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Is that the royal 'we' Col? I'm of the opinion that the majority have no interest how the vaccine works just so long as it does and the politics are irrelevant. 

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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b



Where did I use the 'we'.. and where did I specifically reference the vaccine?


I'm talking about Cumming's arrogance and his opinion that he..alone.. knows how to drive Govt.  He's a wannabe dictator who thinks that his intellect and methodology places him above Parliament and Govt.  We all know what happens when people like that gain power.

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13 minutes ago, DJ360 said:

So when people offer solutions that don't suit the currently ascendant political ideology.. and in fact cite it as the reason for the failure of those solutions.... We should just accept the situation unquestioningly?

I was referring the articles you posted a link to the focus being government policy and poverty as a cause for the death among the poor.

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I've read that Liverpool City Council, My favourite all time city BTW has "misplaced"£100 million, I thought Nottm City Council were bad !. Just shows Labour councils can't be trusted with public money it seems.

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It can't be true CF, everyone knows it's only Tories and their acolytes that do such things...  ;)

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4 hours ago, catfan said:

My favourite all time city BTW has "misplaced"£100 million,


2 hours ago, Cliff Ton said:

And I always though local councillors got voted in because they knew what they're doing.

 And your point being??    ;)

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I was a local councillor.  I would challenge anyone to find anything dishonest in my activity.

Probably why I didn't last...


Now... there is clearly something going on in Liverpool.. but the idea of a Tory Govt run by a terminal liar, sending in a known crook (Jenrick.. who deliberately and illegally pushed through a planning proposal for some porn boss buddy..saving him £40 million in taxes and also depriving the long suffering people of the area of cash for much needed local services) to 'sort out' Liverpool.. just proves what an utterly corrupt bunch the British electorate voted in last time.. mostly to enable a Brexit fiasco which has turned out to be precisely the disaster all Remainers predicted it would be.

We are quietly witnessing Johnson and his crooks creating a Fascist State.  I said this was on the cards. I told you all you needed to know was in their manifesto..  I give up.

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8 hours ago, catfan said:

Just shows Labour councils can't be trusted with public money it seems.


It shows nothing of the sort.  Who was it who enabled Carillion to completely cock up the building of the new Liverpool Hospital.. then go bust.. with no loss to their bent directors..and leave it to others to sort out?

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Smoke and mirrors…

You missed your vocation Col, you should have been a conjurer. Your reply was as nice a piece of misdirection and sidestepping as I’ve seen for a long time.


Liverpool councillors seem to have misappropriated a rather large amount of their citizen’s money yet rather than a diatribe castigating those responsible you chose to turn it into an attack on the Tories.


The Jenrick scandal involved a London scheme if I remember correctly, nothing remotely Liverpool related. Sending him to ‘sort out’ Liverpool is hardly proof of corruption by the Tories or the electorate.


The Carillion directors are as you well know are under investigation for the financial fiasco and if any wrongdoing is found will be answerable.


Not being  of a suspicious nature I’m sure the  costly delays in building the Liverpool hospital had nothing to do with someone not having greasy hands…


Whether Johnson and his ilk are moving towards Fascism is moot,  a worry it’s true, but it has bugger all to with the missing millions…


You deny that Labour councils can’t be trusted with public money yet three of the biggest financial cockups at the moment, (that I’m aware of) are by Labour run authorities. Is it greed, profligacy, incompetence or corruption?


I don't tar them all with the same brush but lets just say I'm decidedly unimpressed.


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I am posting this in this thread as the answer may be political and I dont want to start politics in another thread.

I have been trying to service my pond pumps and require new O rings which I can normally purchase without any problem, this year I have been unable to buy them and the suppliers are having problems as well. I went onto the makers site and they have them, problem solved ,I thought, until I came to checkout and this message came up.

I understand this is a German manufacturer .



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Resisting the opportunity to go into a rant about Brexit... have you tried searching Amazon or Ebay?





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Brew thanks I have tried both but no luck, I spent a morning on google and also on the phone but no luck at all,  I put in on this thread because I was worried there may be political replies and we dont need that in other threads.  All I wanted was ideas why it happened and more important any suggestions where to try next as it is spring and time to sort my pond out .

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Prior to Jan 2021 all goods sold in E.U countries and supplied to another E.U country had VAT charged in the supplying country.

That country kept the VAT.


Now the U.K is out of the E.U, goods are sold VAT free by the supplying E.U country (just as it always had been for non E.U countries) and VAT is charged at the point of entry to the U.K, so the U.K gets the V.A.T.


The Chancellor decided that to avoid excessive admin at the border that all sales under £135 to non U.K VAT registered customers i.e general public are to have U.K V.A.T charged by the country of origin and forwarded to U.K HMRC.


To achieve this the non U.K supplier either has to be U.K VAT registered or use a third party agent for processing the transaction.


Some none U.K low volume suppliers have decided it's not worth the trouble so will no longer supply the U.K whilst other suppliers didn't get their act together fast enough.


This rule has also been applied to rest of World suppliers.



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1 hour ago, trogg said:

any suggestions where to try next

It's quite easy, (it must be if I can do it) to make your own. Camthorne Industrial supplies will sell Nitrile by the metre ( about £3) if you know the diameter. They have sizes from 1.5 mm to ginormous...

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Trogg, the Aquatic Centre at Timmermans Garden Centre in Woodborough are a helpful crowd.  We’ve generally found any pond paraphernalia we need there, if they haven’t got it in stock they will order for you.  

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8 hours ago, Brew said:

Interesting Stuart, I didn't know that...


Me neither, but whether you are a Brexiter of a Remainer, it just demonstrates the utter incompetence of govt. which is supposed to have 'Got Brexit Dun'  They have sacrificed many busnesses, individuals, trading relationships, etc.. etc.. on the altar of a false premise... and a false promise.

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21 hours ago, Brew said:

Smoke and mirrors…

You missed your vocation Col, you should have been a conjurer. Your reply was as nice a piece of misdirection and sidestepping as I’ve seen for a long time.



Unfair Jim.  I clearly stated that something was obviously wrong in Liverpool. I was merely making the entirely valid observation that it is more than a bit rich for a Govt led by a proven habitual liar, to field a proven corrupt minister, to 'sort out' whatever is going on in Liverpool.. is more that a bit hypocritical.


21 hours ago, Brew said:

Liverpool councillors seem to have misappropriated a rather large amount of their citizen’s money yet rather than a diatribe castigating those responsible you chose to turn it into an attack on the Tories.


Then you know more than me.  Define 'misappropriated'. I repeat... it seems clear something is wrong in Liverpool though I have no verifed detail to go on. It is very easy to jump from 'unwise, or naive' decisions, to 'trousering' £100 million.. which you seem to be implying.  I will not defend anyone of any stripe, who has ..and lets use the correct word here.. STOLEN public money...but I'd rather wait for some proof.

21 hours ago, Brew said:

The Jenrick scandal involved a London scheme if I remember correctly, nothing remotely Liverpool related. Sending him to ‘sort out’ Liverpool is hardly proof of corruption by the Tories or the electorate.


Yes it did.  Tower Hamlets IIRC, but I'm happy to be corrected. I can see how my wording might be misinterpreted, but I was meaning that Jenrick deprived the good denizens of Tower Hamlets of..I think.. £40m in taxes and enriched his pal Desmond by the same amount.  By a deliberate and corrupt act .  Jenrick should be in gaol.. not presiding over investigations into Liverpool or any other council.


21 hours ago, Brew said:

The Carillion directors are as you well know are under investigation for the financial fiasco and if any wrongdoing is found will be answerable.


Yep... just like the bent B******s who sold and fitted substandard cladding at Grenfell and elsewhere.. It will rumble on forever until those really responsible are dead, or can claim ill-health.  Jim.  You are not that naive.  When has anyone from any of the Govt's 'preferred suppliers' EVER been gaoled, sanctioned, fined or whatever. ?


21 hours ago, Brew said:

Whether Johnson and his ilk are moving towards Fascism is moot,  a worry it’s true, but it has bugger all to with the missing millions…


I'm glad you recognise the threat of Fascism.  It is very real. Banning protests that make people uncomfortable or inconvenienced?  Really?  What are protests for? Did you watch the 'policing' of the protests about the Sarah Everard murder last week?  The police surrounded the place which was the focus of tributes, flowers etc.. and deliberately prevented people from laying further tributes.  It came across as pure spite and it's not surprising tempers flared.

Jim.  You are a conservative.. and there is nothing wrong with that.  We disagree on it as an economic and  social perspective.  But really, surely you see the difference between economic conservatism.. and the bunch of crooks currently running the country?

You argue that I will defend anything Labour does and attack anything the Tories do... but so far the evidence is all on my side. I will not defend any form of corruption.. I lost my place as a Labour Councillor because I was not prepared to bow to it.  And corruption includes the favouring of certain companies such as Carillion, Serco, Crapita and others for Govt. contracts and then utterly failing to hold them to account when they cock it all up..'lose' millions of public money and walk away scot free to do it all again.  To use a well worn phrase.. 'the game's bent'.

21 hours ago, Brew said:

You deny that Labour councils can’t be trusted with public money yet three of the biggest financial cockups at the moment, (that I’m aware of) are by Labour run authorities. Is it greed, profligacy, incompetence or corruption?


I don't tar them all with the same brush but lets just say I'm decidedly unimpressed.


I'm not aware of them Jim..  Maybe you can enlighten me.  Meanwhile... I'll just wonder why PPE, Test Track and Trace.etc.etc.. have cost MUCH more that anything in Liverpool.. but are seemingly all perfectly 'legit'.

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