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Everything posted by Commo

  1. Whatever it was seemed to have happened in 1985! Did it go out with a bang or just a whimper?
  2. I am pretty sure that it was Hobart's who had premises with large plate glass display windows on Arkwright Street, on a corner which could have been Summers Street. I recall them displaying food processing and industrial weighing machinery. In the late 60's I had to measure the glass windows for the purpose of insuring them against breakage.
  3. Duane Eddy is still touring; he was even in Holmfirth last May!
  4. RIP Richard Griffiths. A wonderful charcter actor whose talent was certainly not pie in the sky!
  5. Can anyone confirm that Skinner and Rook had a bottling plant at the top of Great Freeman St, junction with Huntingdon St? I remember Skinner and Rook being shown as "Bottlers" on the label of a Guiness bottle. Were these one and the same?
  6. As a total wander from the subject, I went to Shelton Street school with John Peck,s daughter, Jenny. John Peck had a second hand bookshop on Alfred St Central. OK- somebody get this back to the Topic!!
  7. Morning Compo, that's a coincidence! However, we left Comyn St in 1954/5 and although I visited regularly to see relations, didn't get to know anyone then who were younger. I assume that despite your disappointment of being stood up it was not you who indulged in the molestation!
  8. Hi Compo, unfortunately the name rings no bells, and there was no Family of that name on Comyn street when we were there. PS: Your garden is almost as good as mine, at least whilst it's under 2 feet of snow! You have done an amazing job, and I regret I have to say that I am guilty of the sin of coveting your garden!
  9. An absolutely fantastic read, as said on another thread somewhere. Makes you realise just how much you could relate to the players at that time unlike the overpaid millionairres that are now the order of the day. I had not realised how hard done to those heroes of ours were at the time, there was no celebrity "status" with all the attendant publicity that is the norm today, then they were celebrities on the back page of the Post, (or the front page if it was The Pink 'Un) or on the pitch every Saturday
  10. Compo, at least you had a "porpoise" for your vist! (Gerrit?)
  11. Paulus, wasn't that on the Rec which was next to Fiveways? I never went on it but remember the track along the back of it.
  12. Hi Wheels, welcome to The Forum, it's good to hear from another antipodean! Mrs Commo trvelled on the Trent 84 from Sutton every day and sagely nodded her head confirming your memory of the skpping conductors. Keep your memories coming in, there's plenty on here to remind you.
  13. The QV statue was removed to The Embankment in 1953 and I do remember it in The square, though the Pot Market was a good 20 years before my time! I can JUST also remember the Walter Fountain before it was taken down in 1950, but of course this was kept alive in memory for uears as a 'bus stop destination.
  14. I wonder how the pyclets and oatcakes escaped the hi-jacking of the double entendre unlike the other two bakery products mentione by P/B in #62?
  15. Hi Bell, welcome to the Forum, there are one or two of us St Anns alumni on here, it's nice to have another one Which part of the area were you from?
  16. I've always wanted to compliment P/Bear on his wonderfully funny "productions" but never knew where to post it, so I am glad to be able to take this opportunity. Thanks P/B and thanks Jackson for the excuse. Meant to ask you P/B where you found the clip of the duck biting Ed millibands nose?
  17. Unfortunately Horspools disappeared about 15 - 20 years ago. The original family who worked almost round the clock retired and passed away, and the new generation allegedly just let the business flounder and wwind up. The shop in the village was taken over by "outsiders" and the cafe and tea rooms also taken over. The cafe became an Italian restaurant which has been ongoing for many years, and the tea rooms has changed hands a couple of times. The original bakery and shop were so well regarded and the bread and cakes were wonderful! Ah well, the inexorable march of progress!?
  18. By 'ell Mick! Knowing my attitude towards technology that frightens me to death!
  19. It's not stopped snowing since Thursday night up here in Holmfirth, and is now at least 12" deep, and up to 3 foot in the drifting. I HATE the bleddy stuff!!
  20. About 3inches deep and still falling heavily in Holmfirth.
  21. Welcome George, glad yer've got yersen aboard. There's a lot of stuff here to get stuck into and most rewarding to swap your memories and knowledge with eveyone on here.
  22. I've always got a novel on the go, but at the same time perhaps getting on for a half dozen non-fiction which is probably why they last for so long! Some things like P G Wodehouse and Jennings are always in and out of the bookshelves, and especially in view of the weather over the last 12 months I find lots of excuses for not getting out in the garden, but at least I do feel guilty when I open up the pages! The Forum has cut into my reading time quite a bit over the last few months!! "My Old Man" by John Major - A history of the Music Hall, and not what some may think! "The Breaks are Off"
  23. Home and Colonial, Marsdens, Liptons were all distributed fairly generally in the Nottingham area up until the late 50's or so. All were general grocery stores with long counters staffed by aproned assistants. No doubt that these type of personal service shops were ousted by the rise of self sevice supermarkets.
  24. Very similar aroma between them both?