Jill Sparrow

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Everything posted by Jill Sparrow

  1. #4 I hope you had a more enjoyable time than I did, Melissa!
  2. #277 Sorry to hear that, Loppy. Why does it make you feel sad? I have scanned my old family photos and enjoy looking at them. As nonna said earlier, it beggars belief that so much time has passed. I must be getting old and motheaten because the past now seems more alive and vital to me than the present!
  3. #1 As a member of the Junior Red Cross, Manning School detachment, I remember being on duty in the lost children tent on the Friday of Goose Fair. This was possible as Manning girls were given the Friday off due to the noise of the fair...which was negligible but we weren't arguing! Some children had identification pinned on their clothing, just as you did!
  4. Welcome to Nottstalgia, FenwayRich. Look forward to reading your posts.
  5. #164 I think attending grammar school made certain of us determined to do things our own way in our own time. Probably a personality thing. I'm still the same. Not a team player and will not swim with the stream. People like that weren't appreciated in the grammar school system. Tough, ain't it?
  6. Welcome Stan the Jockey! Hope you'll enjoy Nottstalgia. Your school days sound very akin to mine!
  7. #275 Me too, Loppy! Slides and projector in the cupboard!
  8. Nonna, what breed of dog is she? Those ears look very distinctive. I've a friend with a dog named Chloe who is an Egyptian something or other. Looks just like those canine statues the ancient Egyptians put into the tombs.
  9. #271 You had a narrow escape there, nonna! I love looking at old photographs. The problem is, it makes you realise how many years have passed since they were takenl
  10. #268 Wrates are still in business and turned up on a number of occasions when I was teaching to take school photos!
  11. #110 That's it, CT. The photo appears in a book I have on D H Lawrence. Beautiful building. Such a shame it was destroyed.
  12. #266 Yes indeed, letsavagoo! I still have a fair number of those paper packets which contained the photos. Some have drawings of Nottingham landmarks on the front, e.g. the castle. Got some from the 70s somewhere, containing photos of a Spitfire in the market square, taken by my father! Dad was a keen photographer and I remember the old box brownie from my childhood! Times change, eh?
  13. My best friend from school had her wedding reception at Turner's Banqueting Suite in May 1979 after the service at St Jude's. I was chief bridesmaid!
  14. #264 Remember it well. There's a photo of me with a tiny little monkey in my arms taken at Morecambe when I was a child. A lot of these photographers carried animals around with them for that purpose. A practice I would heartily disapprove of now! I have many "walking photographs" of my grandparents taken in the 30s and 40s from their holidays, often on the pier. Youngsters today don't always realise that photography and cameras were an expensive hobby in those days and seaside photographs offered an opportunity to record an occasion for a reasonable sum. We didn't alwa
  15. ir50suew welcome to Nottstalgia. Hope you will enjoy this site as much as the rest of us. Its amazing who gets mentioned on here and the combined knowledge of Nottstalgians never ceases to surprise me!
  16. I'd vote for Humphrey, the Downing Street cat but he's got more sense than to covet the job in the first place!
  17. #642 Too right FLY and an absolute nightmare trying to keep your seams straight!. Spent all my time looking over my shoulder! I hope somebody's taking a defibrillator to the gathering tonight in case it all proves a bit too much for Chulla!
  18. #107 Well done, Pianoman. Yes, I think we've nailed it. Been bugging me for years those two photos. Smashing place, wasn't it? Such a pity its gone.
  19. Welcome to Nottstalgia, Oldie. Hope you will derive great enjoyment from this site.
  20. #49 The outcome probably will be "fixed" ....or am I being cynical here?
  21. #47 Son of Nottingham, you'll be welcomed back with open arms...just make sure you bring those two beautiful hounds with you!