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Everything posted by catfan

  1. I went inside that house last year, very, very beautiful it is too. Ciincidently, I am led to believe that a neighbouring house at the back (Alexandra Park) was once owned by Jesse Boot !
  2. Coincidently, John Player's house on woodborough road now is the home of the Nottinghamshire Hospice.
  3. No where near enough. In this instance, life SHOULD mean life.
  4. If my memory is correct I think Drewery & Edwards were on Hounds Gate.
  5. My Ex Wife's aunt owned that factory ! P R Mills, now flats I believe.
  6. Welcome retji, I look forward to reading more of your posts !
  7. No snow either with the look of it !
  8. catfan


    Welcome Andrea.
  9. Don't Distance Selling Regs apply ?
  10. Went past today & not much left at all, probably will be gone completely by the weekend.
  11. Mr Nicholls replaced Mr Ellis, now he was a star, a very compassionate man.
  12. My gran was the cleaner at St Mary's in the 1920s, the vicar used to drop in their house for a cup of tea ! They lived where the Ice Stadium is now built (old Barker Gate).
  13. Have heard good reports about that pub Beef, may give it a go. One of mine from the visitor park.
  14. Were these taken from the spectator area Beef ? Had some good days there.
  15. Many years ago my son went through a similar thing. Only he awoke saying an old lady was hitting him. Shortly afterwards he told his mam to stand to one side of the stairs to let the "old lady " pass by. Now, 30 odd years later he vividly remembers those episodes & swears blind they were not dreams but real.
  16. Commo, waiting for a nice day when I'm off work & will have another wander around St Anns & the city again. Loads more to see. You always see a lot more when walking. I have no worries about walking around St Anns, I can think of far worse areas of Nottingham.! The highlight of our walk was seeing my wife re-visit her childhood home, a place where she was brought up by her grandparents many years ago. Memories like those are priceless. Roll on summer !
  17. Forum on Aspley Lane, sat afternoon. Gaumont in town, sat morning, which I remember with great affection (first girlfriend) ! She was about 10, me a year older.
  18. If I remember correctly, Albert Brown was a regular in the Napier when I lived on Union Rd.