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HSR: Col is given a 'free rein to spout his opinions' for exactly the reasons you are, only he does so with more civility.   Recently there have been a couple of attacks on the validity of t

Why do you feel the need to influence others? What is your motivation for so doing? Is it because you think you know better than they? Is it because it feeds your ego if and when you succeed?  Is it b

True enough but none quite so 'in your face' or as blatant. To paraphrase Mone "I didn't lie to hide the the fact we're making £60 million and hiding it in a trust, it was to to protect my family

A little disingenuous using the title 'YouGov' it's nothing more than a market research company. I don't doubt anyone who signs up will eventually be inundated with adverts 'closely tailored to your needs from our carefully selected partners'

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I've been a member of 'yougov' since its inception. I've not noticed any 'tailored' advertising. There are daily opinion polls and there is a longer, widely based, questionnaire each month. Points are given for answering and when you get 5,000 points you get £50. I never refuse money!


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You have no advertising in your mail? you surprise me. I suspect most of us do, and from companies that use market research services.

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It's irrelevant what you do with it, the fact is you're on an extremely detailed and highly accurate database of potential buyers.

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And from the replies to surveys they know your views, probable political leanings, income and social bracket etc etc.


The amount of data extrapolated from loyalty cards is amazing, from a detailed survey I would imagine there is far more  plus a higher degree of accuracy and certainty. Why else would they bother?

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35 minutes ago, woody said:

Hope it is the death knell of the gravy train for the overpaid band of mediocre presenters and so called stars they shell out millions on.


And you seriously think selling it off will change that? Once they become a commercial enterprise, with no statutory budget restrictions, I'm confident it will do just the opposite.

Once big money flows in from the likes of Murdoch, Trump Media and other American TV, do you really believe it will retain its impartiality and independence?


Maybe you're looking forward to 18 minutes per hour of adverts. (channel 4, ITV etc, are allowed 7 mins max)

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Your forecast is far more preferable than the absolute woke nonsense churned out by the BBC at present. The BBC have had it too good for too long. When they have to compete in the real world they will soon find out how good they think they are 

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Police Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. 


In the Lords today -


I'm amazed to learn that the government consider it necessary to create a new law which requires police officers to tell the truth in a public inquiry - really?


In the same bill they want police officers to have the power to stop and search you and your car, 'if they suspect', you are planning a crime! Not, mark you reasonable grounds, possessing evidence, or acting on reliable information, no, just a suspicion will be enough.

The move to the thought police must be closer than we think.



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9 hours ago, catfan said:

Your forecast is far more preferable than the absolute woke nonsense churned out by the BBC at present.


I'm surprised you think that CF. Objecting, as Woody does, to the outrageous salaries the BBC pay to football pundits and people like Jonathon Ross, Chris Evans etc., I can understand.

But to criticise the BBC for excessive wokeism when the adverts and proramme content on the commercial channels are suddenly flooded with woke content, that i didn't expect

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Your example Brew is the very reason I don't watch TV, my TV is used for watching DVDs only.

You are quite right about obscene salaries & the endless TV ads , woke or otherwise.

My license fee here is £7.50 rr year & I have serious reservations about paying that, only reason o do is that Mrs C may want to watch something on the box and she puts it

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I'm strangely feeling sorry for owd Boris, he's clearly very sorry for the events that should have never happened, he achieved an 80 seat majority & got Brexit sorted, delivered a world leading vaccine rollout & led us through the pandemic, Boris I doff my cap  :ph34r:

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I actually thought the opposite. He was  blustering and often hesitant before managing to divert and try to score brownie points with totally unrelated facts when Starmer challenged him.


Starmer the passionless, after accusing Boris of having a lawyer write for him took great care, he is himself a QC, to ask a very carefully crafted question. No doubt he's well aware of the photo's circulating of him  swilling beer with his mates. I suspect he well knows they may yet come back to bite him in the 'arris.


Basically, if, as he says, he did nothing wrong, why is Boris under the cosh for the same thing? Perhaps Boris drinking wine with canapés and Starmer drinking beer with a sarnie makes a difference?


Will Boris fall? A good few in Westminster have put their jobs on the line thinking as much but personally, I wouldn't count him out just yet.

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It's all a bit melodramatic, isn't it?  "In the name of God, go!"


Is this bloke a Minister or an Exorcist? Bell, book and candle?  Perhaps they were actually quaffing Holy Water at the predictably named 'Partygate'. It annoys me intensely that every petty scandal on which the press deems it fit to waste ink has the word 'gate' appended to it!  


As to the Barnet, a recent photo of the present incumbent looking rather windswept revealed what appear to be significant glabrous patches under the artfully arranged thatch. Alopecia?  Even his follicles appear to have lost interest. I know how they feel.

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Wonder what he’d look like with a grade 1 all over?   I quite like that look on a man ( but I might make an exception in his case)

It’s not his physical appearance that worries me anyway - it’s his personality that makes me not like him very much.  

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You are far too forgiving Margie.  The bloke is a congenital liar and egotist.  He really struggles to understand why people criticise him and fail to recognise his obvious genius.  He is a very, very flawed and thoroughly untrustworthy man.


8 hours ago, radfordred said:

I'm strangely feeling sorry for owd Boris, he's clearly very sorry for the events that should have never happened, he achieved an 80 seat majority & got Brexit sorted, delivered a world leading vaccine rollout & led us through the pandemic, Boris I doff my cap  


Once again I'm not quite sure if you are serious or on a 'wind up'.


Boris has never been sorry in his life, except when he's been caught out.


Boris did not 'achieve' an 80 seat majority. He simply stepped into it by pushng on an open door marked 'Brexit'.


Boris did not 'get Brexit sorted'.  Like everything else, he has just ignored the bad bits..of which there are many.  We are all still waiting for the good bits... Don't hold your breath...


Boris did not 'lead' the vaccine roll out...  that was the NHS.


Boris did not 'lead us through the pandemic'.  He was dragged, kicking and screaming..into acting..mostly too little and too late.


..And now.. in order to save his own skin by placating the far right of a far right party, he is scrapping virtually all Covid restrictions..against scientific advice.


He is a disaster for this country,  our   economy, our World standing and our Democracy.


Sadly, if he goes he will be replaced by a less accident prone but equally far right and dangerous individual.


Until the electorate of this country wake up to what is happening quietly behind 'partygate'..we are still screwed.

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On 1/17/2022 at 3:17 PM, catfan said:

Your forecast is far more preferable than the absolute woke nonsense churned out by the BBC at present. The BBC have had it too good for too long. When they have to compete in the real world they will soon find out how good they think they are 


BBC is not beyond criticism, but yours betrays your usual very narrow prejudices.


BBC is socially and culturally liberal in outlook,as you would expect from an organisation which is not completely subservient to political or commercial 'masters'.

Tories hate the BBC, for numerous reasons..not least that it is a very successful broadcaster which they see, just as they see a potential 'cash cow'..if only they could sell it off to themselves.  Surely you must see that as the basic Tory M.O. by now?


I've een critical of the BBC for 'Tory Bias' and I stand by that, but only in their political coverage.

And that is already changing, as they recognise that their future depends on getting shot of this evil, corrupt Govt.

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