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20 hours ago, DJ360 said:


A rather glib re writing of history I think, but at least you seem to have dropped references to 'bitter rhetoric' and 'acidic bile'.


We really didn't fight Hitler totally out of concern for Europe.  If we hadn't fought him, we'd have had to accept his domination of Europe and most likely invasion of the UK.


No, I still retain my personal view of the bitter rhetoric I felt coming from the European negotiators against us in our commitment to leave the EU. I looked behind the spoken word and a with a somewhat sinister sense of the EU's attitude towards the UK; in its arrogance in daring to leave the EU!


To quote one commentator, the EU exercising their revenge by, 'putting the boot in'.




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Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

5 hours ago, HSR said:

Food Banks anyone?


After such a long post...why is this only 3 words long?


The definition of poverty & the users of food banks surely deserves more expansion. 



Drawing a parallel between 19thC and the crushing poverty many here endured at the height of Empire.. and now.

Sorry you couldn't see that.

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50 minutes ago, Alpha said:


No, I still retain my personal view of the bitter rhetoric I felt coming from the European negotiators against us in our commitment to leave the EU. I looked behind the spoken word and a with a somewhat sinister sense of the EU's attitude towards the UK; in its arrogance in daring to leave the EU!


To quote one commentator, the EU exercising their revenge by, 'putting the boot in'.





So now you are effectively saying all this 'bitter rhetoric' etc was just in your head?  Surely if this was such a strong element in the EU response to our leaving, you can find a verifiable quote somewhere?

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6 hours ago, Brew said:


So we have gone from 'oven ready' to 'we need another year'. Will it ever end...



Not sure that's what he's saying Brew.  I think he's still on for getting his version of Brexit deal through before Christmas. but it then clearly trying to put pressure on the EU to complete the 'detail' by end 2020.


Sounds like typical Johnson bull**** to me.. but he's still reserving 'no deal'.  I see that as  an obvious bit of  'hard man posturing' for the benefit of his admirers.  I doubt it will worry the EU.  They'll have the measure of him.

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2 hours ago, DJ360 said:


So now you are effectively saying all this 'bitter rhetoric' etc was just in your head?  Surely if this was such a strong element in the EU response to our leaving, you can find a verifiable quote somewhere?

Included are a few examples of some bombastic rhetoric from Donald Tusk, et al: 'There’s a special place in hell' for "no plan" Brexiteers which was to quote; “deliberately unpleasant and provocative”. Especially, “the punishment beating that the EU seems determined to meet out,” to those who oppose their policies, quoted another.

Belgium’s Mark Rutte demanded the British be brought back to earth….as their terms for negotiation were very unrealistic.

Another Belgian, Mr. Verhofstadt, was quoted of provocatively that, “the British have shot themselves in the foot; we intend to shoot them in the other”.

I sense the underlying bitterness when reading between the lines.

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Seek..and ye shall find...


Tusk is right about 'no plan' Brexiteers and it is they, not he, who are being unpleasant.


The rest is hardly 'vitriol' etc., especially since you still don't offer sources or context.


The EU have a point.. some of our negotiations have been unrealistic.


And you might also want to consider the effect of having a nasty, sneering and thoroughly objectionable arse such as Farage, standing in the European Parliament, taking EU money and slagging them off at every opportunity.

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Incidentally, I meant to post last night about an interview I saw on BBC North West Tonight.. last night...


Some Tory, questioned about the gross imbalance between funding for infrastructure between the North and the South.. responded with words to the effect that 'now the North had elected a few Tories, as a reward, we would get better funding'.  So.. in other words.. the condescending arse admitted that they previously had no intention whatever of helping the North, and by implcation will only continue to do so so long as the North elects Tories.


Utterly contemptible.. and totally predictable.

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9 hours ago, HSR said:

After such a long post...why is this only 3 words long?

This is how politics work, you only get told what 'they ' think you need to be told!!

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8 hours ago, DJ360 said:

Seek..and ye shall find...


Tusk is right about 'no plan' Brexiteers and it is they, not he, who are being unpleasant.


The rest is hardly 'vitriol' etc., especially since you still don't offer sources or context.


The EU have a point.. some of our negotiations have been unrealistic.


And you might also want to consider the effect of having a nasty, sneering and thoroughly objectionable arse such as Farage, standing in the European Parliament, taking EU money and slagging them off at every opportunity.

In context, the EU negotiators - arranged against the UK at 27 - 1 were smug enough with superior bargaining power to vent their spleen against us for daring to reject further and closer integration with the EU. 

As for Farage I would suggest the maxim, "give like for like". 

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11 hours ago, Alpha said:

Included are a few examples of some bombastic rhetoric from Donald Tusk, et al: 'There’s a special place in hell' for "no plan" Brexiteers which was to quote; “deliberately unpleasant and provocative”. Especially, “the punishment beating that the EU seems determined to meet out,” to those who oppose their policies, quoted another.


Belgium’s Mark Rutte demanded the British be brought back to earth….as their terms for negotiation were very unrealistic.


Another Belgian, Mr. Verhofstadt, was quoted of provocatively that, “the British have shot themselves in the foot; we intend to shoot them in the other”.


I sense the underlying bitterness when reading between the lines.

 The Donald Tusk quote is not complete, it has been taken out of context and so puts a whole different meaning to his words. He was NOT referring to Brexiteers, his comment was aimed at naïve Brexit negotiators who have no clear plan. He also continued on the say he hoped the EU and the UK would continue to have a close partnership.


Belgium’s Mark Rutte demanded the British be brought back to earth….as their terms for negotiation were very unrealistic. (Mark Rutte by the way is Dutch)


Seems entirely reasonable to me, we approached leaving with the totally erroneous understanding we could dictate the terms and the EU negotiators thought them unrealistic.


Verhofstadt, was quoted of provocatively that, “the British have shot themselves in the foot; we intend to shoot them in the other”.


Here is a negotiator playing 'hard ball', he however is only part of the EU negotiating team. His language may not be the most diplomatic but we have heard far worse and still reached an agreement.

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Alpha.. if you had watched the  BBC programme about the Brexit process which was shown last night (Tuesday) you would have seen numerous examples of EU negotiators being perfectly reasonable and diplomatic.  Much as it pains me to say so, I also thought that Johnson (in his direct dealings with them) was passable, as even was Kuennsberg, who is far from my favourite journalist out of a bad BBC bunch.


I'm convinced that if you approach Brexit as you clearly do, you are starting from the assumption that the EU is a 'bad' organisation, which not only wishes the UK ill, but is determined to punish us for leaving.  You seem to also confuse this totally with the understanding in some quarters here, that the EU would just be forced to 'roll over'. It can't be both.


If you factor in the bile and malice aimed relentlessly at the EU by UKIP/Farage and others for years before Brexit, not to mention the relentless press campaign of misinformation and ludicrous 'bent Bananas' mythology trotted out by the press.. any sane person could be forgiven for wondering why the EU put up with us for so long.

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2 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

Much as it pains me to say so, I also thought that Johnson (in his direct dealings with them) was passable, as even was Kuennsberg, who is far from my favourite journalist out of a bad BBC bunch.



I must make an appointment with Specsavers, you'll never believe what I thought I've just read!

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You need to concentrate on the brackets...

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4 hours ago, Alpha said:

As for Farage I would suggest the maxim, "give like for like". 


Plainly wrong.  Farage is a 'busted flush'.  Beyond his Ciggy Smoke accent and his fake smile, he is clearly a 'one trick Pony'. He drones on endlessly about Brussels, but has nothing of substance or accuracy to say against them, or to propose as an alternative..  He's a rabble rouser, a cheap populist and a fraud.  He's had more parties than I've had hot dinners and still has nothing of interest to say to the vast majority of UK voters.

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23 hours ago, Brew said:

So we have gone from 'oven ready' to 'we need another year'. Will it ever end..


possibly .. hopefully, could be leaving with no deal..



1 hour ago, DJ360 said:


Plainly wrong.  Farage is a 'busted flush'.  Beyond his Ciggy Smoke accent and his fake smile, he is clearly a 'one trick Pony'. He drones on endlessly about Brussels, but has nothing of substance or accuracy to say against them, or to propose as an alternative..  He's a rabble rouser, a cheap populist and a fraud.  He's had more parties than I've had hot dinners and still has nothing of interest to say to the vast majority of UK voters.


Should have a few more hot dinners DJ,

I think you'll prefer Brussels warm.....


Have been a Labour party member for nearly 40 years....hmmmm..:(



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On 12/17/2019 at 11:22 AM, DJ360 said:


Drawing a parallel between 19thC and the crushing poverty many here endured at the height of Empire.. and now.

Sorry you couldn't see that.


I'm glad I couldn't 'see' it..Ludicrous!! 

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On 12/16/2019 at 1:24 PM, Brew said:


The NHS has been out of control for years


Found it amusing, Boris quoting how important the NHS is, and how much it has served him in the past..I wonder what percentage of MPs use it.., 










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  • 5 weeks later...

Back in the day (2017 I think) I said:


"I'm a Royalist and really, really hope I'm wrong but you know that bit of the film where the train is heading towards a bridge that's out...........


Sadly it seems to be coming true.

It's very irritating though when they are clearly having problems a  stupid woman on BBC QT tries to say it's all due to racism and white privilege. 

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2 hours ago, Oztalgian said:

I don't give a rat's rectum what they do or do not do.

Neither do I. Just hope taxpayers do not have to fund their “independent” lifestyle in any way at all. The money can be better spent elsewhere.

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Well if the news reviewers last night are anything to go by, they'll be sitting on top of a fire permanently.


Apparently as Royals, even though it didn't appear to be the case, the press were slightly restrained in what they said and did with them.

Now they are no longer officially Royals they are fair game just as any other individual.

I would imagine this will also include digging up more things from both their pasts.

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It is only to be hoped that, after this debacle, she doesn't dump him.  If he is only a fraction as fragile a personality as he claims to be, that would possibly push him right over the edge.  He has, arguably, had enough tragedy in his life already without any more.

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