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Everything posted by philmayfield

  1. Ah yes. Harmonic motion. I remember being taught about this in physics. We were told that was the reason troops had to break step when they marched across a suspension bridge or it might start swaying. I’m most impressed that a bunch of lads could get the suspension bridge swinging. I must round up a bunch of oap’s!
  2. The problem is that a lot of the electronic clocks, on heating systems for example, are pre programmed for the time changes. There may be a fix for this on the more recent ones. I must read the manuals.
  3. I don't know why we have to put up with this twice yearly clock changing nonsense.
  4. I use a Honda quad bike round our mini estate. I can get it up to 30mph in the meadow and can do turns on two wheels and wheelies. Not really appropriate for someone of my age though!
  5. I still meet up on a Monday night with a couple of flying club friends I first knew in the 70's and I'm still in touch with three friends from Mellish but they're too far away to regularly visit - Ayrshire, the Wirral and Hampshire. I seem to be the only one who's remained in Notts. Sixty years in this village and I'm still not the oldest inhabitant!
  6. Sorry Jill, I meant to say ‘castigate’.
  7. Our nearest vaccination centres are at least 14 miles away. Nowhere in the Newark/Southwell area. Absolutely ridiculous.
  8. I used to love spreadsheets. I used the very first one, VisiCalc, on the original Apple Mac back in the early ‘80’s. It was brought to the factory for a demonstration by one of the directors of Parr Computer Services. They were doing our sales, purchases and wages on their mainframe with punched cards at the time. I was the company accountant then and it revolutionised my accounts preparation. I bought the computer and the software there and then. I wouldn’t let him take it back! I used spreadsheets over many years for multiple applications. It’s now been years since I’ve needed to knock out a
  9. Diana Lane I don’t remember. Sally Fremantle I do but it wasn’t her. She was a petite girl with short hair and wore glasses.
  10. Some are colourblind, some are tone deaf, some, like me, have no sense of rhythm. To be absolutely honest I just can't see the point of dancing.
  11. When I went to my one and only sixth form dancing class, Mellish v Brincliffe, I danced with a girl I last saw at Arno Vale Juniors. I can’t recall her name but Margie may remember her. She could always write very good, gripping stories and the teacher would ask her to read them out in class. She must have wondered why I didn’t turn up the following week but I had already decided that my dancing career was over.
  12. Something to do with living below sea level perhaps?
  13. I remember the weekly country dancing sessions at Arno Vale. Dances such as ‘Strip the Willow’ and ‘Circassian Circle’. Margie may recollect others.
  14. It's much more sensible to buy her useful, practical presents that endure rather than fripperies like flowers or chocolates that wither and die or just get eaten.
  15. We occasionally get Morris dancers in the village. Dancing on the road in front of the pub so you can’t drive down the lane. Bloody nuisances with their beards and silly outfits.
  16. Sorry, my spelling mistake. He’s too young to have done national service. Even I missed out.
  17. A cuddly Archbishop of Canterbury would make a good draft excluder.
  18. I don’t dance or smoke. Could manage a little drink though!
  19. We all have different musical tastes. Current popular music is rubbish to me but didn't our parents criticise our musical tastes back in the 50's/60's? I've heard of Ed Shearon and Adele but have never listened to their music.