Dogs and other family pets

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Anyone here got any animal friends living with them? Any funny traits? I love my pets, I think id be pretty lost without them & as pets play a big part in peoples lives, Would love to hear about your fluffies & what their like!

I have two kitties.. Just your normal moggy's, i want a beautiful siamese or a cornish rex but im not aloud :( i have a fat ginger one called kenny with big amber eyes.. Whatever room im in, i can allways garentee he'll be in there too. I cant even go for a wee without being followed & he insists on sitting ont he edge of the bath when im in the bath too! Then theres his brother, a tabby with a white front & the odd but of light ginger around his mouth and nose.. And parts of his belly & Big bright green eyes. a sleek cat. Very loving but nothing like kenny, has a favourite toy that he takes everywhere with him, he even sits with it in his mouth when hes on the litter tray, its quite funny seeing him trotting about with it haha! Vespa has a 'phobia' of going outdoors & Kenny went missing once, someone had locked him in their house & hes been scared of going outside ever since. So now i have too indoor cats, not as bad as it sounds though.

Then i have two chubby guineapigs, Alfie and Oscar.. Would love a dog, but with a baby & a not so big house, i dont think id have the room or the time. But i would be quite lonely without the two kitties!!

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Oh & forgot to mention, Vespa has the st georges flag on his back (His markings.. Ill upload a pic to show) He sits on the sofa or floor and watchs tv, Also drinks tea & Eats biccies! .. Could ask for a more 'english' cat really lol

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I have 2 ginger brothers, Wallace and Gromit, they are 10 months old, we reckon. Didn't have a very good start to life, they were put in a dumpster when tiny, but rescued and sent to a foster home until they were big enought to be 'fixed' and adopted. My daughter does a lot of volunteering for animal rescues and got to know about these 2, and got them for Mother's Day for me last year [it's May in the US] We love them to bits, but Wallace is a little bu99er and Gromit is the most laid back, couldn't care less, kitty you could imagine. They are indoor cats, not sure if I'll let them out or not, they'd love to be out, we live in the pine trees, but we have 6 cats next door, all male, who I'm sure would duff them up if they got a chance. They think their yard and mine are their territory.

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Awh what beauties!! just seeing them pics make me want to give them a snuggle! :D

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Just got one cat left. We did have three, but we lost one a couple of years back (Still got his twin) and the other was lost last winter (2010/11) When this one finally 'gives up the ghost' we think we're having a Golden Cocker Spaniel .

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We've got two Jack Russells, Scooby Doo since he was a puppy and could sit in my hand, he's 16 this year. Jerry is a rescue dog and a nutcase, we reckon he's about 4 years old. 2 weeks ago Scooby became very ill, our vet is very good but suggested as he was such an old dog we should consider putting him to sleep, shock horror. Anyway, we persisted with treatment, blood tests etc and it turned out he had an infection that has been successfully treated, it cost an arm and a leg, but at least my old pal is now fast asleep next to me.

That's the trouble with pets, when they have to go, it's heartbreaking, we've had to put to sleep our lovely Springer Spaniel, Meg and two horses, Fifi and Jessica, it was a horrible experience.

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i thought I was quite 'up' on my dog breeds but you've got me stumped with your 2.

Here is a clue go to Snow reports in this forum page 5 & look at my licence plate..........
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What Gorgeous Animals:

Poohbear's 2, beautiful, dogs - Intelligence written in their eyes.

dgbrit's two pampered pooches - don't you just want to pick them up (one at a time) and give them a cuddle? Adorable.

Pixie's 2 beautiful cats - so different - the tortoiseshell one with such a tender and pretty face (lovely photograph) and the other whose eyes and ears are remarkably the same shape. In fact the ears are like those of a lynx.

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Hi Pixie, I can see that you've given your cats' names in your top posting: Kenny and Vespa, am I right? I wouldn't have recognised them as being related, especially with one being tortoiseshell and the other a tabby.

Kenny is so pretty - s'pose you know already that male cats have smaller faces than the females?

My daughter's kept cats for years. Recently she lost 'Tiggy' aged 13; she was a three legged cat and had been 'lost' on many occasions - she literally did have nine lives! My daughter was broken hearted at having to let 'Tiggy' go but recently acquired two sisters from the 'Cats Protection League'. But we will always love and remember 'Tiggy' because she was special.

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%3Ca%20href= This is Jake. We got him about 18 months ago. He will be two in May. We seem to be just about over the puppy stage now and he is settling down. Sharp as a razor but stubborn as a mule.

Had a black Lab for 11 years and we got Jake after he died. Different temperament than a Lab and is happiest when chasing squirrels in the back yard.

Sorry picture did not post. I'll try again when I get it figured out.

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The Shih Tzu's are named after Keeping up appearances

Sheridan & Ozzie for Onslow ,& we also have Rose she is black & white

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I guess that's why I didn't reconise the breed, I don't think I've seen solid black before, they're usually black and white. Plus all the ones around here have their hair kept short.

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I`ve got a rescued greyhouind called Colonel. His racing name was Colonel Rhythm. He`s the third one we`ve homed from the Retired Greyhound Trust and he was in the worst condition. He was half his normal weight (can you imagine how skinny that is for a greyhound?) and had lost about half his hair to serious mange. It took a long time to get him fit for re-homing and he`s still a grumpy b&gger but we wouldn`t have any other breed now.

Then about six months ago my OH was walking him and he spotted a budgie hopping along the gutter. When he got home he got a shoe box and went round to where he`d seen it and it was still there! He picked it up and took it round to the vet`s who said they`d keep him for a week to see if he was claimed. So it cost me fifty quid for a cage & all the accoutrements at the end of the week and now we`ve got a little chirper called Merlin.

Oh - and a hen called Beauty who`s the last of our little flock. She`s stopped laying so we`re just keeping her as a pet until she pops her clogs.

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Hi dgbrit, I can understand why you called Sheridan and Ozzie after 'Keeping up Appearances' 'cos they certainly do; they look well suited to lick the feet of an Emperor - they're so gorgeous.

My sister had a shihtzu years back, named Fonzie; she treated him like her baby. When Fonzie was ill one time she used her savings and took him to Harley Street for some Royal treatment!

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Hi Pixie, I can see that you've given your cats' names in your top posting: Kenny and Vespa, am I right? I wouldn't have recognised them as being related, especially with one being tortoiseshell and the other a tabby.

Kenny is so pretty - s'pose you know already that male cats have smaller faces than the females?

My daughter's kept cats for years. Recently she lost 'Tiggy' aged 13; she was a three legged cat and had been 'lost' on many occasions - she literally did have nine lives! My daughter was broken hearted at having to let 'Tiggy' go but recently acquired two sisters from the 'Cats Protection League'. But we will always love and remember 'Tiggy' because she was special.

Awh! Im so sorry to hear about poor tiggy! I lost a cat i pretty much grew up with a couple of summers ago aged 16, She was the funniest yet laziest cat ever. Loved her to pieces. Kenny's a ginger tabby, A tortashel is more of a mottled mixture of Browns, blacks, gingers... my mum has two tortashel girlies & they really do live up to the name of 'Naughty torties'. I love how each cat has a different personality .. My two are from the same litter, they were found in a box on the street, there was three of them and the 3rd was tabby with a ginger splat on his forehead, my friend kept him & i had these two.. When i took them in, they were so young they didnt even have all their teeth! Now their both spoilt rotten (as i said in my first post) everyone says how i have two babies, ones just fluffy - Kenny. Vespas one of these cats that are more than happy to be sprawled out somewhere having a snooze than being with people lol Now im just having the problem of getting them to go outdoors - Vespa is petrifide of the great outdoors & kenny will only go out when it pleases him, Hes only wanted to go out since weve had snow & iv watched him in the garden when hes bolted outside to see a ginger lump of furr jumping around in the snow, then he comes in - Drenched and tries to sit on my lap! :O

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