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Everything posted by Rob.L

  1. Sad. I spent many a happy evening locked-in at the Marquis of Lorne in the 70s, playing darts and supping until well into the night. I forget the landlord's name now, but I first knew him from when he ran Parliament House on the corner of Upper Parliament street and Market Street, until it got shut-down.
  2. Arthur Mee Another historian, who had a great bearing on my early years thanks to his "King's England" series - my dad collected them all and reading them made me want to travel the country.
  3. Here's a recent one. Susanna Clarke Really enjoyed reading her first novel, "Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell".
  4. It's worked well enough for organised religion for hundreds of years.
  5. As an aside, this has just appeared on Twitter from Notts County Council's official Twitter account...
  6. Would these be the same kids who are dressed-up in ghoulish costumes with fake blood, plastic fangs, and so on, to go trick or treating? Or settle down in front of the TV to watch Simpsons Halloween specials? Who comes up with these daft ideas?
  7. I've used most of them - AVG used to be very good, then got more hungry for memory and disc space. I then switched to Avast until it started down the same route, as well as always popping up trying to sell me upgrades I neither wanted nor needed. I now use MSE and it's fine. Doesn't hog the CPU, doesn't delay boot-up, and just seems to do what AV should be doing - sitting quietly in the background ready to stop viruses before they can attack, and keeping itself up to date without making a song and dance about it.
  8. Nah, the Express would be headlining with something like "Hurricane delays search for Maddie" or yet another made-up article about Diana.
  9. At a time when the Police have seen their pay and pensions attacked, when they're being expected to do more with less, this Plebgate farce only serves to distract attention from the 11% pay rise our MPs are being given. Tony Parsons summed-up the "trust an MP or a policeman" question quite well though...
  10. Along with all the birds we feed - sparrows, goldfinches, and the ubiquitous pigeons, we have a squirrel who visits every day to try to crack the bird-feeders. It doesn't stay very long as the dog hates tree-rats and always chases it off.
  11. Agree about the canals. Every time I walk along a towpath, it always amazes me how they managed to get the water dead level.
  12. Interesting that the Black Boy isn't on that list.
  13. It's the Hammer film version, made in 1967. (And it's ch 319 on Sky) I remember the tv series scaring the whatsits out of me when it was on - but I was only 7 at the time and even Dr Who (with William Hartnell) managed to do that.
  14. Word of caution. If you walk up Corporation Oaks, either take a change of footwear or watch where you walk as a lot of dog owners take their pets up there to relieve themselves before going into the vets surgery which is next to it on Woodborough Road.
  15. And if I recall correctly, (later Sir) Peter Ustinov was his valet/batman.
  16. Thought the Rolls was Canardly Affordit?
  17. Bouncing this thread as I came across this article on Nottingham Hidden Histories site... "Huntingdon chose the start of his waggonway route to coincide with the point where the Parishes of Strelley, Bilborough and Wollaton join together; it actually sits astride two of the boundarys (Strelley and Bilborough) the rails cross the boundary into Wollaton. From this point it is a gentle downhill route, making it easier for the horses when loaded. The other end of the route was at a coal collection point for Tumbills and Waynes on the Wollaton Road." http://nottinghamhiddenhistoryteam.wordpress.c
  18. I remember them building those houses. The walls were pre-fabricated and, if I recall correctly, they only took a couple of weeks to build. I'm surprised they're still standing.
  19. Rob.L

    how do I...?

    Does your camera allow you to alter the aperture f-stop setting? Try underexposing the moon by half an f-stop, then a full f-stop, and keep going half a stop at a time. Somewhere along the line, you'll get the right level of detail. Either that, or ask a friendly Clanger to do it for you. Be careful of soup dragons, though.
  20. Today's result. Ordered some e-cigarette liquids from a web site. There was a slight hiccup with the order process which meant I had to re-start it. Two lots of the stuff just dropped through the letter box, even though I'd only paid for one. Not worth sending it back, so a month's worth of free juice!
  21. A couple of years ago, my brother was delivering some parcels to Duncan Macmillan House on the old Mapperley Hospital site. He mentioned to the receptionist that our dad used to work there and knew Duncan Macmillan well. They told him that Duncan is often seen walking the corridors in his white coat. He died in 1969.
  22. Darkazana, Good for you. I'm sure you know just how much hard work you're letting yourself in for. You'll have to let us tin-tent owners know where/when you get a site.
  23. #5 Flying that low in a Widowmaker takes some courage!
  24. Would be nice to see Cal get a good result, but I expect Marquez to win in MotoGP. I understand that Stoner is driving at Bathurst. Hope he's got his excuses ready!