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Everything posted by MargieH

  1. BW, yes that's it. I'd forgotten what a stupid song it was, though! Is Don Lang dead now?
  2. Didn't Don Lang sing a song that started 'I told the witch doctor I was in love with you...' It had some gobbledegook words in it. Lovely word ...'gobbledegook'
  3. Now I KNOW I'm old .... None of you have mentioned that you watched 'Six Five Special'. I did!
  4. I've still got the red cover one. My daughter used it last Saturday to make some scones (but she substituted margarine for the lard!)
  5. So pleased for you both. You must feel relieved that there seems to be no sign of cancer anywhere. Best wishes - you'll sleep well tonight!
  6. I'm halfway through reading (on my iPad/Kindle) 'Bella Poldark' by Winston Graham. It's the twelfth and last book in the Poldark series and I've found them all riveting - will feel quite bereft when I've finished them all. The genre is hard to define as they aren't just historical romance novels - there's a good wedge of the political situation in this country at that time, and the wars involving Napoleon and Wellington..... Bit gory in parts but obviously a true reflection of how battles used to be fought before the advent of even basic motorised vehicles, let alone aircraft. There's also
  7. I do hope the scan results will be good. How lovely to have a holiday to look forward to...
  8. SPIKEISLAND, your post reminded me when I was 10 and went on the bus from Mapperley to town by myself for the first time. I was going to my Ballet lesson which was usually at a place down Exchange Walk, but occasionally somewhere on Glasshouse Street (no, not THAT place). Well, on this particular day, I was supposed to get off at the station, cross over the bridge and go to G Street, but I must have been daydreaming and missed the stop. When I got off the bus at the Market Square, I didn't dare walk back to the station in case I got lost, (remember, I was only ten and didn't know the city ve
  9. I must have been boring cos I never played truant - never crossed my mind. I liked school anyway and none of my friends ever spoke about playing truant, so I suppose that's why.
  10. It's good that your wife is sticking to the recommended foods and also doing the physio at home. I'm sure that will have a positive effect. Best wishes to you both ...
  11. When I was nursing at Harlow Wood Hospital, Tony Hately the Notts County footballer, was on the ward I was working on. I think he had a broken leg, but can't remember exactly. At Leicester Royal Infirmary, I was on nights in the ward that one of the Dallas Boys was on. Can't remember why he was in there...
  12. Welcome to the forum, David. Looking forward to reading more of your memories
  13. My mum used to say: "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride"
  14. Red sky in the morning.....shepherd's warning!
  15. On BBC, I love Strictly, Doctors, Eastenders, Holby City, Casualty and some Nature & Wildlife programmes I also like Dr Who ( although if this week's episode is a rubbish as last Saturday's, I may stop watching that) and certain documentaries
  16. I can't remember its being called the 11+ when I took it. I think it was referred to as the 'scholarship', at least that was how my Mum referred to it. I certainly didn't know the day it was to happen - maybe my parents did and had chosen not to tell me? I clearly remember walking up the Junior School drive and a friend of mine running up to tell me there were chairs and tables set out in the hall. I can remember that my older brother had been given the job by my parents to 'rehearse me' in how to do those particular intelligence tests where you have to choose the next pattern in a seque
  17. Oztalgian, I've just looked at my very old photo [1945] of me and my Dad at Mablethorpe or S o S and it wasn't a barbed wire barrier I remembered - it was scaffolding. I think I was told it was to prevent any enemy landings?
  18. We married in March 1966 at Mapperley Methodist. Flowers in church were daffodils from our garden, pussy willow from the brickyard and a few bought! Irises. Wedding dress was £16 and I borrowed the veil from a friend. Reception at the Grey Goose. Honeymoon was a week in a guest house in Skeggy It was a lovely wedding and we're still very happily married nearly 50 years later.
  19. I remember the John Masefield poem from my Junior school days at Arno Vale. The way you read it aloud was supposed to sound like a chugging motorboat, I think
  20. I wasn't really aware of the full story/stories. But my Dad told me the ghost of the horse and rider was sometimes still seen - that was what scared me!
  21. Merthyr, no I never saw the horseshoes. I don't think we ever saw any notices about mines in our picnic spot, either, but there were some mines washed up on the beach. I have got a photo of me aged about 2 or 3 and my Dad at S on S or Mablethorpe, and there was barbed wire high barriers behind us at the top of the steps leading up from the beach. On the sand dunes at Chapel there was an old concrete pill box which we used to play on - wonder if it's still there..... It was between Chapel Point and Chapel village, but nearer the village end. I'll try and post the photo when I find time, alt
  22. When I was little and with my family in the car, I used to be really scared of our going near Byard's Leap - especially when it was getting dark - in case we saw something. My Dad told me a bit about it and it made me feel scared. On our annual trip to Chapel-St -Leonard's we used to stop off for a picnic on the way in the same place every year - it was down a little lane which led into a wood. Stopping off on the way was a really important part of the holiday for me... We also had other landmarks like a donkey in a field just after Sleaford, which seemed to be there every year, and what w
  23. Compo, when I saw the pictures #1 of old bus tickets, they looked SO familiar, my heart 'lurched'. I obviously haven't seen any of them for several decades but they must have a permanent place in my brain!
  24. I believe there is a Haven Holiday Park at Mablethorpe - that may be the reason that the town looked deserted as people sometimes stay in the Park and use the amenities there. Can't think of an excuse for S on S though! I always felt that Mablethorpe was the poor relation of Skeggy anyway - maybe others may disagree?