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Just got back from QMC again........the last eight days have been a bit Traumatic to say the least,,...blood tests,,X-rays,,and today a visit to a Consultant........cut a long story short......problem

Result........CT Scans all clear......just got letter..been sweating for a fortnight......

Two years ago life changed forever,,,about this time i was on my way down to the operating theatre for what turned out to be a ten hour operation...........its been life changing in

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All good here.

Even this cynical old fart is getting a bit misty eyed about the way that Covid has messed up Christmas for so many.. but I'm still not going to be an idiot.. with a vaccine so close.


Just a case of waiting our turns now...:mellow:


Really glad it's the shortest day tomorrow or thereabouts. (It's a bit more complicated than that.. but 'Hey')  So.. things get brighter very slowly from now. Generally speaking .. it will be light at 5:00 pm by first week in Feb... :yahoo:

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According to the Omni calculator, we will get our vaccine somewhere between 20 - 31 January but who knows... that will depend on lots of factors.  At least the Pfizer vaccines are still being allowed into Dover from Belgium, according to the news this morning.

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As I understand it, you have to be looking towards the horizon as soon after sunset. To my reckoning, you would have to be on the coast looking West to see any horizon. If I go outside and look that way then I'd just be looking at houses across the road. Any road, it's blowing a hooley and raining. :rolleyes:

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A bit like a fierce wind. When all the hounds of Hell are baying. In other words, a crap day !

It's like that down yer at the moment.

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Good start to the day, toast set off the smoke alarm and house smells of burnt toast, conservatory has sprung a leak and I have dropped and broken a mug.  At least my new guttering is working, no waterfall at the front of the house.
Going to put the bin out ready for tomorrow and then cuddle up with Kai (who is sulking a bit as we haven’t been for a walk today so treats are required) on the floor in front of the gas fire and read a book on my kindle as I have read all the books I got from the library. The ironing can wait until tomorrow!

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Sussed the new format and can post again:biggrin: Raining again this morning but, as yesterday, I donned waterproof trousers and top and worked outside. Yesterday I started to dismantle our boundary 'post and panel' fence. Those 45 year old concrete posts and gravel boards are twice as heavy as modern ones. It will take a few more days to complete that. This morning I dismantled a scratter that was far too heavy to move. It was removed to make way for a second courtyard. Just having a rest before going out again. Bugger the rain!

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Avatar is normal. Unread post - no response. If I click on Activity I can get on line and then click unread posts on the new line.  I don't log off. Can't see how to pm and no envelope for notification, although your notification popped up?

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CT, I can see all on my 10" tablet albeit dark on dark, but on my 8" tablet there nothing above the search magnifying glass. It's as though the image is too large for the screen but cannot pinch it smaller.

Does this make sense?

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4 hours ago, Beekay said:

CT, I can see all on my 10" tablet albeit dark on dark, but on my 8" tablet there nothing above the search magnifying glass. It's as though the image is too large for the screen but cannot pinch it smaller.  Does this make sense?


People are seeing different versions of the site depending on what computer/phone/etc they are using. There's nowt we can do until the software 'experts' sort out the problems.

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I've noticed that too . On one iPad I can't even post and there's no where to "like" yet on another iPad "everything" seems to be ok. Haven't tried mac yet.

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Our Christmas Dinner will no doubt be a surprise, until takeaway deliveries have all been delivered we will have " left overs" from both restaurants. Not talking about left over meat, chicken and veg but  things like lasagne with smoked salmon and muscles or prawns, seafood soup and rabbit with chocolate. To follow cheesecake with maroon glacé and cream sauce of persimmon and meringue. Or else stuffed mussels or octopus in crispy batter, roast beef with bearnese sauce followed by puddle cake flavoured with chili and white chocolate. 1/2 bottles of red and white wine or even champagne.  Restaurants don't know til last minute how many covers they will do 

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@nonnaB After reading your post I feel hungry - must go and make something on toast ... scrambled eggs, beans, chocolate spread?  Not all together I might add!

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3 hours ago, philmayfield said:

I've eaten your rabbit at La Bucca and it was very good. I don't remember it being served with chocolate though. That would have been too much even for my extensive eating repertoire!

Phil it's  cooked with chocolate but although it's rich you can't tell it's chocolate.

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