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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. FLY, I loved Avatar - I liked the moral side of it
  2. Don't take too many Lemsips, FLY, it's not like sweeties!
  3. FLY, when I read on your post, Diana and Oh Carol I was transported back to some really special times in my teenage years - I loved those 2 records, and now I can't stop singing them in my head...
  4. Heartbreak Hotel - Elvis. I remember playing it over and over and over again till my parents said they were fed up with hearing it...
  5. Loved the story of Greyfriars Bobby - still got a VHS tape of the film (we still have a VHS player somewhere!).
  6. #14. Strangely, I can't remember where I was when J L was killed. I remember being vaguely shocked but not particularly upset about it. I liked George Harrison better (before he met the Marahishi - Yogi man) I remember walking into the Nurses' lounge and seeing the news about JFK on the TV. That really shocked me. We were on holiday at Chapel in a caravan with my husband, 2 little children and my Mum and Dad in July 1969 when it was the moon landing, which we listened to on a little radio. We went outside and looked up at the moon and my Dad said something like: "They're not really up
  7. But Ian, what about 'gone' and 'done'. They have an 'e' at the end as well, so it could be ' scon' or even 'scun'. Or what about the Stone of Scone? I was told it is pronounced 'scoon'. What a strange language we have! I think there are 7 ways to pronounce the letters 'ough' within a word.... enough (uff) through (oo) though (o) thought (or) bough (ow) trough (off) Peterborough (a, or similar depending where you live!) I say scone with a long 'o' same as you anyway! All this talking about them is making me hungry - must make some from the old Be-Ro recipe book with the pages that keep f
  8. My mum used to say the same thing when saying the time!
  9. For the last few years, I've wanted to go to Lapland for a couple of days to see Santa Claus, have an evening ride wrapped up in a snuggly red blanket on a sleigh with bells, pulled by reindeer, then spend a night in one of those posh ice hotels while I'm there. If we saved up we MIGHT be able to afford the two of us going, but I couldn't go without my kids and especially grandkids and the cost of that would be astronomical. I REALLY couldn't go without them - wouldn't enjoy it, because I'd be thinking all the time of how much they would love it.
  10. That was really funny OA...
  11. Ian, #10 Now those are seriously random thoughts! Nutmeg .....My mum always used to put grated nutmeg on top of home-made rice pudding - lovely. And why are 'Meg' 'Peg' and 'Peggy' abbreviated forms of Margaret? Compo, so do you see lots of people going past where you live, on their way to nowhere? And how do they know it's the right nowhere for them, there's a few 'edge of nowheres' here in the Fens
  12. So.........back to the title of this thread about things you don't see anymore. I have got an old photo of me aged about 6 wearing a KNITTED bathing costume and slip-on rubber shoes for paddling in the sea ( and that photo is definitely staying in the album - it's not finding its way on to here!).
  13. Is there a hidden language going on here, BW? Catfan, I presume you lifted the hot tub mechanically (don't know the name of the swivelling crane thingy on the back of a lorry) or did you just get angry, turn green and lift it yourself
  14. Wasn't there a Mel Gibson film called 'Forever Young' ? Or is my mind playing tricks...
  15. I agree with BW, that there are 'good' and 'bad' in all walks of life, but I'm not sure about making fun of anyone in real life. The stereotyped characters in various TV programmes are a different matter - some are funny and actually point out the absurdities of particular personalities and social situations, which is a positive thing. Catfan, I always offer delivery men Earl Grey tea and canapés............... and I've just told a porky pie!
  16. There are 3 kinds of snobs, actually (I think). As well as the two you thought about, Michael, there are those people who are rude about - or make fun of - people who are financially better off than they are, or more 'privileged' in some way, without knowing much about them. These kind of snobs seem to think that being less well off somehow makes them a better person than someone who has more money or a bigger house etc. What do the rest of you think?
  17. Compo, yes we've had snobs.... Still got mine from the mid 1950s but I'm not as good with them as I used to be
  18. Hello, Bobby2jags. Keep posting....
  19. Mum said someone could 'talk the hind legs off a donkey'
  20. Didn't watch Crackerjack very often..
  21. I always liked Tommy Steele's version of 'Singing the Blues' better than Guy Mitchell's.
  22. Lovely sunny day here till about 3pm when the temperature suddenly dropped. Was going to take kids to the park after school but decided against it
  23. I always thought he was a lot older than me. He must have been well in his thirties when he sang the witch doctor song