Cliff Ton

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Everything posted by Cliff Ton

  1. When I was young we always had margarine as the normal everyday thing to spread on bread. Butter was very much something for special occasions and one-off events. My parents treated it as an expensive luxury (I don't know if it actually was) and not affordable for everyday use.
  2. Not heard of them before. I can't find if they were connected to the John Moores of Liverpool, football pools etc.
  3. Seeing the various lights in these posts reminded me of another old thread about paraffin parking lights which were used for on-street parking. My dad had one which had to be filled and put out every night.
  4. My first ever new (as opposed to second-hand) single came from Hindleys in 1967. The Turtles - She'd rather be with me. Cost 6/8d
  5. I can't guarantee it's good or interesting, but I recently came across this new website for local news. So far, I can't decide what I think of it.
  6. It's still here.
  7. I find it amazing that there are people who have sympathy for so-called travellers and their lifestyle. I don't see anything romantic or glamorous about driving over sports grounds, breaking down fences, and leaving piles of litter in their wake.
  8. The Grand National always caused problems at work. There's always someone who thought it would be a good idea to have a Grand National Sweepstake, and they'd go round all the offices trying to blackmail everyone into taking part. A surprisingly large number of people weren't interested (largely on moral grounds) and the sweep organiser could never understand why anyone wouldn't want to take part 'just for a bit of fun'.
  9. For the Rod Stewart followers, this has been on BBC but you may not have seen it.
  10. I've read a couple of books by David Kynaston, and it's slightly scary to realise that you can now read history books which cover the days when you were growing up.
  11. I remember Challand & Ross. They were on Canal Street towards the bottom end of Wilford Road, near what was the Canal Tavern.
  12. As far as I know Mary Quant had no direct connection with Nottingham, but she certainly influenced the way people of Nottingham looked and dressed. If it hadn't been for her, everyone in the 1960s would've been walking around dressed like their parents and grandparents.
  13. An interesting development at Sporting Director is now an ex-Director.
  14. I had a Firenza for a couple of years in the late 70s. Looked good, but had no performance or go. Got rid of it as soon as I could afford to.
  15. Currently 269. Half are Petalsearch, and the others an Applebot. Writing their names here will bring them back again.
  16. A blast from the past, digging up an old thread which was started by Ashley, who is sadly no longer with us. Whilst looking for something else, I've found the answer to his original question from 15 years ago. There was indeed a village in the location mentioned, named Holme Lane. It's marked on old maps, and some of the houses are still there. Proper old-school Nottstalgia stuff.
  17. Another.... the old car manufacturer Wolseley. Many people ignore the second L and say Wolsey - who was a side-kick of Henry VIII.
  18. One I've always been aware of is Anglia, usually in East or Ford. When I was young I remember other kids saying Angular, Angler, or other variations.
  19. Just been in Morrisons. Easter eggs are already half price or less, so now's the time to buy.
  20. What/where is the Park shown in the photo ? Your quote doesn't mention it, and the photo doesn't give any clues.
  21. A bit before the time of most people reading this, but it says Bestwood on the caption, so.......
  22. For some reason, I always seem to note and memorise car registrations of people I know or meet. I'm always surprised how easily I can think of someone and tell myself "they have a 55 Fiesta.....or she has a 62 Toyota".
  23. What is now Victoria Leisure Centre is part old building and part modern extension, but that's where the Wash House and Public Baths used to be.
  24. Maybe the previous post wasn't by MargieH......maybe someone used a Chatbot and said "Type me a reply in the style of MargieH". Maybe I didn't write this.
  25. The AI thing which I suspect Margie was referring to is called ChatGPT. You can look at it or play around with it.