The Pianoman

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Everything posted by The Pianoman

  1. What I see as missing is that there is no island of any nature at Cinderhill bottom of Bells Lane, nor is there that short steep hill that used to exist at the bottom of Bells Lane. It was planed out somewhat when the current traffic island was built. I well remember 6 wheeled trolley buses having to screw themselves round the original tiny roundabout. The picture must be post 1930, so when did the first island appear?
  2. Thatsworrased! Embassy was nearer Bells Lane.
  3. No it isn't. The tyre place was nearer to Bells Lane. Bells Lane is the crossroads near the top of the picture. Access to Embassy Tyres was via a lane off Bells Lane running along the railway line visible running parallel to Nuthall Road. You can see said lane along side the railway line.
  4. There was a Ryland Crescent dahnt Medders. My Grandmother lived there in 1919.
  5. The area just inside the Canning Circus entrance was unbelievable last time I went in.
  6. Probably due to typical laid back attitude of bus driver. When I originally went out on assessment for my PSV the instructor said 'to make a good bus driver you should adopt a laid back attitude'. I thought about it after and ended up applying it to everything. Works for me. Clean licence for 44 years. I have had one or two close calls with speed trap vans though!
  7. Glad you cleared that up. I was wondering why Duke Street was being referred to as Radford. The Duke Street I know is at Basford, easily accessed from Sherwood Rise
  8. What is the cost of generating electricity? And what about the pollution created from the process of generating electricity that the politicians and green freaks conveniently forget about?
  9. Well there you go. Last time I had a play around with it while I was at home it wouldn't even let me in.
  10. It doesn't work if you are not actually in Wetherspoons
  11. My maternal Grandmother was born on Belton Street. It was always referred to as Hyson Green
  12. Class 1 was the same thing. as a matter of interest I was one of the last people in the country to do my PSV in a bus of that type to achieve a class 1 licence. In the April of 1991, (mine test was March) the law changed so that the requirement was that the bus should have to be capable of maintaining 50 MPH. Pushing it a bit with a PD2! Class 1 could then be achieved, and still is, with a single decker and automatic transmission.
  13. Here it is: reg no. JRJ 268E . Now preserved in its original Salford City Transport colours and living in Belgium I believe.
  14. I passed my test on one of those belonging to Trent Transport training at Giltbrook. The bus was ex. Salford City Transport. (PD.2)
  15. General Cemetery is a home for druggies too. Take a walk round the top end near canning Circus and see hypos lying around everywhere.
  16. I might pay a visit. Doing 6-9 at Wilko Giltbrook.
  17. Eastwood Hall is now Hayley Conference Centre. Probably stick with Sun Inn for digs. can't think of anywhere else at the mo'. Let me know when you are here and we might have a pint, I live just opposite Hayley Conference Centre.
  18. Can somebody please tell me who Jerry Lewis is? This is the first I have heard of him!
  19. Its coming back slowly. My reasons for visiting the place were pretty pointless. Surely only motor buses would have gone up St Andrews Road? I would usually have been on a trolley. In fact the no. 41 from Cinder Hill is the only trolley bus I have knowingly ridden on.
  20. Its the building below Jamia Al Hudaa. - hmm. or it IS Jamia Al Hudaa! I recognise the entrance on the left hand one of the larger buildings even from above and I think TBI is correct, I would have got into it from the twitchell off St. Andrews Road
  21. That makes sense. Is there anything left of the hospital?
  22. I can remember the Childrens Hospital very well too. (Mainly a certain hospitally smell in there that I have never smelt in any other hospital). Can't for the life of me remember how we used to get into it. Was there another entrance off Mansfield Road, say opposite the end of Gregory Boulevard? Would have got on No 41, (mostly a trolley bus) at Cinder Hill and popped out the bottom of Sherwood Rise and got off somewhere on Mansfield Road. I don't remember walking as far up as Forest Road/Mapperley Road.