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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2019 in Posts

  1. Jill I just cannot recall those decorations at Berridge, but that just must be my memory. In fact I cannot recall Christmas at all there! I do recall Christmas at Bobbers Mill Road, and it breaks my heart to think of it now. How my hard working parents provided me with so much on so little. I know how much joy they got out of seeing me on Christmas morning. When my Dad was dying he said that. My childhood Christmases were full of delight, joy and love. My parents hardly drank at all, but when I was old enough, about 10, they gave me a glass of babycham at the dinner. N
    4 points
  2. My late brother John once told me of a Nativity play his lad was in. He had the part of the inn keeper but was not happy about it, because he wanted to be Joseph. It transpires that when Mary and Joseph knocked on the inn door, the inn keeper came out and asked what they wanted. Innocently, Mary asked if there was any room at the inn, as they had travelled far. The inn keeper, (my nephew) replied, " Yes course you can, but he's not coming in, 'cos I wanted that part" ! Nuff said!
    3 points
  3. @Waddo does this country need to 'rule' other countries? I think we will be great again when we have justice for the poorer and less privileged people in our society.
    3 points
  4. I suppose it's apt, SG. They're all playing games...with us, the electorate. As for the mantra, "For the many, not the few" , I venture to suggest that no matter what their political persuasion, the real mission statement is "For Ourselves". But then I'm just a weary cynic who's heartily sick of hearing about it. In the words of a topical favourite, "Bah! Humbug!"
    3 points
  5. In my experience, those who truly wish to serve their fellow man do so in anonymity, without public fanfare or self-serving gratification. They are few and very rarely fall under the heading of politicians. There are too many who seek public accolades and insist that people must know about their good deeds. Sad but, unfortunately, too common. Those who truly seek the common good and betterment of mankind are known only to themselves.
    2 points
  6. @Jill Sparrow I have to disagree about ALL political parties just being 'For Ourselves' I think that EVEN Boris and Co probably do care a bit about 'the many' in some small way, but this is overridden by their allegiance to 'the few' I believe in the broad principles of the Labour Party, whoever their present leader, and think that Jeremy Corbyn would do his best for the country by attempting to address the gap between the rich and the. poor if he were to be elected. I have enjoyed listening to him in debates and interviews and feel he has given honest intelligent answers wit
    2 points
  7. As far as I'm concerned, where you live, how much money you've got or whether you did well academically should have nothing to do with whether you vote Labour or not. Even if one political party would in theory benefit me more, I want to vote for "the many not the few" as that is the RIGHT thing to do!
    2 points
  8. Reading Jill’s post about the school nativity play has reminded me of my one and only starring role on a stage. I was Angel Gabriel in Ashwell Street Infants School Nativity play at Christmas 1957. We performed at St George’s Church in Netherfield and I clearly remember standing on a big wooden box behind Joseph and Mary (who was holding a doll) Dressed in a white sheet with a ring of tinsel on my head, arms outstretched and shouting out “Fear not, I bring you good news of great joy .......” I’ve never been confident enough to do anything on the stage since then
    1 point
  9. Newmarket you have a King, Queen, Jack, and Ace in the middle of the table you also have two cups. these cards are fro another pack and the two cups are one is for a run and the other is for the finish. First you decide what amount you want to gamble ex 30p 3 x10p you each place 10p on a picture then 10p goes into the run and the last 10p goes into the finish, The dealer deals all cards to say 4 players and the person next to the dealer goes first, they put down there lowest red or black card, ex red 2 hearts, the person who has the 3 of hearts goes next and so and so on
    1 point
  10. Surely it isn't a binary thing? I'm sure many, maybe all of us 'do our bit'.. much of the time quietly and anonymously. But I'm sure that it is equally important that we take a public stance and 'call out' injustice when we see it.
    1 point
  11. An awful lot of misunderstanding there Waddo. 1. The referendum, because it was so badly implemented and subject to such dishonest campaigning, created a situation which set Parliament..against a minority Govt. A minority Govt created by Theresa May, and made even more of a minority by the bullying dictatorial actions of Boris Johnson.against his own party. 2.The referendum also created uncertainty because there was no clear definition of what 'Brexit' meant and I'm sure a majority of Brexit voters still believe that we can just 'walk away'. We can't. 3. P
    1 point
  12. I should've looked first. This brings back a few memories. https://www.google.com/search?q=newmarket+card+game&oq=newmarket+c&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4833j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
    1 point
  13. Well said MargieH!! Keep it rational and don't get diverted by irrelevance.
    1 point
  14. I think it's something buried deep in the operating system of the forum. A bit like asking how a television works. You don't need to know....just watch it.
    1 point
  15. I ain't even got a clue what ya'all on about. As for StuartCs list, it's all Greek to me I'm afraid. Who follows who and who does what, totally beyond me. My lot is to post, send a PM or stick a picture on and that's it. But I manage.
    1 point
  16. That's in relation to this presumably; https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/nov/06/operation-votey-mcvoteface-voter-registration-drive-targets-boat-dwellers-and-sofa-surfers https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/boat-owners-exploit-loophole-to-unseat-boris-in-uxbridge-elections-mgcbpbgww Shouldn't boat owners be classed as a Floating Vote..
    1 point
  17. I've just had a letter from Boris asking for my support! Too late, mate... I've already voted and IT WASN'T FOR YOU. It had a return address on the back - perhaps I should seal the envelope again and send it back?
    1 point
  18. Sitting with my brother on the floor in front of the black and white tv, watching Billy Smart’s Circus, sitting room lights off and just the glow of the fire, Mum and Dad fast asleep in their armchairs.
    1 point
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