Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. And pet food is an unusual subject when it comes to advertising, because the manufacturers can't address their advertising directly to the consumer, they have to speak to the consumer's owner, which is a bit convoluted and awkward.
  2. I can't bear the thought or sight or taste of milk on its own. I'm only happy with milk when it's hidden within something greater. It stems from the days of being force-fed milk at school. I hated having to drink one of those small bottles of milk with a straw; the taste, the smell and the sight of it were revolting back then, and still are today
  3. According to various sources, the statue was moved in 1953. There were bus/trolley stops near where the statue used to be (bottom of Market St), so I presume it could've been used as a reference point.
  4. Yes they are, but I sometimes wonder how many people - apart from me - read it and understand it.
  5. I knew of him when he was a member of Hawkwind in the 70s. I liked them in the early years but lost track of them in later times. I didn't know (or didn't remember I knew) that he was a Nottingham person.
  6. It's called shrinkflation and has received a lot of coverage here. Examples.......
  7. I remember those stamps in my days at Infants & Junior School. My parents gave 6d per week for a stamp, and by the end of the school year I had the massive sum of £1.
  8. I thought she was still officially known as Queen Consort - although I realise that extra word might not make a lot of difference. I'm not particularly interested in the Royals anyway, but at least like to know who I'm talking about
  9. I went past the Wilko at Clifton today; it's closed down. It also makes me feel old because when I was younger that building was a Co-Op, which I also remember.
  10. At least you know what those words mean, and you can use them in a sentence. The time to be worried is when you think you're reading a foreign language.
  11. Unfortunately denshaw and myself are only Moderators and don't have any powers with Admin topics. The only person who can do that is Mick2me, and he's not very often here. One way around the problem might be for Radfordee to create a new account; ie - go back and pretend she's never been here before. When doing that there are two things to remember: 1. Don't use the same email address as previously. 2. Don't use the same name (eg. use Radfordee2 or similar).
  12. The only other suggestion I can make is..... Click on the three black dots at top right. That should enable you to scroll down to an option called 'Desktop Site'....which might bring back the missing features.
  13. The thing you tap on is, effectively, a bookmark. Delete it from your homescreen. Then search for Nottstalgia as though you'd never been there before.
  14. If you are looking at another website (eg anything), how do you then change to looking at NS ? You'd either use a bookmark, or Search specifically for NS.
  15. What is it that you might be deleting and re-downloading ? Are you accessing NS from a bookmark ? Delete the bookmark, and then do a search for NS as though you'd never seen it before.
  16. There is actually a forum where people talk about roads.
  17. That, I think, is the answer. Everyone is waiting for someone else to start something. And if there aren't many people around anyway, nothing will get started. So far the Bots aren't (yet) capable of starting new threads
  18. The name Grundy Street didn't ring a bell, but in fact I knew it without realising it; just off Alfreton Road opposite the shops. And it's still there today.
  19. Kids from Berridge, with an explanation from Jill S.
  20. I've always thought it looked daft in its current location. It seems to have been dropped at random, by someone with their eyes closed.
  21. I think we've now established a new record for the smallest number of posts in a 24 hour period.
  22. Goose Fair is going to be a Drone-free zone.
  23. I thought that name rang a bell. The story featured on BBC News website.
  24. The advertising is starting to appear again for it this year. It officially runs from Friday September 29th until Sunday October 8th. 10 days. They might as well just leave it permanently on The Forest.
  25. @benjamin1945 Have you ever actually met Polly or seen her in real life ? Is she aware how much you worship her ?