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8 hours ago, DJ360 said:

Runner Beans doing OK. Cucumbers a bit slow.  The four grafted Tomato plants I ordered from Suttons are progressing well enough, but I won't be planting them out for a few days yet.

Meanwhile the garden is generally growing like mad..but I've already lost three Lupins.. They really don't like the excessive wet.


Meanwhile.. look wot I got!!


Fancied one for a long time and spotted it on eBay.  Under a tenner...

Lupins are so beautiful but you’re right the roots hate sitting in water. 
I have some spare cherry tomato plants (piccobella) if anyone coming to the Hole in the Wall needs some. 
I have an Acanthus in my garden which is now growing like a triffid with loads of flower spikes on it. It clearly likes the wet conditions. I think in the coming years we will have to resign ourselves that we’re just going to get wet conditions for at least 6 months of the year and plant accordingly. 

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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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You can send me a couple of Cherry tom plants. I'd love some of them to grow, Mrs.Buttercup.

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Big job here this morning now that we’ve waved goodbye to ‘No Mow May’

The lawn is now looking somewhat respectable but needs another cut tomorrow.   The dreadful wet past month has really helped the garden, now can we please have some proper Summer sunshine?!

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Lovely day visiting Barnsley market, busy as usual with plenty of folk buying stuff, nice little statue of "Casper" and his kestrel from the film "Kes" and just couldn't resist this last picture of the opticians on market street, there is one in Newark as well with the same name (might ring a bell with certain person), anyroad hope you all had a great day and got everything done you set out to do,








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Usual sort if day (when the weather is fine) bike ride around the local lanes on the Diamondback full suspension bike I made last year then back home and prepared dinner for later, roast pork, three types of veg, roast spuds, home made apple sauce and Bisto gravy, then in the garden and out with a mower, cut the grass on the back garden and cleaned the mower before putting it away, sat down on the garden bench with a coffee and watched a swarm of bees fly over from the area around the village pond, thousands of them, next door neighbour gave me a shout to look at my roses in the front garden, blow me the bees have settled on one of the climbing roses, trying to find a local bee keeper now to see if he/she can move them, they need moving because they are at the edge of the footpath so anyone walking past could get attacked, all in a days work I suppose, have a great rest of the day everyone and enjoy this lovely weather



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On 5/11/2024 at 5:32 PM, DJ360 said:

Later today we're going over to our eldest daughters place in Manchester for a barbeque come birthday celebration for the youngest,

Now that you are well into BBQ season do you have any preferences for the grill marks on sausages?

I always cook them with the grill marks going along the length of the sausage whereas my son always does them with the grill marks going across the sausage. Do they taste any different? For me the only thing that affects the taste of a sausage is to buy good quality butchers sausage, not the stuff they sell in the supermarket chains.

Oh! for a good tomato sausage, can't find one anywhere near where we live.

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15 minutes ago, Oztalgian said:

Now that you are well into BBQ season do you have any preferences for the grill marks on sausages?


To be honest Oz.. I'm happy if they are properly cooked and not drowned by rain...


So far as I recall, we have had one weekend where temps stayed above 20 degrees C during the day.. and we are now firmly into June, but not firmly into the Barbie season.

This year so far has been exceptionally wet and cloudy, with sunshine a rarity and temps mostly pinned back to about 15c at best. Windy too...  I personally find it deeply depressing.. Some people aren't bothered.


The wet and relatively mild winter, also made the issue of moss in lawns even worse than usual.  Today I used my powered lawn raker on the 12' by 15' patch at the front of the house and quickly filled a standard sized Green Bin with moss.


Earlier this Sunday I saw our 'national treasure' Alan Titchmarsh claiming he's now an organic gardener.  His approach is evidently to rake out moss then feed the lawn with 'fish blood and bone', to encourage grass growth and suppress moss.  But then again.. he doesn't live in the grim North West of England.  Still. I may try it..

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As a complete peasant I've never understood the attraction of a barbecue or why it seems to be de rigueur a man does the cooking. We all have a perfectly serviceable kitchens with modern appliance and costing a lot of money, but then we choose to cook in less-than-optimal conditions by those who swear they are good cooks but invariably aren't.

The social side i get and gathering with friends and family is a nice way to spend an afternoon. but eating semi-cooked or overcooked sausages etc?

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The smell is enough to put me off. The first nice, sunny day and the unholy stink of charcoal, or whatever it is, wafts across gardens. We just don't have the climate in this country for such pastimes. Bonfire night, roast potatoes, bonfire toffee and sparklers, fair enough. People expect to be cold.

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Nice morning in the hall down the next village, coffee morning where all us oldies catch up on the village gossip then back home to get lunch prepared, sat in the garden now watching the RAF over the garden practicing their birthday flypast for the king, plenty of aircraft and lots of noise from the fast jets, (I think public money would be better spent elsewhere but who am I?) bit of good news on the bee front, they decided they didn't want to spend much time in my rose bushes so they've took off to pastures new, I heard a loud buzzing noise, looked up and saw a large dark cloud heading over me garden then over the fields and that was that the bees have gone,(they could have been practicing for the kings flypast but I doubt it) sad to see them go really but you can't interfere with nature can you?

Anyroad thats it for today so have a great day everyone



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I’m with you on barbecues. Why mess about cooking in the garden and sitting on the terrace on some splintery wooden chairs when you’ve got all you need in the house to cook a perfect meal. I must confess I’ve got an all singing/dancing gas fired barbecue in the garage which I bought during lockdown. I’ve promised it to my son but it’s a big job to dismantle it so it will fit in the car.

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Put an engine in it Phil., then you can drive it your sons abode. :hungr: 

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That my friend, is something I'd pay to see. No doubt that bloke Plantfit could give you a hand, fitting a seat, pedals etc. Perhaps he could loan you a mower engine.

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I have a ten and half horse power Lister ST1 you can borrow anytime you want Phil





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3 minutes ago, plantfit said:

I have a ten and half horse power Lister ST1 you can borrow anytime you want Phil





Yes, I could weld that to the barbecue Rog now I've got my hand in again.

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Take your pick Phil, they are all good runners





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Do what we do instead of BBQ. Invite all the family and their offspring , ask each to prepare something then on the day spread out the tables , bring out plastic plates and beakers etc . Plenty of wine, pop for kids undoubtedly someone will have made a dessert. Bring ya cozzies and enjoy , rain or not.

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Before the weather turned cold and wet again I managed an hour down the farmyard harassing the pigeons,back home and cut the dead heads off the roses and lupins, cleaned and oiled the R10 before putting it away for another day, topped up the bird feeders and put out the purple recycle bin, other than that a quiet day, raining quite hard now so stuck indoors checking emails and looking on various websites, have a great day all and enjoy whatever you chose to do



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All of you put your wishing hats on for June 13-17. It’s only a few days but the weather had better behave as 7 of us are visiting London again and I don’t want it raining or being cold. But if it does we will enjoy ourselves just the same. :rulez:

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One son rang from Dar es Salaam to tell me he’d got Malaria and been on an IV drip in the local clinic today. They wanted to keep him in overnight but he prefers his own bed and television, promising to go back in at 6am tomorrow. 
Other son rang to say he’s booked a Hospitality package for us, him and some important customers at Wimbledon on the second Monday, Court No. 1 that has a roof so play will go ahead no matter what this crappy summer is throwing at us.  
Meanwhile I’ve been at City Hospital for a Pre-op appointment, surgery booked for 19th June so must recover for 8th July!  Our Summer social calendar is looking too busy to be honest! 

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Lizzie you’ ll be ok for you Wimbledon do. Enjoy it. Hope your son is ok . You could have done without that news but sounds like he’s ok and not too worried about it if he’s not staying in hospital overnight . Who will be playing, I don’t follow tennis but I like Sinner. Be thinking of you.

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Lizzie, what a great day at Wimbledon you will have, my daughter and I went when the Olympics were on and had such a good time. Enjoy it and hope to see you next week.

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