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  1. Today
  2. A bit long.............. In a lazy Sunday morning, a quick look at Labours manifesto and a few observations. It is becoming increasingly obvious that Starmer (look at me in shirt sleeves ready to go to work), and the Labour party are now pursuing polices Thatcher would approve of. His continuous use of ‘change’ is becoming a mantra without meaning. The ‘tough choices’ he is also fond of quoting means continued Osborneism. It makes much of ‘stabilising the economy’ by ‘tough spending rules’ - sounds like austerity to me. Building business partnerships
  3. Lifes full of surprises phil.
  4. I always thought the words to this song was "I believe in milko".
  5. Australia just managed to beat Scotland with two balls to spare means England have qualified for the last eight. England now meet the West Indies, South Africa and the USA which sets up the four semi finalists.
  6. ……….and these are just the ones you know about!
  7. Happy chap this morning............lots of 'Fathers day'' greetings from around the World........Iraq..Rwanda...Australia......Oh yes not forgetting....... ........Bulwell....Bestwood....and Hucknall..........
  8. No, we never had group photos at Arno Vale, just an annual individual one. We were so poor my parents used to have the original one enlarged each year.
  9. There would be other people on it, too. I never cease to be amazed at who and what turns up on that site.
  10. Who in heaven’s name would keep an old photo of me?
  11. Maybe we need to appeal for one on Nottingham Lost School Friends!
  12. I don’t have one sorry. I only found the Mellish one by chance.
  13. @philmayfield you had certainly changed a lot facially from when I remember you at age 10/11 Please can you post a picture of you at Arno Vale?
  14. Yesterday
  15. Last time I saw them they still had lots of hair. Sadly second right died last year. The other chap, Ray Hickling, was a pharmacist, based in Spondon, now living in Portsmouth. Another accomplished pianist.
  16. I don't know any of you, but I can see the bottom of Kersall Drive to the right, and just sticking out behind the head of Mr Top Left, is the tower of Our Lady RC Church on Brooklyn Road. As far as I can tell the site has been cleared, but not yet built on. They may build houses and name the streets after your teachers.. .. like they did with the HP site..
  17. First year sixth form so around 16/17. I remember I passed my driving test around then.
  18. Well they all look like bloody teachers to me ! How old were they Phil? The school I attended, we never heard of '6th formers'. We just muddled through and our teachers were glad to be shot of us. I finished up in class 4A. ( thats as high as we went).
  19. He looks somewhat like a young Kenneth Clarke. The two behind you are sporting very luxuriant heads of hair. I wonder whether all their little follicles are still operational?
  20. Give in? I’m the one not looking at the camera.
  21. That’s Andy Martin from Beeston. Medical laboratory technologist.
  22. Yes Margie, she was quite stunning, but I thought I ought not to mention it...
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