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I saw the title 'Monitor----' and thought of the dizzying power I had held at school under various titles. I was once a Milk Monitor!!! Who else has held such elevated positions?

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I was too mick............................ooh sorry thought that was PERFECT. :)

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I was once a Milk Monitor!!! Who else has held such elevated positions?

I'd forgotten until you mentioned it, but I eventually reached the one above milk monitor, which was crisps and biscuit monitor.

I never liked school milk so never wanted to monitor it, but at junior school you could buy crisps and biscuits to go with the milk.

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Never made Prefect but made it to Chargehand at work.....Just glad I had a good set of lads under me, made the job easier..

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I wasn't even at Loretto! My best friend was though, although I already knew John then!

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  • 1 month later...

For a short period in my Junior school I was a milk monitor. My job was to bring in the crates of milk (There were two of us to do this) and get the straws out of the cupboard. I'm having trouble rememebering at what time milk was issued...was it morning playtime or was it a designated time before?


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I used to take a samlll portion of sugar to make it palatable. My mother used to say: Don't tell yer dad that I'm giving you sugar". It was a valuable commodity in those days

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from 1955 onwards in infants at st. augustines carlton hill the caretaker used to bring in the milk which was in one third bottles.and in winter he

would put them near the fire he'd made to thaw out. if my memory serves me right. although I'm a non catholic it was the nearest school you went to.

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Yes - morning play time, but if there were spares left over, some "favoured" ones were invited to drink it up later in the day. By that time it was lukewarm and totally vile !

That takes me back to when after school one day we went for football training and on the way home had to pass the stacked up crates that were waiting for exchange for the following day. There were still a few bottles left in from that day and having worked up a sweat playing football decided to drink the milk that was left.It must have been standing in the sun and had gone off and instead of just putting the bottles back in the crate we chucked them towards the crate and some missed hit the floor smashed and made a right mess.

We then legged it and thought nobody would know who it was. The next day in assembley the headmaster wanted to know everybody who had stopped behind for training the previous day and whittled it down to us and we were all promptly given the cane after assembley. Ouch !!!

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