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He's held off the much feared IRS for years so I would think with his resources any litigation will be  years before coming to trial...

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True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

Debt! So what? Some of the biggest corporations on earth have been in debt for decades as have many nations. As long as there are plenty of people willing to pay Peter to pay Paul he will survive. I suspect that his debt momentum is so huge that it will roll along for a long time. People like Trump don't go away. Rabble rouser par excellence. Frightening, having the gun lobby and rednecks behind him and being (hopefully temporarily) a cornered rat. I will be surprised if he goes to jail. He would take too many people with him for that to be risked. 

I wonder why people think that Joe Biden is to old at 77? He is known for getting good and diverse teams around him to give advice. All he then needs is wisdom and strong belief.

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The world runs successfully on borrowed money. When I was in business I built up what our shareholders called a ‘cash mountain’ so I had to dribble some out to them occasionally! For me cash is king. I would hate to be in debt although I once had a mortgage obviously.

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3 hours ago, philmayfield said:

For me cash is king

I agree Phil but if you are in business I would add one word "Cash Flow is King" I have seen many businesses go broke withe excellent P&L statements but they did not have the cash to smooth out the lumps and bumps that come with running a business.

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I understand the comments about debt but as I understand it Trump's problem is not only the level of his debt, but his ability to make the payments.

I.e. Oz points out above.

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On 11/7/2020 at 1:34 PM, HSR said:

Triumphista,.. who develops these soundbites....???


It was 'Trumpista'.  It's common, at least colloquially, to add 'ista' to a word to indicate a devotee or acolyte of said word/concept/movement etc. Without bothering to look it up, I imagine it derives from Spanish.


As such.... my daughter.. a fashion designer, jokingly describes herself as a 'Fashionista'. I don't see 'Trumpista' as outside that usage.

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I did it for you Col:


'word-forming element meaning "one who does or makes," also used to indicate adherence to a certain doctrine or custom, from French -iste and directly from Latin -ista (source also of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian -ista), from Greek agent-noun ending -istes, which is from -is-, ending of the stem of verbs in -izein, + agential suffix -tes'.  ;)

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If Trump does pursue his dynastic ambition and lust for power it will obviously destabilise and divide the US even further. Think about it - who would like to destabilise the US? Well, there is Russia, China, N Korea, Islamic extremists and others. They may chose to help him gain power for their own ends. I am not suggesting physical help; more can be achieved through the media, cyber, money and a host of dirty tricks. On a similar theme, Brexit can be seen by the Russians as an exercise to destabilise Europe. I said at the time "Putin will be rubbing his hands".

I'm just going to hide in my Man Coup.

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10 hours ago, Brew said:

'word-forming element meaning "one who does or makes," also used to indicate adherence to a certain doctrine or custom, from French -iste and directly from Latin -ista (source also of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian -ista), from Greek agent-noun ending -istes, which is from -is-, ending of the stem of verbs in -izein, + agential suffix -tes'. 


Well obviously that's wot I ment...:laugh:

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Another excellent speech from President Elect Joe Biden as he launches his Task Force to tackle Covid.

Actual leadership being shown, instead of  head in the sand obfuscation and science denial. He didn't need to 'slag off' Trump, he just pointed out the need for a concerted, science based effort to tackle the virus.  Also pointed out that wearing a mask is not a political statement, but an act of common sense and mutual protection.

Well said Joe.

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36 minutes ago, LizzieM said:

Trump is terrible  :laugh:



You know about unnecessarily long posts Lizzie, too many words here so I've edited it for you...........:rulez:


You're welcome...




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I've been genuinely mystified as to why 70 million people voted for Trump, after everything.  I can't believe that they are all 'bad' people.


The link below provides one perspective, based in Psychological thinking.


From which:


How Trump’s Mental Illness Infected 48% of the Electorate

“What is wrong with 68 million Americans?” is a question many are asking the day after the election. Why should the race even be close? Why did 48% of voting adults choose to remain with a president who leaves a trail of hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, the nation bankrupt, children in cages, and our natural habitat under existential threat?



Another here... more based in Economics.


I'm not endorsing either view, but they make you think.



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14 hours ago, DJ360 said:

I've been genuinely mystified as to why 70 million people voted for Trump,


62% turnout means approximately 85 million didn't vote at all

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Really, RR? I didn't realise!


My all time favourite is still Boris (Yeltsin, that is).  There was a real sense of humour in there.  It takes real statesmanship to get so p*ssed that you can't stagger off the plane. Bless him! :P

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40 minutes ago, Cliff Ton said:

A bit tottery......he's 77 years old ! 


Many of my grandparents and relatives had died before they got to that age !    He seems to be a good example of modern medicine and standards of living.

Steady On CT ! I'm bloody 77. An' I don't intend to get Tottery until I'm at least 78.

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