted by OrphanAnnie

  1. Didn't there use to be a post office building on Brook Street? I think it was where you used to collect PO Box deliveries, or it may have been part of the sorting office? I was based there for a couple of weeks when I was training to work on the counters.
  2. You're spot on there Eileen, we must have lived in blissful ignorance! Everyone was the same so we just accepted what we had. I'm sure there was a lot more community spirit though - or is that selective memory like the fact it never rained in the summer holidays???
  3. We had a twin tub which was kept in the bathroom, had a gas 'geyser' on the bathroom wall for hot water when we had our weekly bath. When we changed to North Sea Gas late 60's the geyser no longer worked so we used to fill the washer and boil the water, then empty it into the bath. Bit of a performance but we just took it as normal. We had an old boiler too but I think it was electric, hefty yellow thing. I used to boil my daughter's nappies in it, I once left an orange flannalette pillow case in by mistake and the nappies came out a lovely peach shade!!
  4. To everyone, wishing you all health wealth and happiness for the New Year
  5. Such a shock - apparently he was only diagnosed with leukemia on Boxing Day. RIP to one of the greats
  6. We always had Pork Pie for breakfast on Christmas Day, when I mentioned this to colleagues they all pulled faces and said they had never heard of it so I assumed it was a Yorkshire thing as my parents were from Hull. They also always had cheese with Christmas Cake?
  7. It's been lovely reading this thread - thank you Cliff Ton! It brought back so many memories - yes the entrance on Parliament St was the staff entrance, by the lift (which staff weren't allowed in unless accompanying a customer). There was a scandinavian fortnight every year I recall, and there were flags of all those countries flying from Parliament St. The display team used to have to climb out of the staff canteen window onto the ledge to straighten the flags when it was windy and they had curled round the poles. I worked in the electrical dept for a few weeks, and remember watching C
  8. The one and only time I 'played nick' as we called it - or hookey to others - my friend and I skipped off Biology one Friday afternoon and spent the time in Griffin and Spaldings, drinking coke in the restaurant which I think was on the top floor? She was very posh as she smoked Embassy while the rest of us had crafty drags on No 6 or No 10s. I had a Saturday job at Pearsons - is that still standing? It was another family business, three brothers I think who lived in The Park.
  9. I couldn't open it either - pity cos I would love to see them
  10. can anyone remember Camms Coaches? When I worked at Hoveringham transport to work was provided by these, the one I caught used to pick us up from near Canning Circus and go up Carlton Road, one of the wheels came off once and it was a miracle how they ever got up the hill. We used to get sent home early when it was foggy, a message came over the tannoy telling us to go for the coach as it would be leaving shortly due to low visibility.
  11. John Lennon was murdered 35 years ago today. A great loss to music, RIP
  12. Thanks for that Dave I will look out for that.
  13. Wish I'd learned to drive, Would love to abseil or parachute Would love to have had a good singing voice
  14. #12 Do the buses say 'Not In Service' Compo?? If a piece of buttered toast always lands buttered side down, and a cat always lands on its feet, would a cat with a piece of buttered toast strapped to its back keep spinning forever if you threw it out of a window?
  15. #24 One of the conductresses had a bad leg (or lazy one!) and used to collect the fare at the bottom of the stairs, either on your way up or back down. It used to cost threeh'apence to get to school, or a penny from the stop at the top of the hill on our estate. So we used to walk to there and spend the h'apenny on two Black Jacks or Mojos. Wouldn't do it nowadays!! #22 Nowadays on single deckers it's a case of trampling through the kids congregating by the driver, can't understand why they want to stand when there are usually plenty of seats further up the bus. Of course they have thei
  16. #13 - we went to Wicksteed park too Eileen, and Alton Towers way before it became a theme park. The pagoda and chair lifts were there, and some small roundabouts in a courtyard. But my favourite was the miniature railway - you had to pay extra to go in but it fascinated me, especially when the lights went out and all the trains were lit up. In Burton the Corporation buses were maroon coloured, all double deckers. The one on our route had those anniversary seats on the top deck going along sideways, with a side trench sort of walkway to walk along. Used to get very foggy as smokers had t
  17. #2 - I remember Sunday School Anniversaries Eileen, we used to get prizes for good attendance. Always a book with a religious theme, I received one called 'Horrible Harriet' about a young girl who hated nature and thought it was all 'horrible', especially when a butterfly landed on her raspberries and cream. Did you have the annual outing on a charabanc, we lived in Burton on Trent and one year the trip was to Trentham Gardens and I remember some swan shaped boats on the lake? I desperately wanted to be an orphan so I could go on the outings for free. And go to boarding school - read too
  18. Welcome out of the lurkiness bobby - are you related to 2jags prescott lol?!
  19. I think it maight be a question of royalties or rights tony, as far as I recall I have never seen any original Beatles tracks on any compilation albums
  20. Did anyone see the programme a couple of weeks ago about the Favourite Beatles Number 1? Watched it with my grandson, trying to guess what would be the top 5 he was routing for Drive My Car and Norwegian Wood, neither of which were No 1s apparently. Good programme though, also told some of the stories behind the songs
  21. Thanks Cliff Ton, it's enough to make you cry into your beer. Now here's my poser (finally remembered) - running along the back of the Duke was ?Querneby Road, so far down the street there was an entry between houses which led to a real life chocolate box scene picture with a cottage. My friend lived there in the 70's, it was really well hidden. If anyone can refresh my memory on this it's you!!
  22. Oh thanks denshaw that was quick!! Trouble is I can't remember why I needed to know, but has been driving me mad for the past week!!
  23. #49 which Jo Nesbo disappointed TBI? I started reading his stuff last year, enjoyed The Son but disappointed Harry Hole wasn't in it!! Must admit I've been reading them out of sequence, don't see them very often in the charity shop but have discovered the wonders of the Kindle!! Am just on the third of Millenium finding it heavy going though trying to understand all the secret service stuff but The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo was unputdownable. I also like the Ian Rankin, John Grisham, Val McDermid and Peter James books. I prefer any books to their film or TV adaptations as reading makes
  24. Please can anyone tell me the name of the pub at top of Woodborough Rd going towards Mapperley top? It was the Duke of something - and then another pub not much further up? I lived on Corby Road at the time and they were my regular haunts, it was late seventies.