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Everything posted by PeverilPeril

  1. Red oil lamps left around holes in the road as a warning.
  2. Yes, Ray Booty ('The Boot') was a good mate. Rode with him and his brother Gordon a fair bit. Also met up for ice skating and jazz clubbing back in the 50's/60's. As well as being the best all round cyclist he was a gentleman and a very interesting, intelligent person. Last met him about 15 years ago when I was riding the championship 100 on the Fosse. He was the first man to ride 100 miles in less than 4 hours and he was quite amused that I had waited until I was 62, 45 years later, before doing the same. lol RobL's dad Nick Loasby was the photographer of all things cycling and mus
  3. Thanks Mr & Mrs Catfan. Great pictures and made me even more sad that we had to miss it. Only back from France on Thur and got to go back again this week. I will be looking out for further steam punk events and hopefully get my machine ready for action.
  4. Thank you so much for producing that wonderful presentation. Really enjoyed it and brought back many memories. Owe you an Abbots and whatever Mrs Catfan likes. I have looked at parts of the towpath on street view several times. Under the bridge by the navigation Inn is where my mam took me fishing for the first time when I was 6 or 7 years old. Still looks the same 70 years later.
  5. #77... so that's where NCC cycle lane planners went for advice?
  6. I have been upgrading my rowing trike (see avatar) that is based on a Raleigh Stowaway along with bits from a modern BMX bike. The quality of the Raleigh is far superior. The shopping and town bikes available today are rubbish compared to a Raleigh built before 1980. I am looking for a Raleigh, Hercules or BSA 20 (all same) shopper bike to make a mk2 rowing trike, if anyone has one? The rougher the better because I only use the frame and some bits. It would be a shame to chop a good machine that has a place in history.
  7. Karlsruhe twinned with Nottingham! Visited there many times to see a good customer and never knew that. It always seemed to be raining there.
  8. Any railway fans out there got any Victorian footplate clothing - even a hat would be a start? The drive train on my machine is 'locomotive' in action so that will be my theme.
  9. We are planning to go this year Wondering if they would allow my pimped rowing trike there? Must look out for suitable attire.
  10. Margie - no, it does not give an answer. just saying that the problem has been around and a mountain of books written about robotic responsibility for decades. It is a catch 22 situation really. Can't see an answer, unless cars are completely segregated from other road users..
  11. Isaac Asimov pondered this problem about robotic responsibility some 60 years ago. He offered the 'three laws of robotics' in an attempt to protect mankind from accidents and from robots taking over. Not looked it up yet so hope my memory is right.
  12. #10 orphan annie - It was wrong for the Christening to be refused but I was grieved when the church and hall were demolished. Many happy memories from there and the Rev Cannon Leaper was a father figure to me when dad was at war. He was very kind and if he was the vicar at the time he would have been following instructions from the Church. Thank goodness that the 'Church' has changed.
  13. I went to St Michaels and All Angels and to Bentick Rd school and was a butchers boy but I never went in to the Alma. (made up for that since though) #10 The Rev Cannon Leaper was a very kind man. I often walked with him from the church to his manse opposite the Forest gates on Mt Hooton Rd. He gave me a cigarette card album that was his as a boy. I have given it to one of my grandsons. If Cannon leaper refused to christen you he was only following protocol as administered by the Church. He let us boys make little veg patches on the ground between the church and the hall. Please don't bla
  14. Thank you for posting this topic Freckles. It is the sort of thing that this forum is all about. I immediately thought of Mount Hooton Rd - wonder where that name came from?
  15. The Iceland supporters demonstrated who were the most committed as a Nation.
  16. i took it as a joke Margie - like I used to bury worms alive as a kid.
  17. We have the same problem Compo. Fortunately they leave most of the fruit trees alone. They are beautiful creatures to see and well worth the price of a bit of tree damage. btw I saw loads of dear when in Sutherland the other week. They seem to have got much tamer these days. Most of the damage here is by wild boar, badgers and moles. Given up with setting mole traps. didn't like seeing dead moles and for every one I trapped, two more arrived.
  18. My grandfather lived at 137 Beech Avenue C1910. Know nothing about him other than he was a baker. He died young and none of the family talked about him.
  19. Mine is 'The Wellyards' for obvious reasons.
  20. Being deaf I rely on lip reading. Impossible with some guys wearing dead rats under their noses and birds nests on their chin
  21. Just in time for the Summer Solstice
  22. The article is total drivel and I wonder why it was posted? I have lived in France almost half time for the past 12 years and worked in mainland Europe extensively. I can assure you that we are well respected, especially by the Germans. Football hooligans and tasteless holiday makers do not represent the true nature or stature of a Nation. Unlike Mick I am always proud to be British.
  23. Tim - thank you for this posting. One of the best for a while.
  24. We had four Houses at Berridge seniors in the 40's/50's. Cannot remember any of them. I do remember that the Houses were made up from all years and class grades. I do remember being peed off when the House Captainship was given to a low achiever. He even captained the House cricket team although he was not in the school team like me. Looking back on those experiences taught me things that were not on the curriculum. Anyway, I did win school colours which he did not. Black and Amber. Honoris Causa (sp?).