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Everything posted by tomlinson

  1. A couple more acronyms you may know - ROYGBIV and: Bad Boys Rape Our Young Girls But Virgins Go Without
  2. We certainly had corporal punishment at Wm Crane Senior Boys' School in the 50s. The one I had it from most, with a 1/4" thick split leather strap, was math's teacher Mr Dryden. I've never been any good at math's since.
  3. It seems £millions are being put aside to improve flood defences but horse and stable door come to mind. Considering how insurance companies and the government drag their heels in helping people for personal loss, isn't it time a charity was set up to help those unfortunates of our own down there in the west country?
  4. As has already been mentioned, the smell of Burtons was the thing. It seemed to combine ham, coffee, pork pie, spices and Christmas pudding, in season.
  5. Is this the 'Dancing Slipper'? I remember 'stomping' to traditional jazz there of a Saturday night. Fair shook the garage doors below!
  6. The trouble with the TV talent shows is that they persuade (mainly,) youngsters they are going to be a 'celeb' to the exclusion of any other ambition or career move; another reason why so many of them select drama / media / entertainment courses as major subjects.
  7. The mirror over the fireplace and a succession of plaques come to mind. Those plaques usually came from a holiday, pictured a windmill with mill wheel and when they were broken, made great marking chalk.
  8. I don't think you should leave Nottstalgia Matt. Nobody is perfect, apart from me, as I tell the wife, but let's face it, we could all bore for England with our own particular interests. I know I could! Don't be gone for long.
  9. 'They're Changing Guard At Buckingham Palace' was, I think, originally recorded by Petula Clarke and gave rise to the old joke; 'I don't know what this Alice is but it must be serious. Christopher Robin went down with it!' I too remember Children's Hour with Uncle Mac and though I recall some of the serials being exciting and food for the imagination, I can't bring the details to mind now. Other records broadcast at the time were by Spike Jones and his City Slickers (I have a good collection of these on CD now); and who remembers Eamon Andrews and 'The Shifting, Whispering Sands'; 'Life Gets T
  10. If this has already appeared somewhere in the annals, I apologise, but I've been trying to remember play rhymes we used as kids, such as those to choose who was 'It'. The only one I can bring to mind is, 'One potato, two potato, three potato, four. Five potato six potato, seven potatoe more. (I think) I get lost after that and can't remember any others. Girls used to have loads of them while bouncing a ball against a wall. Anyone remember others?
  11. My apologies. Should be in Obituries.
  12. Another favourite passes away. R.I.P. Roger Lloyd Pack.
  13. 'Ere, #61, what's all this about aimless oldies??? I'll have you know I know exactly where I'm going and just because the years have------ ! Sorry! Forgot what I was going to say now.
  14. Wishing all the best to TGC along with everyone else, I would like to mention something which while not a vending machine, was found on most stations, if not all, years ago beside the Fry's Chocolate venders. This was the machine for stamping your name, or anything else, onto strips of aluminium, or tin, for the price of a penny. No doubt they can still be found in a museum somewhere and it was a simple bit of entertainment in it's way.
  15. The ex- politician Douglas Herd is to be risen to the nobility and given the Isle of Wight as his dukedom. He is to be known as Lord Herd of Cowes.
  16. Nottingham, coupled with nostalgia conveniently brings up 'Nottstalgia. If Newcastle were to do the same thing, we could end up with 'Newralgia'. Can anyone think of other interesting combinations?
  17. Where do you think they came from in the first place?
  18. If a bull swallowed a hand grenade, it would be abominable.
  19. I saw Joe Stalin in the first photo, or should that be another Forum?
  20. I saw a face top left, but after a new year celebration saw a troll face all down the little lady's right side!
  21. Yes you devils, but a quick change of underwear works wonders!
  22. Rubbish! Nothing there at all. I think--------AARRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  23. You need all the help you can get colly. My missus is watching 'Downturn Abbey', which is why I'm on the computer!
  24. On a lighter flying note, I remember flying in an Argosy (whistling tit) and being diverted to Istres, France, because of bad weather. A heavy night was spent in the town bars. Some may be aware that the lavatory in this aircraft is beneath the raised flight deck and the following morning we took off for Gibraltar, many suffering from the previous night's excesses. One lad stayed in the lavatory for quite a while. It's the only time I've flown in an aircraft where the pilot threatened to carry out an emergency landing if the lad didn't finish what he was doing and get out! Happy days!
  25. In the Malta incident, there were two Crew Chiefs on board, one under training. I had worked with the other shortly before I left Malta.