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  2. Scrivens are everywhere. A bit like the man himself!
  3. Today
  4. We thought Militant and Momentum, hard left factions with the Labour party, had been at least neutered if not eradicated. The recent statement seems to indicate otherwise? "Left-wing Labour group Momentum called the decision "a huge victory" for Ms Abbott. A Momentum spokesperson said: "Starmer tried to force her out. She held firm - and won. "You come at the queen, you better not miss". Many of Milibands £3 entrants who flooded in to back Corbyn have, according to Rachel Reeve left - not all apparently... Will the left sense blood in the water? or bide th
  5. Lovely day visiting Barnsley market, busy as usual with plenty of folk buying stuff, nice little statue of "Casper" and his kestrel from the film "Kes" and just couldn't resist this last picture of the opticians on market street, there is one in Newark as well with the same name (might ring a bell with certain person), anyroad hope you all had a great day and got everything done you set out to do, Rog
  6. This has been mentioned in other threads. Carl's Fables (and many others) are mentioned, with several photos.
  7. Ian.. yes, we booked Pete and Billy Campbell and the Mighty Sparrows several times, when they were getting increasingly popular...and expensive! I recall seeing Billy, by then known as simply Bill Campbell on New Faces or similar in the early 70s and he released a couple of singles.. but I don't have any more info.
  8. DJ did you know the band The Mighty Sparrows they were a Nottingham band around 1967 my mate Martin Jackson played guitar.
  9. Big job here this morning now that we’ve waved goodbye to ‘No Mow May’ The lawn is now looking somewhat respectable but needs another cut tomorrow. The dreadful wet past month has really helped the garden, now can we please have some proper Summer sunshine?!
  10. The subject of Carl's Fables hasn't come up recently, but there are several older threads where they are mentioned. If you haven't already tried it, put the name in the Search box at the top of the Nottstalgia page.
  11. It's in the president gift to pardon convicted offenders. I was going to ask (tongue in cheek), if he would pardon himself, but the Independant beat me to it... Apparently, he could ...
  12. Not a bad character assassination Col, now tell us what you really think,,,, On the beeb an American lady admitted she was surprised at the verdict, acknowledge he was a liar and then asked then said, "but who else could I vote for?" I'm convinced she saw him as some sort of lovable rogue. Thatcher's speech was the result of elocution lessons with Kate Fleming for four years. to appear more 'authoritative, assertive, and to be taken more seriously'.
  13. I know - but I live in hope - you have seen it so maybe they will also lol. Thanks for your message though . . . . Are there any threads that are current do you know?
  14. We booked Carl's Fables many times for the 360 Club, and for a period, probably around 1969/70, had them as 'resident band' on Sunday Nights. At least this site seems to be still active and up to date: a-z.htm
  15. lainie3961, I hope you get a reply but a lot of the people who posted in this thread only ever logged in once or twice and haven't been back for several years.
  16. Indeed, he may be little more than a spoilt child, but he's a dangerous spoilt child. I continue to be amazed that anyone, whatever their basic political beliefs..could vote for such an obviously and irredeemably flawed specimen. He is, as I said above.. spoiled. He's also crass, insensitive, self obsessed, stupid, ill-informed, incapable of taking personal responsibility for actions or his failures, unable to string a coherent sentence together and at least from my personal perspective, a totally disingenuous and nauseatingly 'weird and creepy' individual. On Newsnight last
  17. His usual strategy of deny everything and blame everyone else failed him this time. We await the appeal and the other trials with interest. If Humpty Trumpty becomes President again methinks the world will be a very different place this time next year.
  18. Carl's Fables, some great nights at the Forest Folk, Bliduth
  19. Yesterday
  20. Hi Alan, I remember you as being lovely!!!! and my mate fancied you rotten. So Neil sounds like he is living his dream - good luck to him. He sounds like he is enjoying every minute from his posts. What are you up to now? Are you still involved with music? I have only just seen your posts - and was thrilled that you had replied to mine. xxx
  21. Surely that's a necessary qualification to be a least it seems so, add moneygrubbing and you've covered half the house.
  22. Nor, clearly, does being congenitally stupid, self-obsessed and totally lacking in self awareness.
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