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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Are these the same animals that occupied a field at Brinsley opposite what is now Brinsley Lodege pub?
  2. I hadn't seen anything in depth about Sweden and it's true they are far more relaxed in their approach. Difficult to compare with the UK though. They have a density of 25 people per sq km, the UK has 275 per km. They did take measures to contain the virus but being Swedish they did things differently...
  3. A question to readers of the topic: I've just noticed Radford Reds profile and he has written: "Interests:On a self imposed Nottstalgia break, the way new member Al Duff was ganged up upon in the political tread was shocking, I hate bullies & you should be ashamed of yourselves" The discussion with Al Duff starts on page 80. Was Al ganged up on? Did I bully him? I'd genuinely appreciate an opinion. Perhaps RR you can say why you think so? Perhaps Al can say how he feels?
  4. Interesting LL, thanks for that. It's unusual for doctors to disagree with the WHO both on their projections and in the use of the Trump drug (HCQ) - they recommend it as a cure. The article also claims it is impossible to catch the disease in the open air...? It seems at odds with many learned articles but I'm not qualified to say which is right. I wrote earlier about the chicken and egg idiom. It applies here as well, was the WHO projected figure a massive overestimate or has the action of governments around the world proved effective in ameliorating the disease? What would
  5. You have a source for that LL? Sounds a bit like Fox news to me...
  6. There will be a lot of nonsense and quoting of 'facts' and figures depeneding of which flavour of media you prefer. Quoting from different sources, cherry picking numbers and taking things out of context all help to keep us confused and uncertain. UK FACTS: There are 423,000 infections - 42000 deaths = 9% approx, skewed towards the weak and elderly. With the same number 423K and a population of 67M, statistically the odds of contracing the disease is less than 1%. On the basis of figures like these it all seems like we're worrying without good reason and the chances of
  7. I often have a strong sense I really should do something. Usually a lie down and a bit of a nap makes it go away...
  8. A little anecdote. When I was taxi driving for A2B I picked up a couple of lads at Crabtree estate. Can't remember what the conversation was but at one stage one of the lads said," yeh man you is only sayin dat cos I is black"! I did explain to him that I was darker than the pair of them and why was he talking with a mid Caribbean accent, when I knew they were both born at Crabtree, near Bulwell cemetery. BK they were paraphrasing a line from an Ali G sketch... Like PM says youtube for Ali G Clearer now?
  9. BK they were paraphrasing a line from an Ali G sketch...
  10. It's a universal law nonna, rubbish expands to fill the available space...
  11. The one that really gets my goat is: "In real terms" - shorthand for we're going to do something you really won't like, not even a little bit...
  12. I'm not old....... not too sure about the geezer who watches me shave though...
  13. How the back doing Col?... hope it's settled down a bit... Had a slipped disc once..... BLEDDY PAINFUL!
  14. I really feel for the hospitality industry but is it really necessary to go the pub? It seems to me from the press and published pictures there is an inverse ratio, as alcohol consumption goes up, inhibitions come down and soon it's back to mingling with no thought of distancing. We tried to carry on as near 'normal' as we could within the rules but quite frankly it's just not posible. So we are rapidly becoming hermits and as nonna noted, the less you go out the easier it becomes to just not bother. Soon we will be living life vicariously through our TV and computer screens with no phys
  15. It must be puzzle dependant Carni, none I have done needed pieces turning... Agree with Oz some of the times posted seem .... err... unrealistic shall we say...
  16. It's a view SG but not one we can say for certain is right or wrong. We can't for instance know how much worse things would have been had we not applied the lessons learned, or if they made the wrong decisions.
  17. And there's the clue SG, you don't know, I don't know and nor does anyone else. As Col says it's new, unprecedented and without clear guidlines that actually work we appear to be floundering, unfortunately it's not only us. Sure we can blame mistakes, call the authorities incompetent but are they really? France with a similar sized population has three times our daily infections so are they three times more incompetent? Things could have been done differently true enough but as we have said before on this forum, hindsight is a wonderful thing that gives us 20:20 vision. The test
  18. As fine an example of conjecture and hyperbole as we are likely to see in a long days march Col. For a man who often makes demands for evidence I see little in this diatribe though I suspect there is a grudging agreement in there somewhere. There is nothing so far to indicate he is doing anything unilaterally, he is seeking parliamentary approval as far as I can see. The new law, which he may or may not use, is among other things a bargaining chip in the negotiations with the EU. I don't agree with him on this but it's not the end of the world, the EU broke the rules ove
  19. Yes it is! even you yourself admitted that at some point we will out grow the planet. Malthus hypothesesised that it would happen, he did not say when nor was he 'proven' wrong, it's still an ongoing debate today. It seems odd you deny that the population may continue to grow but support the theory that it will plateau and we will live happy ever after, an equally theoretical idea. Will we one day be standing shoulder to shoulder? of course not. It's chicken and egg. Which will come first, a conscious lowering of population and demand for resouces or natural selection of too many people
  20. Has to be bib'n'brace overalls, check shirts and boots, sorry Ben no neckties
  21. You think it impossible the Blair/Borwn pact could be so devious - yet had the Tories introduced it ... You doubt their intention but I'm finding difficulty establishing quite why Blair thought such an act necessary. The name is self-explanatory, it is the reformation of statute, to circumvent democratic convention and give him (as the incumbent executive), extraordinary power. It is one of the most flagrant attacks on parliament I've ever heard of. Clearly there was a desire not to be hamstrung as you put it, or be restricted by parliament and you are correct, but not
  22. OK ... done that ... Err... how long after the forty fives minutes are up do floppy dangly bits stop moving?
  23. An excercise regime for nonna: Begin with a five-pound potato bag in each hand. Extend your arms straight out from your sides, hold them there for a full minute, and then relax. After a few weeks, move up to ten-pound potato bags. Then try 50-pound potato bags, and eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-pound potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. Once you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.
  24. Parliament is evolving you have just described how - albeit through very red spectacles. It is under attack by that scurrilous pair Johnson and Cummings you say, yet it’s not just them and they are not the first. You protest loud and long Col about the dynamic duo and I would have some sympathy for your point if it were not the fact the fault lays full square on the shoulders of the last Labour government. It is that other comedic duo Blair and Brown that are responsible for the legislation Johnson is now using to get his way. They virtually opened the door for hi
  25. Today has been brilliant. My beloved and I had a sedate drive into the peak district and a picnic in Tissington. The sunshine was glorious, the ducks on the pond entertaining us with their upside down bums in the air display, a nice salad for lunch and Wolfgangs No 6 playing at just the right level... perfick...