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Everything posted by Commo

  1. Tomlinson,hope you get hooked by Shardlake and read the whole series, I find them a great read. They are not only good storylines and good writing, they also show the aspects of daily life in Tudor Times.
  2. Welcome to the Forum Fredjee, there are some pretty knowledgeable railway buffs on this site, do have a good delve around and you'll find plenty of stuff to interest you.
  3. Re #29, I love The Strange Word of Gurney Slade and in the true spirit of nostalgia I was delighted when Santa brought me the DVD of the series a couple of years back.
  4. Tim Vine got rid of his vacuum cleaner, it was just gathering dust!
  5. He used to drink in The Napier on Union Rd and as kids we knew that there was "something very different" about him just by his appearance and demeanour,but at that age in those days had no idea about his proclivities, only that the grown ups used to smile between themselves and pass knowing winks when he was mentioned in our hearing.
  6. Welcome to the Forum Julie, hope that you find it as interesting and addictive as most of us on here. I believe that there was a Carlton Terrace off Ashling St, which was just off Meadow Lane, but wait on for Cliff Ton to come on line and you should get a definite answer.
  7. Robbie, re #85, there was a thread dedicated to the murder on the Forum some time back, and hopefully someone more adept than I at navigating the site will point you in the right direction.
  8. We only use the landline which doesn't have a display, but signed up for the preference call system years ago and never get any nuisance calls, although I hope by telling this I don't bring up the commentators curse!
  9. Not sure MB,but I have to own up to having heard someone repeating my story some years back!!
  10. Went to Shelton st school with my iron hoop (what a racket!) but some bu99er nicked it so I couldn't get home !!
  11. I'm with your sister Banjo, I would never undertake banking transactions anywhere other than in the bank. There was a time when the tellers were trying to persuade clients to adopt telephone or online banking and I always told them that as long as dinosaurs like me kept going into the branch, the longer they would have a job!
  12. Nice little tale Col, sad thing is in today's society he would probably have been reported by some passer by and arrested.
  13. In them good old days, cheques were not automatically crossed "A/c Payee" and you could sign your name on the back which gave the ability for anyone to whom the cheque was then given could present this at their own bank for encashment.
  14. Good post Trevor, like most of us on here I assume, I am SOOO angry that we are now being classed as the evil ones who have stolen the life from everyone under 30. When we were in our teens we were being blamed for all that was wrong in society, and now in my dotage I am still reviled, just take the recent rantings of the Taxpayers Alliance as an example.
  15. Welcome to the Forum Oztalgian, I like the nom de plume chosen specifically for this great site and look forward to hearing from you with your memories.
  16. Some Brill puns here folk, but we seem to have Skate`d over the original question.
  17. Re #169 Col, Lewis and Grundy were on Victoria St on the left hand side going up hill towards Goose Gate. I believe that they were ironmongers and engineers but stand to be corrected. I remember being fascinated as a child watching the hammers striking on the hour.
  18. Me neither Tomlinson, nor anyone I know. Where do the pollsters go for their informed response, anyone know the answer?
  19. Welcome to the Forum Trismegistus, you'll find lots of good stuff on here for you to browse and get involved. Written any more books recently? !!
  20. The Old Dutch was, not surprisingly, run by a Dutchman, whose name I forget, Mr Van something or other. He opened on Thurland St after his original café had to close following re-development of the area. This café was The Flying Dutchman and was on the corner of Bridlesmith Gate and Pepper Street and my Gran worked in the kitchen there during the late 50's and early 60's. I recall going into The Od Dutch one lunchtime with Mrs Commo for a burger and she unfortunately mistook the sugar sifter for a salt pot and refused to eat her burger as a consequence!
  21. We'll have to give it a visit, especially as we can get in for half price as English Heritage members (owt fer a bargain) then perhaps over to The Saracens Head in Southwell for a bite of summat!!
  22. Moody Blues still touring and despite their "maturity" still sound good. I saw them last in 2008 in Bradford and thought that would have been their last tour. When did you last see them Mr Booth?
  23. Possessed with Joan Crawford and Van Heflin, but I was too young to go and see it! If you've never seen The Third Man, make sure that you do; it's a great film and that zither is fantastic for setting the atmosphere of the film.
  24. Hi parmitage, welcome to the Forum, glad you've found us and come aboard. When we're you at Viyella?