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Saturday.. yesterday from here... was very rainy.. but that's hardly unusual.  It brightened up a bit late afternoon so I tried a walk.  I'm trying to walk as naturally as possible and not use my stick.. but I'm very unsteady.


Anyway... got home safe after a short walk.. but completely knackered.  The weather and the bird song were more like early April than mid May.

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Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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DJ360 liked your comment about your stick,I have just stated to have to use one. At first thought everyone was looking at me but now if i have to use it (most times needed) i will, the only problem that I have is shopping. When I go round our local CO_OP and have basket,bag, stick, only have 2 hands. Next is when you have to get money out of your purse. Get to the till, sticks falls on the floor, purse upslde down some coins and cards fall out, and thats before i have put shopping in my bag. ??? Almost forgot mask? these are ok if your glasses don't get steamed up.    Can any one give me a hand please. HELP!!

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Always liked Mansfield...worked alot there and did some courting many years ago..........even up to 4 or 5 years ago went regular and enjoyed the place.....

            So decided to go this morning for a change.....probably much of it down to ''COVID'' but what a miserable experience...Two Coffee shops i used to gone...the other closed.......First car Park i tried you needed a degree in computers to use..........Second one had to walk up about 5 flights of stairs to get out/in.....(lift out of order) ey-ups and full of grumpy looking folk........think i'll stick with Bulwell in future..........

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I used to go regularly to the Bentinck coffee bar in Mansfield when I worked at Harlow Wood.  That would be in 1960 - 62 ish.

Strangely, my Paul used to also go there in those years when he lived in Mansfield Woodhouse but we never met!  Obviously that wasn’t the right time...  we met in 1963 when I had moved to Leicester and he’d moved with his family to Melton Mowbray!  That WAS the right time!

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19 hours ago, ube said:

Moored on the Erewash Canal with 4 other boats... Fire bin going and the beer is flowing.... All is good:biggrin::biggrin:

Ube, our cousins will be at Trent Lock either Wednesday or Thursday of this next week. Hope you get to meet them.

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This morning getting something from freezer my eye caught something near the door. It was another baby mouse or so I thought. It turns out to be a " toporagno" a common shrew. The one the other day didnt really convince me it was a mouse thinking about it. Ive only seen one once before and that was at the front door going backwards and forwards peeping out from a crack in the skirting board or should I say between the grouting. I quickly sealed it up and we've not seen one since. This has now got me worried, is it just 2 odd ones or a litter of them. I cant find where or how theyve got in apart from the open front door. At the moment I've put teatree soaked cotton pads down everywhere thats animal safe , so hoping it will at least keep any more at bay til i can get some peppermint essential oil.

It is the season when rodents tend to come out when the grass is cut opposite but its not been cut yet :(

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Ian, I prefer it to be called predestination rather than fate, but .... whatever it’s called, it was meant to be.

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Hope castanets won’t be too loud, or the little bats could panic thinking there’s a strange huge bat waiting to get them ...

i bet one can buy bat clickers online!!

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BK I just click my fingers (And I wanted to say they all come running but that ship has defineitely sailed!)


Jill, claves might be better but I still reckon finger clicking is more natural....?  If you want to have a laugh - or maybe an ouch - look up bat clickers on Google :wacko:

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No bats tonight. However, I did see Horace the hedgehog, munching away at his dog food and mealworms! Judging by the noise he was making, he was enjoying his supper, bless him!


Also encountered Princess Puss, the long haired torrtie and white cat. Swanky fluorescent pink collar and a diamante studded id disc. A bit precious, she is. Tail straight up. Didn't want to talk to me. Better things to do!

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16 hours ago, mary1947 said:

DJ360 liked your comment about your stick,I have just stated to have to use one. At first thought everyone was looking at me but now if i have to use it (most times needed) i will, the only problem that I have is shopping.


Mary, I find a well used stick can alter the way people treat you... You just need to learn how to fake a pained expression as you totter bravely around the shop.  ;)  But seriously.. I normally only take a stick out for a substantial walk.  I was doing that long before I had knee problems. A stick has many uses when you are out and about, from poking about, pushing brambles out of the way, steadying yourself on steep muddy paths etc.


Here's a tip.  When the pandemic first started, I was bleaching/disinfecting all shopping, my car, my cash card and the wallet I keep it in.  When the penny dropped I made a point of putting my card in a pocket separately. So.. no fumbling with wallet etc.  Just take card out.. make a (usually) contactless payment and it's job done. I also keep a strong plastic carrier bag in one fleece pocket and a mask in the other.. And I don't carry a handbag. :)

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Jill strange you didnt see any bats, we've not seen them the last few nights. Granted it has rained but our lodger behind the shutter hasn't been home either. Is there a rave somewhere?

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They are all round at Margie's, Nonna! She's inadvertently clicked news of a huge Batfest with as many free insects as you can eat!


I was surprised not to see any last night as the sky was clear under what bit of a moon there was and there were gnats about.

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Never a dull moment down here in the "Valle". Opened the door to let the dogs in and 2 swallows swooped in towards the door probably saw the Christmas wrapped porch light and thought better of it. Nearly had them both in for lunch. There are loads around this morning.

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Just Scalded mesen...with Coffee on the inside of my arm just above the wrist.........never been Scalded afore....bleddy painful.....:Shock:


Remedy's please.........

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