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Everything posted by the_big_fact_hunt

  1. So sorry to hear this news Nick, he truly was a legend in his own lifetime, so many laughs, so many misspent Sundays in Radford's most popular church. You take care of your Mum Guess he finally caught the "Last train"...
  2. my van was badly damaged when it was broken into, they were caught red handed about an hour later with lots of other stuff, and were found not guilty, its a joke, and so is vehicle security Vehicles can easily be broken into now, despite "high security" devices and immobilisers, either by tools, lockpicks, or by force (some methods being unnoticable if you dont know where to look). There is a group on facebook named van and tool theft awareness for those with vans. The best security is home made and not mass produced, the old hidden switch trick is still one of the best.
  3. the predecessor to the nissan bluebird
  4. i dont care for the game, but i think the wrong person was sacked for underperforming. How many shots has he has this season? not the number that the players on the pitch have, they failed to score. Pay by performance and it would improve
  5. sorry to drag an old thread up, but i was told yesterday that Jeff passed away recently
  6. Appears to have closed for good, was supposedly being sold months ago, never happened, stripped of stock. If i see the manager i'll ask what happened
  7. no probs pal, was nice to see her out and about, was taught to respect my elders, plus she might take the pop bottle to me head lol. plenty of student in the 3 wheatsheafs, only £2 a pint, cheaper than nails was
  8. Mine too, five mins and i'm away elsewhere. The Bag O Nails in lenton has closed now, only one cheap pub left down there now. On another note Radfordred, i saw your Mam puffing and panting on her way home the other week by the old Beechdale baths, so i did the honorable thing and dropped her off at her door, she was surprised i knew where she lived lol, used to have relations living a few doors away.
  9. you can still buy cylinder push mowers, but they are not built like they used to be, quite lightweight and cheap and nasty now. Qualcast used to do one, i think wolf make one too, as well as webb handy and cobra
  10. blimey, that brings back some memories
  11. Fords "the family store", crikey that brings back some memories lol
  12. certainly looks like one of the 47th boys, his Mum still lives in the Lenton flats
  13. i cant remember if it was sketches, or a series, but Jimmy Cricket did some filming in Lenton in the early 90's, and Timothy Spall filmed Outside Edge in Nottingham
  14. i'm too young to remember much about Thatcher, but i think she had bigger balls than anyone who has followed her. As for the royals, i think they are a bunch of good for nothing freeloaders, the Queen is the head of state, all the others should pay their full way in life, and politicians.... crooks, the lot of em
  15. it is set to reopen in March
  16. i remember "boris" chewing on a piece of bark on the park in Lenton in the late 80's, i often wondered what happened to him as the only tramp i saw regularly in the 90's was the one i called the wobbler because of the way he limped along with his walking sticks by sort of rocking back and forth and shoving his bad leg first, he used to get about a lot, he used to call into a petrol station in Bramcote in 1993 most saturday afternoons for a pie. The last time i saw him was probably a year or two ago on Alfreton road. It seem like everyone knew Boris
  17. i had a phone call today to tell me that Richard (known as Pav or Pavarotti) who lead the show after Gordons retirement was found dead at his home. R.I.P Mate
  18. apparently the TBI will be closed for around 3 months, it closed mid december, just before our works do
  19. we were actually standing right behind where that picture was taken, and the mini series starts tomorrow at 10 on channel 4
  20. the subway is at the top end of church street next to the high rise flats. I was there with some friends watching the filming. The scenes where Shaun goes with his mum to buy some DM's, and the cafe scenes were shot in the shops in the precinct next to the subway, and the roof above the subway is the Thomas Helwys baptist church
  21. its been in a cupboard for years, dont think it was ever bothered about after it first came out, you can save things like this for years, but to me they are just clutter
  22. found this in my loft its full of old adverts and trivia and puzzles also found this at the mother in laws house its a reprint of the first ever Evening post from 1878, its all folded up, but in good condition decided to put them on ebay and see if they would sell, not exactly goldmine stuff, but must be worth something
  23. i saw a little two line mention in the post, but no pictures, so heres mine from the parade