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Whats everyone doing to bring in the new year? I feel asif im the only one who isnt too bothered about NYE, i find it overrated, too expensive and dangerous to go out for the night, and with a 15 month old there isnt much you can do when they go to bed at 8pm! So for me, i may crack open a bottle of wine, iv bought some food in to do a 'buffet tea' for us, and i may have a quiet one in.

Hope whatever you do, its a gooden and i wish you all the best for 2013!

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Big log fire , toasted marshmallows, (No chestnuts left to be had anywhere now !) glass or two of good Champagne, get the kids up at 10 to midnight, hot chocolate with minnie marshmallows in it for them , sing "Old lang syne" then go outside to watch the fire works (Still got a few sparklers left from Nov 5th too) Then a few tears as we remember those we have lost in this past year. (For me there's Rob237, Carlton Girl, plus two mates from school and someone from over this neck of the woods) I then get the kids back to bed , then me and SWMBO will be about 2 steps behind them !!

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Sat in the Dentist's waiting room this morning & got in conversation with a young wench. Her words, not mine.

Taxi's tonight, Fare + half.

Nightclub entry fee, £25-£30

Ale, anybody's guess. If you can get served.

Then to round off an expensive overpriced night out, plenty of "Fisticuffs"

Thanks but no thanks. I'd rather cuddle up to Mrs Catfan at 10-30pm than fall asleep waiting for the new year.

Happy New Year everyone.

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Well, I guess from about 11.50 to 1 o'clock tomorrow morning, we shall be giving comfort and moral support to our 10-year old border collie cross, who trembles from head to all four feet at the first bang, and goes on until quite a long time after the last one has died away.

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Sick of repeats on telly. Also can't stand bands of bagpipers who never know when to stop! Don't forget I live in the land of 'pipes and the bag' and new mown haggis :)

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Well, I guess from about 11.50 to 1 o'clock tomorrow morning, we shall be giving comfort and moral support to our 10-year old border collie cross, who trembles from head to all four feet at the first bang, and goes on until quite a long time after the last one has died away.

This was my two at midnight...couldn't give a **** about fireworks.Sorry to hear others dogs are upset by them.


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Ours wasn't as placid as this - but she was better than usual, and we did take the precaution of starting the dishwasher at 11.55, and then playing loud music. (The neighbours must love us!) She did hear a fusillade go off about 12.40 and came to give my feet a vibro-massage. But at least she wasn't rampaging round the house, trying to climb up the wall, get in the shower or tear up the carpet !

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No pets to worry about this year (Our last cat died at the begining of December, and we haven't got the replacement dog yet! ) But everything else went to plan, I even found some "Sparklers" left from Bonfirenight so we waved them about whilst watching all the fireworks and 'Chinese lanterns' going up.

We then settled back and watched the John Bishop thing that was on, both kids asleep in our arms.

Happy New year

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I didnt think to buy any sky lanterns this year, i love setting them off! We ended up curled up on the sofa watching alan carr, 8 out of 10 cats then new years eve live. Someone on our road was letting fireworks off from about 7pm on and off, one of my cats wont go outdoors and gets panic attacks (i know it sounds silly) if you put him outside he sits shaking and panting, same with fireworks, he managed to get behind a cushion on the sofa and layed shaking... my other cat just sat wide eyed asif to say 'Whats going off?' But little one stayed fast off throughout the fireworks... Then at midnight i decided to go stand on the front and watch the fireworks, luckily i live oposit my best friends cul de sac, and her + her family were outside doing the same, Exchanged new year hugs and well wishes, went back in side, made a pot of tea then off to bed i went. Infact, as boring as it may sound, i enjoyed it. Was the first NYE iv spent at home in years, was nice to have a quiet one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used to love staying up as a kid, and watching Andy Stewart on the telly. Plus someone would come 'first footing' had to have dark hair as I remember and carrying a lump of coal? Nowadays, it's depressing sitting up that late, and waiting for the clock to click to midnight. Like waiting to be hung, as my mum would say.

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