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Everything posted by benjamin1945

  1. LOL.........Just noticed it tells you Long Eaton.........its me age...........sorry.............
  2. Anyone know where this is ? Just a guess from me..........Long Eaton ?
  3. Must mention Walsall police station...... I caught a bloke nick a 'Jumper'' at Debenhams way back in about 94.........the Police took him away and i had to attend their Station to do a statement...... I inadvertently left the 'jumper' in the Police reception whilst i went to another room to write my statement..........on return ''IT HAD GONE'' apparently another Shoplifter had been in to be interviewed and on leaving took a fancy to the jumper,,,,,,,,,,the Officer on reception saw him leave with it under his arm but didnt realise it wasnt his........i was asked if i wanted him visi
  4. Missed you Mary...........hope you soon better.....
  5. The beautiful Whitney...loved her in the 80s.....had a few years as a single parent back in Nottingham with 3 boys hard but good lads still talk about them days with fondness.......i even hit the Palais again some crazy times.....all ended in the mid 80s when i wed the lady of my life......and introduced her to our fair City.....she even says '''Ey up Duck''' now............
  6. Dancing in the 60s was great but in the 70s it got even better....... Flared trousers...big collars...Wide Ties...Cuban heels.......loved a good ''Strutt''.......
  7. Terrific Dancer Mr Walken........... Loved to have done this... Down the Bodega back in 63 Full screen a must...
  8. We did a bit of ''Shakespeare at school and ive no strong feelings about his work either way..........However whenever the subject comes up i always think about our drama teacher Mr Price......he was a fanatic on him...and used to love standing and reading it to us.......and one day in the school Hall he was reading it from the stage with all the actions.......well he lost his footing on the edge of the stage...fell onto the school 'Piano'' broke wind and rolled off onto the floor'''''''''''' so so funny...........
  9. Even the lifters were memorable......some nasty...but most quite funny....if you treated them with a bit of humour first......could write a book on the funny ones....especially the 'Pensioners''.....
  10. BK got me waxing lyrical this morning on another thread....when he mentioned his best working years.......all my working life i was involved with retail and like'' occupations........can honestly say i enjoyed all my 58 years of work....and it was due to people like the one's above...absolute brilliant characters....who i will never forget.......
  11. Agree Kev..........what a stupid game.....who thought of having something called a Ball shaped like that.......
  12. Watched it Ian.............and yes had similar ones........
  13. My Days.... Piece of Kit.... You know what? followed by blank stare.... Indeed... Wow....
  14. C'mon know you wanna dance....
  15. Tuesday night Locarno...1961.....just paid me 1/6.... And here they are all waiting......left to right... Brenda...Doreen....Maureen...Margaret....Sandra.....Jackie...Christine.....Barbara....and Sue......... Calm down girls....who's first?....
  16. I love really shows what a bunch of ignorant ill mannered Police we have............
  17. Spot on Red..........i believe Possession'' has largely killed all the excitement in the modern game....short pass forward...short square pass...then a short back pass...then start can this compare ...with a long Pass down either wing then a mad chase....being won by the attacker.....who high crosses into the opponents penalty area where the 'Keeper'' leaps and catches it while being shoulder charged by the centre forward....then a defender ''Chins'' an attacker (does'nt slap him with his make up bag)..attacker stays on his feet (don't lay down writhing holding his face)......Ref
  18. Pound of Lard.........Mrs Pettigrew? How about some Dripping fa his Snap? No Thanks Ben..just 20 woodbines please Duck. He's on a health trip........
  19. Loved me ''Wellies'' with my short trousers...being ''Posh'' off Old Bestwood was the height of fashion to turn the top 'three inches'' down......revealing a nice bright ''Grey'' colour....
  20. Roses Lime Jill......about 2/11 when Golden shred'' was only 2/-......back in the 60s.... Bet its over £2 today? Nice glass though...