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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2024 in Posts

  1. Now im alone again (at least for a few days).............keeping busy.....eating out.........i'm a good boy really i'm doing the household chores which i do anyway......today so far ive had breakfast in Bulwell.early...then came home and concentrated on my 110 Potted plants..........moved every one of them into different parts of the garden...and even though i say so myself it looks brilliant........a different garden even...........i really enjoy doing this...i'm the same indoors .....love rearranging the furniture...not that difficult being in a smallish bungalow.......Donna lets me get on w
    3 points
  2. Due to us having something vaguely approaching decent weather.. I took the weekend off from fretting about my bathroom refurb and set about the garden. Yesterday I cut the lawn at the back, then planted up a few Lupins and other things from the garden centre. I noticed all had been nibbled at by something, but could find nothing on them or in the pots. I was left with just one Geum in a pot on the patio... I thought about cutting the front grass but was too 'whacked'. Later in the evening I went out with my torch and found FIVE snails all feasting on one Geum plant.. They are now h
    2 points
  3. When the late Mrs Loppy used to go away. Usually to visit her folks in Nottingham. I tried to do a major upgrade then wait to see how long it took her to notice when she came home. Biggest laugh I got was one time I replaced the bathroom vanity mirror with a real big one. It took about three days before she came into the living room and said, "Did you do something to the bathroom mirror while I was away?" She was smart, sometimes I think it was her way of getting things done.
    2 points
  4. Somewhere I have a medallion given to all the employees of the automotive components company I worked for in Sydney celebrating 75 years of operation. They only went and spelled the name of the company wrong didn't they. HR who organised it and did the proof reading of the artwork got an almighty bollocking from the MD. I suppose one day it might be worth something.
    2 points
  5. They did'nt do badges when we were there Kath. They were'nt around then.
    2 points
  6. Nice little trinket given to me the other day, a pin badge of the Raleigh heron, We were given a pin badge when I worked in the fabrication shop at the Raleigh for a couple of years early/mid 90's, unfortunately I lost mine many years ago but a good friend of mine who worked in the design office came to my rescue the other week and gave me this one, I have put it next to a twenty pence piece for scale Rog
    2 points
  7. Something Magic about an English country garden.........after our long cold winter its so welcoming........either sat alone and watch the sun going down... Or with a loved one when the summer sun is rising and all is quiet....as we drink our morning coffee...and talk about the day ahead......feel the coming hours.......and face it with a smile............
    1 point
  8. Sounds like my better half Loppy............she's a very bright lady...but she never manages to see obvious everyday things..................i can completely change the garden or a room in the bungalow.......and after a couple of days i have to point out the changes..... At one of our old houses i planted a 12 foot tree........about 4 foot from the front door.....took her about a week to notice........bless her......
    1 point
  9. I worked there 5 1/2 years and I have never seen a badge before.
    1 point
  10. And if it's you that's on the menu?
    1 point
  11. Apparently hedgehogs are quite tasty. Back in the 50s we often had genuine travellers/gypsies camp near the end of our village and they told us that after dispatching the little critters and gutting them then covering them in clay and baking them in a fire. The spines come off with the skin along with the clay. Apparently, hedgehog stew is quite popular too. It is illegal to domesticate them in the UK but it is not illegal to eat them. in January 2023 some travellers in Belgium were fined 1,600 Euro for eating them. Before anyone arcs up, Guinea Pigs or Cuy are bred specifically for
    1 point
  12. Mine have “Symply” dry chicken cat food along with a dish of water and seem quite happy. They shouldn’t have anything fish based apparently or milk. I remember as kids we used to give them a saucer of milk with bread - very bad for them we are now told.
    1 point
  13. I love this from Karolina........watchout for my Granddaughter.....another lookalike ..........
    1 point
  14. Why would the devil live in Netherfield?
    1 point
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