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Everything posted by carni

  1. Great Pics of the churches Plantfit. There might be some of my ancestors buried at Claypole, must check my family tree. Happy to see you posting again, and looking forward to viewing your travels miduck.
  2. Still winding down from my Devon holiday. We have had a very pleasant car ride out today to Bridgnorth in Shropshire, approximately fifteen miles, to sample some delicious icecream at 'Knickerbockers Icecream Parlour', mmm mm Loverley! Orming all over the sofa just now and 'Guess What'? Husband has just said to me ' Come on, get ready, lets go out for dinner He's winding down as well'. How can I possible refuse! Gotta go.....where's mi cardi? Gosh, this enjoyment is such hard work.
  3. Safe Journey catfan. We are home now safe and sound, just a sweet memory so quickly. The traffic on the M5 was not too bad coming away from Devon, but I felt sorry for the ones going down there, the traffic was standing still in places already at 9.30am. Next holiday is Skeggy in September, can't wait, taking the cycles for that one though.
  4. The last day of our one week holiday at Torquay. What a great time we have had. Such a pleasure spending time together with my girls. We have visited each place in the Torbay area and each one has been spectacular, with its own special character. We experienced the ferry at Dartmouth, which had us all laughing, by the time we realised we were moving, we had reached the other side, the Golden Hind at Brixham, we didn't do the tour, though it was interesting to see. On Tuesday we visited Bishop Steignton, a picturesque village, to call in on old friends who moved there i
  5. My sister was a patient at the RN ENT hospital Grays Inn Road early 70s . She was under the care of Professor Harrison, but travelled to the Royal Marsden each day for Radiation treatment, it was at a time when bombs were going off and the general feeling was very unnerving, she was in the ambulance travelling between hospitals when the Old Bailey bombing happened. I would travel by train to see her and she was allowed out of hospital for a short time when I visited. Even though all this was going on, we still were able to stroll a bit to far around the back of one of the buildings on the Mal
  6. Happy Birthday Michael Booth Hope You Have A Brilllllllooooo Day.x xx
  7. In the second picture, there could be a group of women towards the back of the march, followed by a group wearing some kind of regimental pith helmets? Could be a band, but I can't see any instruments.
  8. Yippy, The sun is shining this morning. Today is the third day of our weeks holiday in Tor-quay and no rain forecast for the first time today, so sun dresses at the ready. I never realised how big this place is. We have a lovely cottage right by the Harbour. So picturesque, and it seems we are going to have a seagull awakening at 4.30am every morning, haha. Part of the cottage has a flat roof, so our daughter has the pleasure of the gulls running across the roof as well. Really looking forward to todays strolling. I still can't walk far yet, after my 'little procedure' last Mond
  9. We bought my wedding ring from there in 1966, I can remember as plain as day going in one weekend when Chris came to Nottm. The style I wanted was very 'in' at the time , a barrel design, not right really for my little fingers, it caused me many problems because of this. I didn't want a new one, I wanted to keep the one that I married with at Gedling church, so eventually I had it reduced in width at a jewellers in W-ton. The ring cost 10 Guineas at Ratners in 1966. Nice to see the picture Ian, and bring back my memories for me.
  10. You have such a cruel tongue these days catfan.
  11. This one is at the top of my list for winding me up. Sooooooooo, I devised a plan! You see at my age, I am a bit slow and when I have had a receipt and lots of cash /notes in change plonked in my hand, not surprisingly my hand being quite small, drops the lot, (very carefully, so as not to lose any) on to the counter. I fumble about, trying to pick it up, then I have to add it all up, slowly of course, to make sure it's all there. Serves the Bo99ers right. One giggly OAP, totters out of the shop, leaving behind a really rude assistant, who now has quite a queue of impatient customers to c
  12. Happy Birthday Commo Enjoy Your Special Day.
  13. All as you describe is on my computer as well Oztalgian.? I have just tested it out and can manage to click on the small amount of sign that shows.
  14. Mondays child is fair of face Tuesdays child is full of grace Wednesdays child is full of woe Thursdays child has far to go Fridays child is loving and giving Saturdays child works hard for a living But the child born on the Sabbath day is Bonnie and blithe and good and gay.
  15. Just looked it up miduck. I'm a 'Tuesdays Child'. Full of Grace. Mmmmmmm. Ok . Sounds just like me!
  16. Me too, I thought I'd done summut wrong! Phew, I can relax now I know I'm not alone.
  17. Being a member on I have now got access to the 1939 register, it has been very useful for information about people in my tree. I don't know how reliable this is, but I was told it is something to do with a people count and where they were on that date, as we were going into war. I have found some very interesting information, and locations of my relations. Turned up a few surprises as well! I have been trying to find out when my maternal family moved from Mansfield to Nottm, and didn't know how, without it costing me a fortune. I know they were still in Mansfield on th
  18. carni


    Same as Benjamin, 5th row 2nd from right. Once you have seen that smile (especially whilst you are wearing a grass skirt) not easily forgotten. Great photo Margie.
  19. Three quarters of an hour ago I just managed to get my full line of washing pegged out . The last three items to hang and the heavens opened. It's still there and will be there until it dries. The cold wet grass felt so good on my bare feet!!!!!!!!!Sorry Benj
  20. Well done Mary, We are getting together with daughter on Sat for a joint stall on a local car boot. We have only done one once before, which was a few years ago and we had a great morning. We sold everything, right down to one last item, which was a pair of childrens M/S school trousers, brand new, couldn't even give them away, so passed them over to another stall holder.
  21. Welsh Rarebit 65p in the Dessert List? I thought that was posh ''Cheese on Toast' not puddin'?
  22. I was hoping it had found a good home..........Now I know it did.
  23. YEH, Great Joy. Down by the canal today, my phone received a text. My glasses were at home so husband rummaged in the pannier for some old glasses to lend me, he carried them in a hard case at the bottom of the bag for emergency use. All muckeh and detty it wuz. Opening it up to our delight, there all folded up in the end of the case was my watch. I am now the proud owner of two Rotary watches. One for day use and one for posh doos.
  24. Just had a read about Pennyfoot Stile Ian. Courtesy of Nottinghamshire History. Very interesting. Thanks for the tip. I enjoy NH and was going to add the entry about the stile from the website but was worried about the rules of copyright, so I haven't added it.