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Everything posted by carni

  1. This happened to me for the first time today. I received a PM on NS from one of our members, which was Ok as normal, but then I came out of NS and went on to check my EMails as I do daily. The PM was there in my EMails? Never happened before?
  2. Happy Birthday Jill Hope you have a 'Purrrfect Day.
  3. Exactly the same here in Wolverhampton Mary. The building here hasn't got the history as with the Nottm 'Yates Wine Lodge'. This one was originally a theatre, called 'The Empire Palace Theatre' it had some interesting architecture though, but nothing to compare with the grand buildings around Market Square. 'Slug and Lettuce' What an insult...........Agreed!!!!!!
  4. Hope all is well for you and your family Nonna.
  5. So sorry to read your post SG. We love our pets and I know to lose them leaves us as bereaved as losing any family member. I sat through the night with a sick 18months old Irish Setter in my arms many years ago, only to lose her at 5am to suspected Parva virus. I was broken hearted. In later years our second Setter got ill aged 10yrs and passed away, leaving her other broken hearted mate, sadly she also died 10days later, probably through grief. All you can do is give Kai your love at this sad time and between the two of you, you will get through. Take care of yourselves . So sorry
  6. A couple of days on your Antibiotics should start to make you more comfortable SG. All the best for a speedy recovery Miduck.
  7. Because of health issues, I have the flu vaccine every year. I also had the Pneumonia vaccine in 2006 and the Shingles vaccine 13.11 18. I am pleased to say no reactions to any of them, not even a teeny weeny sore arm afterwards. I just hope they work?
  8. Good to see you back posting on NS Nonna. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. x
  9. I must be rich because I have four watches, but only two bought by us and the second was because about a year ago I thought I had lost my watch the one that I wear daily. We got back from a cycle ride last year and it was missing from my wrist. I was a bit upset because we had treated our selves to matching Rotary ones when hubbs retired. Not top of the range but special to us. Anyway after about a month I had another Rotary, about a month later Hubbs was cleaning the panniers out and what should be in a glasses case at the bottom of one , my watch, put there for safe keeping as so
  10. That's if they make it from the pod to the pan aye benj.
  11. I've seen all your Qualifications, that you got from the Sorbonne. Just thought I would add again for them as don't know that Peter was the brother of Eden Kane who sang, among other songs..........Boys cry when no one can see them, no one can see them cry. Come on Choir?
  12. Hope you get on with your 'Lycra' Benj. I tried the ones with the gel patch, but I couldn't take to them. I have a 'Gel Seat Cover' Mi duck, it is great, it cost less than a tenner, and I can wear ordinary trousers instead of my Lycra Leggins if we are going to walk around the shops, and I still have the comfort of the 'Gel Padding'. I just have to remember to cover it when we park up in case it rains.
  13. Well done you lot. Our Chulla will be chuckling at your verse. I'm just going to read them all again.
  14. Those were the days....Oh yes those were the days. La La la la lala.....................
  15. Denshaw and CliffTon, Thank you, on a day when I can't stand it anymore, I will definitely contact them. I must say, the only reason I haven't done it already is because I am afraid of repercussions. We have heard bad reports about the person and I'm too old to take any agro. I just want to add that in no way do I blame the dog, it is the owners at fault. Margie, like you I do feel very sorry for the animal, we are pet lovers and had dogs ourselves in years gone by. If I do report them, it will probably help the dog as well.
  16. That's very kind of you Benj, I thought about taping the dog barking and playing it back when I know the owners are asleep, but apart from that giving all the neighbours a double whammy of barking.........................I'm a scardey cat! We will just have to wait it out!
  17. Thanks Lizzie. Good News. Trogg, So sorry to read about your scarey event. Thankfully you are OK, sorry I nearly missed your post. I am so slow typing that yours popped up while I was tapping away. Take it easy Miduck, We are all rootin' for you. PS, The ironing is easy if you do it my way. It's called 'Folding'
  18. No news yet from Nonna but I'm sure it wont be long before contact is made Beekay. We are all waiting to hear. Benj, I have just read your post and I admire your bravery, but I have to admit your situation scared me. These days there is no respect and as we are among the older generation now, we can easily come off worse if a scuffle occurs. Hope your appointment went well Miduck. As we speak I'm in a situation mesen. the house on the next street has a garden backing on to ours. A few weeks ago they must have acquired a dog to keep as a guard, definitely not a puppy. I
  19. DJ360, I can only see a concoction of numbers/letters, similar to Compos problem?
  20. Mary, I enjoyed your post very much. You got my inquisitive taste buds going , so I did a bit of reading up on the 'Marshes'. I have added the link to show anyone interested just an inkling of life there in the 1800s. I think it probably has been posted before but some may not have seen it.
  21. 'Is it true what momma says, you wont come bac'k. We will get our hands slapped for going off topic you boys. lol
  22. Beekay, you have just cracked us up laughing. I can't stop visualising a tree full of GtGt Grandparents. The reunion was at Arnold Jill, the lady had booked 'The Stables' for the meeting. By the way, not used for horses for a very long time.