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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. I feel I've been done over every month when my wage slip arrives, seriously though the many times I have been done is my own fault because like most men I failed to read the small print or the instructions Rog
  2. When I started at Fairham (Clifton) back in the mid 60's we were given a Gideon new testament and a small blue dictionary that we were suppose to keep in our inside pockets and during the first days there we had to write out a 7 day program of lessons that was to be kept in the outer breast pocket. just thought I would add my bit before the memory fails completely Rog Forgot to add, Mr Dobinson (English) abd Mr Burns (Maths) were very good teachers
  3. I have some post cards sent to my grandmother from my grandfather who was in the trenches of the great war, in one of them he writes saying "Thankyou for sending me the ham in the tin, I shared it with my friends as the canteen facilities are not very good here at the moment", brings a tear to my eyes when read that one, they are not worth as much as you think Mick, just a few pounds each but these are priceless to me. by the way when he did return home after the war the place wasn't "A place fit for heroes" no jobs and little to eat and he threw his medals down Wilford grove and never spoke o
  4. Would that club be called Blotts or was it called that in the past? Rog
  5. I now live in Lincolnshire, eldest daughter lives in Leicestershire, eldest son lives near Boston Lincs Rog
  6. Will swap copies when we've finished reading them
  7. Not finished it yet but it contains some interesting thoughts and idea's, my mates got volume 1 and I've ended up with volume 2 Rog
  8. Well done Trevor, nice sentiments in the last post by the way Rog
  9. I'd ban motor vehicles and just let cyclists on the roads Rog
  10. City of Lincoln in her present guise, "Thumper" another 617 sqdn Lanc Rog
  11. 665 Farnborough road Clifton, doing school homework on the sofa Rog
  12. Rob I believe 301 sqdn flew out of Swinderby airfield or they were part of the HCU from Swinderby, only a couple of miles from home, at the moment it is in the process of starting up as a sand and gravel quarry site, I should be able to get some pics of the remaining runways as I have the keys to the site Rog
  13. Arrestor wires were installed on a lot of airfields to prevent overshoot, the ones at Woodhall would have prevented the aircraft overshooting into the bomb dump from one direction and a country lane and farm from the other, one lady I spoke to last week lived in a house to one side of the runway at RAF Woodhall and she remembers looking out of the bedroom window one morning with her brother and about 10 feet away was the front gunners turret of a Lancaster, as she said another few feet and the house would have been demolished, soon after that incident they moved to another property elswhere,
  14. This is a picture of the quadrant, if you look closely or you can enlarge it you will be able to see the different aircraft types printed on it Rog
  15. Picture of airfield arrestor gear, this is similar to the wire arrestors that used to be on aircraft carriers, there is still three more sets on the old airfield, we donated one set to Thorpe camp Tattershall village a few years back and they have renovated it,well worth a look' I have another photo of interest of the gear or only part of it, the part where the different aircraft types are wrote on a quadrant, the levers were set to the designated aircraft and the tensions were set from that if you understand me, I will post that pic next Rog
  16. Glad you liked the post Bilbraborn, I have attached the photo I took of the medal and photo as mentioned in the last post Rog
  17. I have attached this picture of City of Lincoln in another guise that being Mickey the Moocher another 617 sqn aircraft, the reason for this post apart from more nose art is last Friday myself and a manager from the Lincs wildlife trust were interviewed by the BBC radio 4 crew, this is to do with the trust wanting to buy the remains of the quarry site that has just been worked out and we have moved to a new site over the road, some of the original 1943 runways are still intact and the trust want to preserve these as part of their nature reserve/aviation heritage, now back to Mickey the Moocher
  18. TGC, "no man is at all hours wise" Rog
  19. I'm still in me shorts and T shirt, not wore trousers since beginning of July Rog
  20. I remember paying 3d (three old pence) to watch the conquest of Everest at school (Highbank junior) early 60's possibly 62/63 Rog
  21. Didn't matter what the weather was I was usually greeted with a clout in the earhole or a smack on the legs with a garden cane for something I had either done or something she thought I had done, glad when I left home although still suffered some psychological abuse, not a very good childhood Rog
  22. Bollocks, It's Christmas, always has been always will Rog Merry Christmas to you all
  23. AfferGorritt, the archis on site sift through everything, the soils are then stored in soil bunds around the site, the overburden is then scraped over using an excavator, if anything shows, the machine is moved away and the archis move in with their little trowels and brushes, no stone unturned to coin a phrase, Archis are a very expensive and if they find anything as well as charging the earth (literally ) they can stop the job putting us all at risk of losing our jobs or being put on short time, but planning regulations say we must have them before we start a new site or new phase of workin