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Brew, I know it wasn't called that - it's just what happened.  As I said, I wasn't the only one to go up a class, so I didn't feel alone.   I was always happy at school and we didn't think anything about it at the time...


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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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Of to exercise my compulsory democratic right today and possibly partake of a "democracy sausage" if it is around lunchtime.

Do community groups hold sausage sizzles at polling stations in the UK?

It is going to be a sunny 23 deg today, not bad day for late autumn and thankfully a little more rain tomorrow. 

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16 hours ago, FLY2 said:

It was at a hotel in Skegness nonna, and I couldn't stand the hot soup burning my thumbs, or mushy peas running down my fingers !


I agree Fly , not very amusing. My daughter was assistant chef to my husband at our restaurant in Radcliffe and one busy evening had to take a couple of prawn cocktails ( they're old fashioned now but still nice) to a table and halfway there they started to wobble and in her panic they splattered to the floor. She's very shy and it was the last thing she wanted to do was to go into a dining room full of people. Even now in her own restaurant if anyone wants to see or speak to her she won't go into the dining room they have to go to the kitchen. But the shyness disappears when she has to keep her staff under control.

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15 hours ago, Brew said:

I said on here before I'm glad I did Uni but the driving force that set me on the that course was to make me Mam proud. Was it worth it? hmmm ask me another..

I had no real idea what I wanted to do with my life and still can't decide what to do when I grow up. I went down the Uni route, a good friend went down the pit (Clifton). I was scraping by on £3 a week, he was on £54, I was on a cycle he had a Triumph... At the end of the day when we meet we're just two little old men on a park bench. Was it all worth it? You tell me...


But Brew have you had and are you having a good life, are you healthy? Money isn't everything although ......I only had a small wage but I got by. I didn't really know what I wanted to do so my mum got me into hairdressing. Ok I enjoyed it but wasn't ambitious enough to go through what a lot of others went through. I failed my City & Guilds through science . Hygiene and english were the other 2 theory subjects. Practical I passed with flying colours and that to me was the most important.

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I remember once being served by a waitress in Skegness and noticed she had her thumb on my toast. When I mentioned it to her she simply said , " Ah that's to stop it falling on the floor agen !".

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It's true nonna that money isn't everything - now. I would have argued with you about it as a young man and even more so when we had young children .

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Totally, utterly and completely pi$$ed off.

Just found out that the FA Cup final is not on free to air television in Australia. It is on pay TV, ESPN

Instead we get UEFA Women's Champions League?

WTF is happening with our international sporting events more and more are being put behind the pay wall.

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Everything can be turned into a business opportunity.  I'll say no more here but there's a certain thread where I can rant on about it all day.. ;)


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If I could give them a few quid $ and have say ten channels of my choice not the endless channels of dross you get with the normal package then I would pay for it. 

I guess I'll just have to stream it.

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Wait til you get the LGBT only sports channel,BBC bound to have the rights for that one



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Love old machinery BK, two Spitfires flew over my place today,don't know where they were going but they sure sounded nice at about five hundred feet



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We went toTelford for the day today - 260 miles round trip, with a couple of diversions because of roadworks.   Paul needed to go to the Baptist Assembly in the International Centre there but I spent the morning in the new, improved shopping centre (kept getting lost in there so did lots of 'steps' ) and the afternoon at the cinema.  It was the first time in my life that I've ever been to the flicks on my own and it felt very strange at first.   I saw 'Tolkien' and it was a very moving film.  I love 'The Lord of the Rings' trilogy and it was fascinating to see how his experiences in life came out in the books.  I wasn't expecting the film to make me feel so emotional....  when Paul asked me what it was like I got quite choked up just telling him.

Anyway, we've got back home safely and are now watching the Eurovision Song Contest... some strange songs as usual!

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13 hours ago, Beekay said:

I remember once being served by a waitress in Skegness and noticed she had her thumb on my toast. When I mentioned it to her she simply said , " Ah that's to stop it falling on the floor agen !".


Hope you sent it back

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10 hours ago, denshaw said:

Moira canal festival

That would be the reason for them Den,I heard two loud engines going over,by the time I got outside with my camera all I could see was the back end of two ww2 fighters,thought they were both Spits,thanks for the info Den



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Just recovering from the most painful, tedious and mind numbing four hours of my life after watching the Eurovision Song Contest last night. Yes, we were bottom as usual. I just don't know why we bother. 

Four bleddy hours of mindless drivel. Lame brained presenters trying to be funny. Foreigners singing songs that were already hits throughout Europe, which isn't quite on. Then of course, the freaks, exhibitionists, wierdos, perverts and other assorted cranks, all vainly attempting to upstage each other. 

Four hours of my life wasted, that I'll never retrieve !  

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I had no choice Margie. As its Mrs Fly's birthday next Tuesday, six of us went to the Chinese Buffet down the road, then back to her brothers up the road for desserts. It had just started, so I had to watch it , as they were all up for it.

I had eaten too much, and my backache was aggravated by doing too much garden work all week. 

Anyway, of to Normandy tomorrow for a short break...... Can't wait !

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