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Everything posted by EileenH

  1. I was just listening to local radio about the Cycling Race that`s coming through Derbyshire. The lady presenter said something like, 'Don`t miss this as it goes past, girls. There`ll be Mark Cavendish in tight Lycra.' Hmmm - - -.
  2. So does, "Dunno, the label`s dropped off." - although that usually annoys rather than baffles them.
  3. #32 Oh - - - thanks Michael. I can certainly picture that little character! Probably seen him and his like around. Are chavs a modern phenomenon then?
  4. Sorry to be dim (default position). I can visualise the examples in the above, but - - what`s a 'chav' then? I suspect that some of my grandchildren can be described thus. Is it dress? education? social class? (surely not). I ask because a pair of my grandchildren were heard to use the term to describe others of the family. Is it me? Is it genetic?
  5. Hello Trismegisgus, Nottstalgia is like going home on yer laptop. Welcome.
  6. I got a slap from me Dad for saying 'Blimey'. He said it meant the oath, 'God blind me.' Oh - who knew?
  7. 1) People who leave a tissue in their pocket or up their sleeve that disintegrates into little white bits all over the washing. (Might be me!) 2) OH saying, 'Why don`t you check all the pockets before the wash?
  8. When we were first married my OH told me that his ex was terrified of spiders. I assumed a faint sneer and murmured, 'What a wimp.' Then I`ve had to grit my teeth and pretend not to mind them for the next 30 years!
  9. I`ve done several Futurelearn courses and found the content very sound. There are often more in-depth downloads to access if you want to commit a bit further and the student interaction is often useful - although it can be overwhelming due to the large numbers participating. Worth a try - it`s free!
  10. Put the wood in the `ole. - for Shut the door.
  11. At our house it was always 'I`ll go to the top of our stairs.'
  12. Thank you, Engineer. Some wonderful photographs new and old.
  13. They can 'home school' here as well. Apparently in law you have to 'educate' your child - not necessarily in a school. I`ve met several families who`ve done this, at least for a time.
  14. I remember reading somewhere about a British unit deployed in the East during WW2. The officer replied to an American enquiry as to their situation by saying something like, 'Getting a bit sticky here, actually.' when they were under a severe attack and the Americans, thinking that the situation wasn`t too bad, delayed sending help.
  15. Oh - Sweet Rosie O`Grady was the film and the song was by the Mills Brothers and by the time I`d got back here I`d forgotten the title. Sad, eh?
  16. I was marking a piece of written work many years ago and when I remarked, "That`s not how you spell (that word)." The lad replied, "Well, that`s how I spell it." Oh - - - what a little individualist! (or something.)
  17. I lived on Hawthorn Street - which had a junction with Kings Meadow Road and I remember being scared of the tanks that would rumble down the road from 'the Gun Factory' as we called it. The road surface was deeply scarred from their tracks.
  18. Cliff, it's the little icon next to my name that says 'notifications' when you click it. I was logged in all right. In fact I just logged out and signed in again to be sure and it still says I don't have permission to view the topic. I'm not that bothered. I was just afraid that I'd broken some rule that I didn't know about. (I feel as though a prefect caught me using the wrong door by accident.)
  19. the notification place told me that another member had 'liked' a comment I'd made about his post but when I clicked on it to remind myself what it was I was told "you do not have permission to view this topic." Have I done something wrong?
  20. There you go then. Misremembering! Thanks lad.
  21. Blackbirds singing to each other of a spring evening. The rattle of soft summer rain on the tent roof (yes, seriously!) The crackle of a wood fire. The sound of surf on a beach.
  22. When I worked at Gedling School in the 70s - early eighties there was fierce rivalry with Frank Wheldon School. I remember one end of term the word went out, 'The Frankies are coming down.' but it rained so they didn`t. Phew! The battles usually seemed to run in the estate but they sometimes hung about on Wollaton Avenue at home time.
  23. Oh yes, the Bonington - went to see 'Rock around the Clock' there. Were the baths called the Bonington Baths or am I misremembering that?