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Everything posted by plantfit

  1. Hi Carni, could it have been Peel street? I know a lot of people of my age were born there Rog
  2. I'll drink to that Compo Rog
  3. New 617 Squadron memorial at Woodhall Spa unveiled this week Rog
  4. Nice pics as usual Ian, I have some pics of the new 617 squadron memorial at Woodhall Spa I will post when I get home, I was at Derwent water dam back in 1988 I think it was for the 45th anniversary, got some pics of the remaining air crew and the Lanc going through the twin towers I'll see if I can scan them, I also have the official program of events from the day when the memorial stone was unveiled in the left tower and a copy of the Sheffield Star that was published on the day, I am fortunate enough to work on the site of the old RAF Woodhall where the 617 (Dam Busters) spent the rest of t
  5. Out here in loony Lincolnshire they say "It's a bit black over gradads tate's" though what gradads doing with his "tate's" out is beyond me Rog
  6. Good on yer Carni, can't beat a steady bike ride, and i agree you do get closer to nature and see some wonderful sights Rog
  7. Barnze, did you get anywhere with finding somewhere to shoot? you would be most welcome to come to the Lincs hft club near Waddington, Wednesday evening 6-9 £4.00 and Sunday lunchtime 12-6 £5.00,including 3 target cards, target range from 10mtr to 50mtr and the hft course with various knock down targets at various distances, very friendly group of people too Rog
  8. www, not that far from you, there is some contact numbers on there and they will be more than happy to help you, let me know how you go on Rog
  9. Check out the websites for ferret clubs in your area, it might be an idea to ask a ferret keeper if you can have the material they clean from the ferret cages to put down at the back of your shed, that will have the scent of the ferrets on and might do the trick, won't cost owt and the toilet cleanings from the ferret cage won't harm any other animals but might detere the rats Rog
  10. Can you buy some steel traps? they look like the "little nipper" mouse traps but obviously bigger, you must secure them to the ground though because if you catch one in the trap and it's not a clean kill it could run off with it still attached to it's neck or whatever, have also heard they don't like to walk over broken glass so maybe worth trying that, smash a few bottles and put it in their run so long as nobody can get to it and cut themselves, try the anti freeze and sugar trick but make sure the cats can't get to drink it, if you are really desperate I have some poison corn and poison blo
  11. Might cost money to get the rat man out so worth checking how much before you book him,stop feeding the birds in the garden as that is a food supply for the rats,if there is any room under the shed for them to get under they will, if the cats can't get under there but there is a hole big enough for the rats you could put some motor vehicle anti freeze with sugar mixed in it in a pot and place it in there, as soon as the rats drink it .....instant death, try not to put poison down in case the cats get some plus if the rats do die of poisoning owls and other raptors could eat the dead rats and s
  12. They're all in the next field feeding on the new wheat shoots coming through, only got the .22 now, suppose I could hold the barrel and use it as a club though Rog
  13. Robinswood road Aspley, I think they moved there in the early eighties, I was a governor there in 89-93 Rog
  14. Steamboat Willie, (predecessor to Mickey Mouse) Rog
  15. If it's brown it's done if it's black it's boggered Rog
  16. You think thats a coincidence, the very same thing happened in Edinburgh at Christmas when I was there, same colour scooters as well, perhaps you would be better off with a Lambo. what is it with the Italians and ice cream and scooters? Rog
  17. If anyone interested, 70th anniversary of the Dams raid May 16-17, new memorial being unveiled in Woodhall Spa on one of those dates (not sure yet) it's in the same memorial garden as the original Dam memorial, sneaked a look the other day as it's all covered and surrounded by tin sheeting, Black gloss granite or marble with red lightening flashes on the sides, looks to be pyramid shaped, going to make out I'm nipping to the shops from work on the date, park in Budgeons car park across the road and hopefully get some pics Rog
  18. Thought I would bump this thread, spotted yesterday at an ice cream stall in a shopping complex, sorry about the quality took the pic on my phone Rog
  19. Same applies to Jay birds what Poohbear was saying about the "corvid" family, the Jay is a member of the crow family and as such has similar feeding habits, they will hunt out birds nests and raid them for the young just like crows, magpies etc The dawn chorus you hear babs is probably a mix of Blackbird, song thrush and Robin, if you check out the RSPB website there is an option on there you can click on to hear the birds you want, just click on the birds picture or name and you get to hear their song, well worth checking out Rog
  20. It's transmitted via a flea which bores it's way through the ear to the brain and thats where the damage starts, terrible way to die, very inhumane Rog
  21. Mixy is a terrible disease where the rabbits die a slow and painful death, it starts off by affecting their ability to see, their eyes swell to a large size, they just grub about trying to find food which they can't see so they end up just hopping around in circles until caught by the old fox or other predators, if not caught that way they end up with grossly swollen heads and die of starvation, by the way mixy does'nt affect the quality of the meat so they can be eaten although I have never tried that Rog
  22. Correct Ian, in the UK they are classed as rodent,pest,vermin, and can be legally shot,gassed,trapped and ferreted for providing you have the land owners permission Rog
  23. When I've been out bird watching I have seen squirrels follow birds down the hedgerows to their nests and eat all the chicks or eggs, yes they are lovely little cuddly furry little creatures, not actually eaten one though Ian but was told by one of the locals out here they taste a bit like poodle but a bit stronger Rog
  24. Tree rats carry the same diseases as brown rats, they are classed as vermin and as such can be shot legally, better than them eating poison and left to die a slow death for the owls and other raptors to pick up and eat for them to suffer the same fate Rog